Chapter 8:

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The next day Tyler pulls up at the gate to race wars, with some of the team behind her.
"How you doing, bro?" Tyler asks the guy as she and Mia pull up to the gate.
"Welcome to Race Wars" the guys tells the two girls before handing them both entry bracelets. "Thanks" Mia tells the guy, as Tyler pulls up to go in line to race, Mia gets out and wishes Tyler good luck even though she doesn't need it. Somebody writes 424 on her back mirror as she waits in line. She is the ext up to race, she makes sure everything is okay with her car.
"Baby. Hey baby" the guy that she is racing says. "You should watch from the side. I wouldn't want to get exhaust on that pretty face" the guy ays again pissing Tyler off. "Put your money where your mouth is" Tyler tells the guy. "I'll race you for that sweet lil ass" the guys says making Tyler smirk knowing damn well she wasn't gonna let him win. "You want ass, why don't you hit Hollywood Boulevard? You want an adrenaline rush, it'll be two large, right here, right now. What's it gonna be?" Tyler says showing the money. "You got it" the guy says grabbing his money and showing it to Tyler. "Another one bites the dust" Tyler says as she pulls up to the starting line. Tyler looks over to the guy and sees he's making kissy faces towards her. She ignores him and gets ready to go. They are now side by side ready to take off. They now take off the guy a tad bit infront of Tyler, and about half way through she hits her NOS, "see ya" Natalie says as she races off and crosses the finish line. Tyler pulls up with the guy following behind her, she gets out of her car and as she goes and collects her money she smirks at the guy who just frowns, she walks back over to the team. "There she is!" Dom says as he puts his arm around her, as she shows the money. "Good job" Mia says as she hugs Tyler. "Thanks girl" Tyler says back to Mia.
"Yo! Heads up, bro. We got problems" Leon says rushing over towards the team.
"What?" Dom asks him.
"Jesse" Leon says to him as he points to the Jetta.
"Where's Jesse going?" Dom asks as she still has his arm wrapped around Tyler's shoulder.
"He just raced Tran for slips" Leon aswers him.
"Oh, shit" Dom says, as Tran drives over to them.
"Where's he going?" Tran asks as he gets out of his car.
"He went to the car wash" Tyler lies.
"Whatever, go fetch my car" Tran says to Dom.
"Go fetch your car? We're not on your block anymore, you better watch who you talk to like that" Dom says to him before he heads back to where the rest of the team is.
"Toretto! SWAT came into my house disrespected my whole family, because somebody narked me out" Tran yells at him, his guys start to notice and they walk over. "And you know what? It was you!" Dom turns around and punches Tran in the face sending him to the ground, and then keeps punching him. Leon pushes some of Tran's guys out of the way. Tyler punches Lance in the face also sending him to the groud. Vince goes over to help the security guards get Dom off of Tran. "Get off of him, man. Dom, chill out man, come on!" Vince yells at Dom as he pulls him up off of Tran. "I never narked on nobody!" Dom yells to Tran as Vince pulls him away. Tyler, Letty and Leon follow the boys back to the trailer.

That night Letty, Leon, Vince, Dom and Tyler are about ready to leave to take a truck when Mia goes over to them and starts having an argument with Dom"
"I have respected you and I haven't said shit, now I am asking you not to go" Mia says to Dom.
"I'm doing this for both of us" Dom says to her.
"Don't give me that crap, you're doing this for you. Why are you insisting on doing this? Dom please, just don't" Mia says to him as he turns around and gets into his car and leaves with the rest of the team infront, but before she goes Tyler goes up to Mia and hugs her telling her "Everything is gonna be fine, i'll look out for him." "Thank you Ty, you're a great girl for him" Mia says to Tyler which makes her smile. Tyler gets into her car and heads of towards the others. As soon as she leaves Brian comes over.
"Mia, what's going on?" Brian asks her.
"What?" Mia asks him.
"You know what i'm talking about" Brian says to her.
"No I don't" Mia tells him with frustration in her voice.
"You always have tears in your eyes when Dom drives away?" Brisn asks her.
"What's the matter with you?" She asks him getting more annoyed by the minute.
"What's he racing off in the middle of the night for? You know about the trucks?" Brian asks her as starts getting more annoying to Mia.
"No Brian! What trucks? Jesus Christ, what?" Mia says to him as he pulls her to a side.
"Listen to me, Mia, I'm a cop" Brian says as he decides to blow his cover.
"What are you talking about, Brian? What is this?" Mia questions him.
"Ever simce the first time I met you, i've been undercover, i'm a cop" Brian tells her.
"Oh, you bastard, you bastard!" Mia says with anger in her voice, she manages to walk away.
"Mia" Brian says as he tries to get her to stop walking off.
"Get off of me, Brian!" Mia yells at him as she hits his arms.
"Mia! Listen to me! Everything I ever said I felt about you was real. I care about you, I swear to God. You have to believe me, Mia. But this isn't about you and me, your brother and team are out there to pull a job. We're running out of time, those truckers aren't laying down anymore, maybe they'll make it through tonight, but every law enforcement agency is coming down on them, if you don't want anything to happen to your brother, to Letty, to Tyler, to Vince, to Leon, you have to get in that car with me, Mia, you are the only person that can help me right now. Please, Mia, please help me" Brian explains to Mia, she agrees for the sake of her family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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