--Chapter 6 Envoy

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Last Chapter,  Aria waited for Phantom to appear under the night of the eclipse.

Aria told Phantom of what she's really hoping things to turn out well, with the envoy coming for Maple World Peace. She felt like a huge burden is set upon her as since she's just eighteen for an Empress.

We knew that Phantom never steal the jewel of Ereve- Skaia, because he fell in love with Aria. He knew that once he steal the Jewel, he would never see Aria anymore.

 Phantom knew that envoy is coming over and wished Aria all the best for a signed treaty and Aria and Phantom bid each other farewell.

The Envoy Hilla reached the floating bay of Ereve with her fleet of ships. Aria was puzzled why does the Envoy need so many ships for?

And now Aria greets Hilla; envoy of the Black Mage in --Chapter 6 Envoy.

This Chapter is dedicated to @BlackWingX for motivating me to write this chapter. Without you, I will not have written this Chapter.

BGM: Joe Hisashi - Cygnus Garden


Aria dressed the best satin white dress she had. She look magnificent with her long hair flowing in the morning breeze. Her studded lapis lazuli jewel for her Empress headband tied her hair nicely. The sun light was gentle on her skin and she really felt calmer and felt this is going to be a good day on her part. 

Empress greeted by the Bay and came a long extended ladder from the ship and Hilla walked down from the steps with grace and her guards behind her seems so stiff when they are carrying her long over flowing drape for her dress behind her.

Ninehearts thought why are the guards so stiff? I shall further observe from a far.

Aria smiled towards Hilla, "Welcome. You must be Hilla." As Aria indicated that they walked a long a trail towards a spacious and hanging gardens of morning glory and orchids are available at the side of the veranda. 

"The place you live in it's like a sanctuary," said Hilla admiringly. "Your citizens must be taken for this Garden to bloom so well. It would definitely be a lost if this garden by the lake side would be lost." said Hilla as she took a seat by a round table made from marble. The design of the marble had two dragons battling each other with lightning beam and fire. It looks remarkably like Shimsoo and other one... seems to be like a dragon or some sort. "Interesting engraving you have there on your table."

"Thank you," said Aria. As she offered some Tea to Hilla from a teapot that was emblazoned with floral patterns on it and it showcased a Tiger that about to eat a white Moon Bunny. There was delicious pastries, puffs and even cakes from all sorts, those types can wet your appetite. "Would you like some tea?

"Thank you Empress." as she studies the picture and imagines herself as the Tiger.. and Aria as the white rabbit. Where the Tiger devours the white rabbit in one whole."Shall we discussed about the treaty agreement?" She smiled. 

*Play BGM: Joe Hisashi -Cygnus Garden

In the back ground there was a live band, Two playing a violin, a cello and a double bass. And one person blew sweet music of a flute that completely filled up the room with harmonious symphony, The type of gentle melody that you could listen for hours and wish for more and more to be played.

"Yes. Let's proceed." Aria paused awhile, as in absorbing the time she finally waited for in hope for World Peace would come true. "I hope the nation of Maple can have the peace with Black Mage. I understand the Black Mage wishes to set his head  quarters in Ereve. However I can't allow that. As in this island represents purity and peace. And we are very much prefer it that way." Aria, said apologetically and wavering tone. Even though she's not wrong at all. "We don't need," for more power as all the power in the world means little to us when we have harmony and peace."

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