Chapter 5: The car Gods

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Tyler and Brian are standing next to eachother as they watch the pit, as Letty, Leon and Vince pull up with shopping bags. "I'm outta here" Vince says as he sees Brian, he hands the bags to Leon. "Come on dog" Leon says. "Yo, Dom" Letty says. "Vince get over here and give us a hand" Dom says, but Vince starts walking back to his car. "Looks like you got all the help you need brother" Vince says while getting into his car and driving off. "Mia" Dom shouts as he is putting BBQ sauce on the chicken. "All right, i'm coming out already" Mia says as she comes out with a bowl of rolls. She is then followed by Jesse and Tyler, who are carrying beers. Mia hugs Dom before everyone sits at the table. Tyler swapping seats with Letty, so now she is sitting next to Dom. Mia just gives her a wink and a smirk. Tyler just slightly blushes. "Hey, hold up" Dom says to Jesse who reached out to the chicken. "Because you were the first to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace" They all smile before putting her hands together and closing her eyes. "Dear heavenly..." Jesse says but forgets how to continue. "Spirit" Leon says helping him. "Spirit, thank you" Jesse says finally continuing. "Thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection, four core intercoolers and ball bearing turbos and titanium valve springs. Thank you." "Amen" Letty says as she Leon and Tyler start clapping. "He was praying to the car gods man" Tyler says, causing Dom to look at her and smile. "Look who it is. 'Old Coyotes 'R' Us" Leon says making everyone look and to see Vince standing there. "I thought you weren't hungry, pumpkin" Tyler says with a smirk on her face. "You know I gotta eat" Vince tells her. "He's always hungry" Letty says. "All right, sit down" Dom tells Vince, then Vince walks over to him and kisses the back of Dom's head. "How you doing, Mia?" Vince asks her. Vince grabs Brians beer and takes a sip of it andputs it back. "Let's eat some grub man" Letty says as she pats Vince's back. Later that very night they were all watching a movie except from Mia who was in the kitchen with Brian, who was helping her with the dishes.

"Hey, Dom. Can we go somewhere and talk?" Tyler asks Dom quietly, Dom just nods. They get up and head to the garage. "What's up?" Dom asks as they sit down on a sofa. "Letty told me why you guys broke up" Tyler says. " She says because of how your relationship is like now and because of a girl," Tyler continued. "Yeah I guess so it was just a really weird thing it was like I was in a relationship with my sister, but i'm guessing she told you about who the girl was?" Dom says finally looking at her. "Yeah, she did I want you to know if you don't like me in that way at all I understand, and i'm really sorry for ruining your relationship with Letty" Tyler says looking down. Dom then puts his hand on her cheek and lifts her head up so she's looking at him. "Tyler you didn't ruin mine and Letty's relationship, it was the right choice we made we couldn't be in a relationship like that we both deserve to find happiness, and I do like you but I don't want to rush it I want to do this the right way, I want to make it right" Dom says. Tyler just smiles, they both hug eachother, Tyler was getting up to leave but before she could Dom asked her a question. "Why didn't you tell me in the beginning about what you felt towards me? Why let me and Letty become a thing." "Because she deserved the happiness and if that's what you were gonna give her I couldn't ruin that she's one of my best friends I wouldn't ruin that, just because of a crush on you, even if it hurt me" Tyler said before leaving.

A few days later, Vince had the suspicions that Brian was a cop, so Dom, Jesse and Vince followed Brian from Harry's, when they finally caught up to him, he was breaking into Hector's garage. Vince was waiting for him with a gun, while Dom was waiting in the shadows, as Brian finally gets out of the garage. Vince then quickly knocks him out with his shotgun, Vince drags him to where Dom was.
"He even moans like a cop" Vince says while Brian wakes up.
"Brian, this is one of those times you need to be clear about what you say, nod if you understand me" Dom explains while coming out of the shadows into the light.
"Nod!" Vince says pointing his shotgun at Brian.
"Sit up" Dom orders Brian. "Tell me what the hell you're doing down here." "Shit. What i'm doing?" Brian says sitting up and holding his head. "Dom, I owe you a 10-second car. And what this is about, this is about race wars, I just went in there, and Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just came into Harry's and he ordered three T66 turbos, NOS and a MoTeC system exhaust."
"So, what are you saying? You're gonna check everybody's shit out, one garage after another?" Dom says questioning him. "Yeah. Because Dom, you know I can't lose again" Brian answers him. "He's a cop!" Vince yells at Dom while pointing the shotgun at Brians face. "You a cop?" Dom questions Brian, and brian shakes his head.
"Let's go for a little ride."
"Walk" Vince yells at Brian as they all head to Jesse's car. "Okay. You stand and watch" Dom says pointing to Jesse as he drops them off outside of Tran's garage. They all jump over the fence and climb up to the roof and sneak inside. "Yo, Dominic. There's no engines" Vince says while they all walk over to the cars."What are they planning on racing with, hopes and dreams?" Dom says. "I don't know but they're sneaky as shit and they've got enough money to buy anything" Vince explains to them both. They start walking around when Dom gets a phone call dcrom Jesse. "What?" Dom asks. "We got a wolf pack. It's Johnny Tran, and he's coming your way really fast" Jesse says. "All right we got company" Dom explains to the other two. "Spilner. Come on, move!" Dom says while they hide behind some cars.

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