Chapter 4: 10 second car

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As they both got out of the cab, Dom shaked his head as he could see a party going on. "Take care" Brian calls as Dom makes his way up to the house. "Yo, spilner" Dom calls out to Brian who looks at him. "You want a beer?" "Sure" Brian says as they both walk into the house. They stop when they notice Vince playing a guitar, Letty playing a video game, and Leon with a girl in his lap, and Mia and Tyler no where to be seen, all without a care in the world that Dom wasn't there. "Yo, Dom. We were just about to go looking for you" Leon says quickly before Dom knocks his beer out of his hand. Dom then makes his way to Vince as Tyler and Mia come downstairs. "Where were you?" Dom asks Vince as he sets the guitar down. "There were mass cops there. They came from every direction. That shit was orchestrated" Vince answers. "This your beer?" Dom asks him as he grabs the beer that was next to Vince. "Yeah, thats my beer" Vince answers before Dom walks off. "Yo einstein. Take it upstairs. You can't detail a car with the cover on" Tyler says as she walks in from the kitchen and heads towards where Letty was standing. " You alright?" Letty asks Dom. "Am I alright?" Dom says sarcastically. "Dom" Tyler says scolding. "It was just a question" Letty says as Tyler notices Brian by the door. "Yo, Dom. Why'd you bring the buster here?" Vince asks. "Because the buster kept me out of handcuffs" Dom yells back at Vince. "He didn't just run back to the fort. The buster brought me back" Dom says and then turns to Brian. "You can have any brew you want, as long as it's Corona" Dom holds out two beers to Brian. Brian takes a beer. "That's Vince's so enjoy it." Vince gives Dom a 'really' look before they all watch Brian clean the top of the bottle with his shirt then taking a drink. "Hey, buddy. You got a bathroom?" Brian asks as Vince just stares at him. "Yeah, upstairs. First door on the right" Dom says. Brian disappears upstairs as Dom sits down and Letty stands beside him. Vince then walks over to him. "He's got no call being up in here. You don't know that fool for shit" Vince tells Dom. "He's right Dom" Leon says in agreement with Vince. "Vince, there was a time when I didn't know you" Dom argues. "That was in the third grade!" Vince says ending the conversation. "Yeah. So, what girls are here?" Dom asks. "You name it. You want mine?" Leon says causing Letty to slap his arm. "Yo, Dom. We need to talk" Letty says looking at Dom. "Look at all our guests, what about tomorrow?" Dom asks. "How about we go outside and talk" Letty says more firmly. The all of a sudden before Dom and Letty walk outside Brian comes downstairs. "Yo, you know you owe me a 10-second car, right?" Dom asks Brian. "Oh shit" Letty says while walking outside.

"So what's this all about then?" Dom says as he drinks his Corona. "This isn't working for me, I dont know it's just I dont find you attractive anymore, I wanna find someone i'm attracted to, ya know? Plus I know a few girls who would love to get with you, for example Tyler she doesn't say it but she likes you Dom always has ever since she beat you in the race" Letty says. "What do you mean I mean I get it I now look at you like a sister, but Tyler she's never liked me why didn't she tell me or something?" Dom says looking a bit suprised. "Exactly, I look at you the same. Because you was with me, she gets jealous everytime your with a girl that's trying to flirt with you, even me but she doesn't show it cause she doesn't want to ruin our friendship" Letty says. "She's always liked you, and when I had to think about us and her you guys make a better couple than we ever did, and that's because deep down you both like eachother but you won't admit it. I love you but me and you we aren't meant to be together, it's you and her" Letty says. Before Dom could answer Tyler and Mia walk out together. "We were trying to find you" Mia says as she looks at Letty. "Yeah we're just talking but I think we've finished" Letty says before getting up and patting the back of Dom's shoulder. Tyler and Mia just look at eachother confused, but they don't say anything, instead they walk back inside followed by Letty and Dom. Dom had realised that he had feelings for Tyler. Letty had told Tyler and Mia about the break up, and Letty was gonna sit down and talk to Tyler about her feelings towards Dom.

A few days later, Dom, Tyler, Letty, Mia, Jesse and Leon are at the garage. "What about parts and services?" Mia asks Dom as she looks at some sheets of paper. "Hold off on it" Dom tells her. "Dom, I don't know what to do with it" Mia says as a truck backs up in front of the garage door with a ruined car on it. "What the hell is this?" Tyler asks as she Dom, Jesse and Letty walk up to where the car is. "What do you got there?" Dom asks Brian. "This is your car" Brian says answring him. "My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hits the car. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car." "You could push this across the finish line, or tow it" Jesse says causing Tyler and Letty to look at eachother and start laughing.
"No faith" Brian says defending himself.
"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage" Dom tells Brian.
"Pop the hood" Brian tells Jesse.
"Pop the hood?" Dom asks him.
"Pop the hood" Brian tells him.
They get the car off of the tow truck and into the garage. "2JZ engine. No shit" Jesse says as he and Tyler take the hood off. "And what did I tell you?" Brian says with a gigantic smirk on his face. "We retract our previous statements" Dom says. "You know what, this will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it" Jesse says as he looks at the others. "Or more, if we have to overnight the parts from Japan" Tyler says walking over to Jesse and the car. "We'll put it on my tab at Harry's" Dom says as he looks at Brian. "Yes!" Jesse says as he and Tyler high five eachother. "I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass" Dom tells Brian. "There's a show down in a desert called Race Wars. That's where you'll do it. When your not working at Harry's you're working here" Dom says. "If you can't fine the right tool in this garage, Mr Arizona.." Leon says as he is about to leave the garage. "You don't belong near a car" Leon finished.

The next day most of them were in the garage taking the car apart, after that they went to Harry's to get all the parts they need. "Tell me what you think about this" Jesse says as Dom walks over to him. "Koni adjustables. Gonna save us about two pounds. And they're gonna give us a better traction for the hole shot." "All right this is your basic layout of the car. And that's kinda what it could look like when it's finished. Red, gree, whatever colour" Leon says. Tyler was over by the car working on taking the car apart and where every part should go when Letty comes over to her. "Hey can we gotalk quickly before lunch?" Letty asks. "Yeah sure" Tyler says putting the cloth down and exiting the garage. "So you know how me and Dom broke up, well it's because theres someone else for him" Letty says as they both go and stand by the porch. "What do you mean another girl, i'm so sorry Letty, why didn't you tell me?" Tyler says. "Because that girl is you" Letty says, but before Tyler could say anything Letty says something else. "Tyler i'm not mad I know you've had feelings for him for years I see how you get when you see him with other girls, and when he's with me. I had to do some thinking for me, him and you. I realised how mine and his relationship was turning more into a sister-brother relationship more than anything. Then I was thinking about you and I realised i'm not the girl he's supposed to be with it's you, it's always been you. He knows you like him, so now it's whatever tou both decide." Tyler just looks at her shocked, " I'm so so sorry I should of told you, but I didn't want to hurt our relationship." "Tyler seriously i'm not mad it gives me time to find someone i'm really into and to possibly settle down" Letty says hugging Tyler. "Thank you" Tyler days hugging her back.

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