--Chapter 8 Ninehearts

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Ninehearts was orphaned, so that he did not have anyone to be beside him to support him. He found a place he trully found home when Aria and Mikhael saw potential in him, even though he had no family to belong too, Aria too him was like a sister he never had and Mikahel a strong and dependable "brother" he can depend on. Before he ever met Aria and Mikhael, his "friends" were, "hunger" and "loneliness". He ran away from the orphanage that "sheltered" him. Abused and torment for the caretakers that made him a runaway. When he left he thought the world was nothing but a cruel place, however thankfully Aria entered his life and changed his life.

Ninehearts wrote on an imaginary written contract in the night's clear sky that he'll forever protect Aria. He would do all he can to protect sister Aria..As he has huge respect for her, and so when he saw Hilla swinging the base of the cane towards her, he ran in action to push her aside. And received the impact instead. And now his dislocated eye got not only injured but cursed with an evil spell. And now he is fending for his life and he stayed on fighting for his life, because he stayed on because he hoped to see Aria again.

"He's in immense pain," said a female elf tendering to his bandaged wound, "the green veins are darkening, this is serious.."

Black mark starts to spread around the eyes and also green veins start to protruding around the eye and he is whimpering in pain and having shivers.

"Quick! Apply some holy water to dress the wound.. this would ease the pain" said another attendant.

Ninehearts showed signs of relief. His body stops to gradually stop jerking, however the green veins still seems to be pulsating with life.


*A scene move into deeper into Ninehearts face and then zoomed into Ninehearts barely conscious blue eye and emerge another location."

Please wake up, we can have run with the wind together, and tender the farms together,drink sweet dew from the plants. Watch the sunset, there;s much to see. Please wake up. Can we do that?" Said a voice that comes from all directions.

Mum is that you?I thought the dead don't speak?  The motherly face cannot be seen that well in the fog. Ninehearts was not able to tell where is he now. He is in perfect health all in white in a very bright place that seems to be fogs that constantly swirls on the floor.

"My son..." said the spectre of the lady in flowing blue light.


*Moves back to the scene where NInehearts laid on the bed barely conscious.

We’ll monitor his progress he should be okay, but every second, his situation would worsen we should hurry. Some voices can be heard.

"Ninehearts... I am sure you can hear me... hang  in there... when you awaken fresh, we’ll have a nice meal today, pancakes and Maple Syrup, just the way you like it." Mercedes was trying to scramble her brain to think on what Ninehearts could like and this could be some thoughts that help Ninehearts live awhile longer  -- What is Ninehearts favourite food? 

"Ninehearts stay strong we are getting help as soon as we can." said the other elf maidens.

"Am I in time?" I hurried as soon as I can as I heard that you needed help to save a soul. A lady with a tanned complexion is where the sun is occasionally being swallowed by darkness. 

"Aran! You came!" said Mercedes. "Good to see you!" And Mercedes means it.

"I brought what you requested" Aran's smile widen and gleaming. Aran brought with her a an eye glass that was blessed with the spirit of Maha combined with the anti-curse of molten lava glass of El Nath's near to Zakum lair.

Mercedes took and handed over the eye glass from Aran to some of the Elven priest to bless the eye glass with a mantra of protection and purity.

And the Elf Priest placed it on Ninehearts eye and all those varicose like veins starts to swell less and gradually turn into normal skin pigmentation again.

"That's a relief..." Mercedes clearly relieved. "Where did you manage to craft this eye glass from?"

"I just came back from Orbis and talked with Alchemist from El Nath to find a volcanic lens that's infused with fairy's tear from Elinia, grind ed zombie coolie tooth to fortify for the lens to be durable." said Aran.

"Interesting getting the source of evil from the fiery pits of El Nath and making into a eye glass to ward of evil." said Mercedes. "Good thing your thinking on your fee.!" said Mercedes.

"Actually that's my idea." said a voice. 

"Huh?" said Mercedes.

"That's true Maha," said Aran.

Apparently the gigantic two-handed Axe pole arm wields a spirit. A young boy like appeared above the axe that Aran wield.  He has glowing appearance like Sun Wu Kong from Journey to the West series.

"I may be a spirit but I have conscious and the ability to think." said Maha brightly and gesturing for his brilliance. You get the idea that Maha is the cocky type.

As Mercedes chatted with Aran on talks about their journey, they were gathering varies herbs and fruits around Eluel. And also spend the day to tend for Ninehearts recovery.

Phantom then arrive at Eluel and glad that Ninehearts was alright with Mikhael. Phantom, Mikhael, Mercedes and Aran chatted with each other asking from how's the rebuilding on Ereve, from the recovery process of Ninehearts with the eye glass and the conversation leads too... Phantom wanting to redeemed himself for Aria's death and Phantom seems to lose his usual cherry-self when talking about Aria. Mercedes sense this and told Phantom of an idea they could do.

"Have you heard of a Dragon Master called Alfruen?"

"No, I have not." said Phantom, slightly surprise as they sat around the fireplace that night. As it was awhile since it has flash back of Aria's life less body in his arm in that rainy night.

"Alfruen now is trying to gather as many Maplers with talent and strength to defeat the Black Mage once and for all." paused Mercedes. Her piercing blue eye startles Phantom for awhile. "Would you be interested to join us?"

"Yes I would." said Phantom.

"Great, then I recommend you find Alfruen and here is the location..." said Mercedes.

And Phantom made his way to find Alfruen, the dragon master who has one of the few remaining Black Onyx Dragon left in Maple World.


To be continued....

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