--Chapter 12 Aurora

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The heroes have transported decades back: Mercedes, Aran, Phantom, Freed and with Luminous. With Luminous showing them a projection of the past through another realm. You can feel the grandeur of the Lecture Hall of Harmony, the perpetual lights that shine in a halo around the hall. Replacing conventional candles. 

#BGM: Protoss Theme Music

"May I have a word with you Lucient?," said Vieren.

Vieren was a man with beard, seems more senior. Approached Lucient, the Grand Principal of Aurora. 

"Yes Master Vieren?" said Lucient with with welcome and openness. They spoke in the tone of openness of long time friends.

"It's important we address the issue, Lucient, my dear friend. There has been too many disappearance of our citizens and families are worries about it." as Vieren faced Lucient squarely with a stern voice. Vieren was having a frown in on his face.

"Something seems to troubling your mind Master Vieren... Is everything.. alright?" Lucient said with deliberate pauses.. as if unsure what to say next. 

 "I would like to believe everything is alright," as Vieren stared blankly at the crackling test tube that create different luminescence lights of blinding opal, glow of amethyst and crystal blue luminescence. "However what really unsettles me is that it has been weeks and we are not able to find out the reason for the dissapearance and families are starting to get restless."

"Rest assured dear old friend, is your age that is catching up, leave it to me, and I will help settle the mystery for you," said Lucient as he padded behind the back of Vieren.

Vieren felt a metal ring on Lucient's finger pressing towards his shoulder bone, that sting a bit his shingles. It bit through Vieren causing a sudden jab of pain. And it was intensified as he felt the ring on Lucient's hand sinking towards his infected area. Vieren left out a wince in pain in his eye expression, but his back was facing Lucient. So neither could he see Lucient's expression. 

"Since when you started wearing rings?" said Vieren as he noticed the distorted like faces on Lucient's fingers as in a perpetual scream in horror. He noticed Lucient has quite a few rings. Looking quite suspicious "These looked pretty scary."

"It's in the trend now, the young ones of Aurora are wearing it too and we shall keep in the trend! Hahas!" chuckled Lucient. "Come on it's getting late Vieren. Let's walk out to the corridors to get a lovely stroll shall we dear friend?"

*SFX: The screen fades into pitch darkness and fades back gradually to the present time in the Magic Library."

The heroes got goosebumps when they just finished visiting the memory of Vieren's. Nobody expects that one of the founding leaders of Aurora would be the same Black Mage. He looks like a good and respected person till... Luminous spoke next. 

"Did anyone noticed the clue with the beginning of the Lucient starts to become evil?" said Luminous.

"The human face like ring?" said Phantom with acute observation. 

"Yes, you are right. It was later found out that Lucient was actually collecting souls and turn the bodies to ash for Necromancy, that's why the bodies are never to be found. Blood Magic." said Luminous. "

"The blood magic was used to create actual citizens of Aurora life blood and body composition to create a bond with the ferocious creature of Maple Island. And that was the source of the Black Mage powers." as Luminous elaborated.  

"Why did the Black Mage.. I mean Lucient.. went undetected for so long? Till its too late? said Aran . 

"Vieren has complete trust and faith in Lucient, not to be the killer. And this blind his judgement even though Vieren was wise. Sometimes friendships blinds us and binds us." said Luminous. 

"I have heard a tales of a good mage turned bad. And I never knew it was Master Lucient..." paused Freed. "What happened to Aurora next?" said Freed.

"Aurora is now in shambles, just a sad figment of memory past. I am the only one survivor..." said Luminous... in a harden voice. A harden voice that will not give into defeat. And will do whatever it takes to avenge Vieren and his love one Lucia who gone down with the City of Aurora. But Luminous never share the outcome of Lucia as he knew the outcome is too painful to discuss. 

"Aurora razed down to oblivion when the Black Mage betrayed his own people and crush almost all of the citizens there. When he was in a blood... blood... lust and... murdered everyone..." said Luminous... can't really continue to utter as he was choking on words and his tears was swelling up. As he can re-enact the memories that was too horrific.

"I shall continue from here," said Grendel, as he gave an assuring placid smile to everyone. "From the rings the Black Mage now wields his power and influence from his generals and his strongest abomination that is scattered around Maple Island."

"Defeat them, and this would help you lead to the Black Mage." said Grendel.

"Let's do this guys! Defeat the Black Mage! For the Empress! For the people of Aurora!" said Freed.

Everyone concurred in agreement.

"So where do we go next from here?..." said Mercedes giving the right direction. 

The Black Mage is accessible through the Temple of Time. Where it borders between real time and also gives the user eternal time on Maple and he becomes untouchable for as long he remains there. And to opened the Temple of Time. There would be a need to get a bloody key from the Abyss that wound unlock Black Mage's protection barrier. 

"Great! Just a key, leave it to the master thief, and I shall get it for you," chipped in Phantom.

"I wish it would be that easy..." said Grendel. "But getting the key would not be so simple.... but it would involve a sacrifice of one of your life..."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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