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Ki-Dae POV

Hearing the birds chirp outside I opened my eyes to be met with my ferret.

"Hey feng" I mumbled out to him he responded by placing his pearly white teeth on my nose and slightly nibbling.

"Ow you little bastard that hurts" I muttered under my breath hearing something crash downstairs I promptly got up looking at where Tae was last night.

The dozens of pet beds were piled neatly in the corner of the room. He seemed to have gotten up before me. Looking down at what i wore I was wearing my normal pajama pants which were red plaid joggers and a simple black calvin klein v neck. Putting on a fresh pair of black ankle socks I opened my door and instantly bumped into Jimin who looked semi distressed.

"Jimin-ah whats the matter?" I asked.

"Yoongi Hyung went into your room and saw Taehyung sleeping on your floor and he got jeaaaaaaloussss" Jimin said amusingly as we heard another clash. His amusement was gone and was replaced with worry.

"But.... Then he got mad" he muttered before he led the way to the kitchen. There I was ablw to fully see Yoongi's destruction. Porcelain plates were broken on the floor, expensive porcelain plates too they where hand painted and were really supposed to only be decoration but we ate on them anyways.

Shaking my head at the insignificant thought I looked at Jimin who was talking in whispers to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at me chin down, eyes up, a smirk on his lips and he gave me a simple wink of his right eye.

Flirtatious little bastard.

"Yoongi you need to take a deep breath" Jin instructed carefully as Yoongi held another plate in his hand.


Its my room.... Who fucking cares. Yoongi....

"I was simply laying on the floor you damn psycho" Taehyung barked back. Damn.

Obsessive much.

"Hey cut it out and calm down its to early in the morning for this" I said to Yoongi grabbing his attention. His eyes looked darker than they ever had looked and his face was white as snow with a dead pan serious look.

"Did you have sex with him?" He asked. Frowning my brows I looked at him.

"No I didn't and for the record you don't own me, you're not my boyfriend, my husband, my boss or my dad. So stop being this way and acting like you are. You're an ex boyfriend so act like one and stop getting into my business" I tutted out to him now annoyed.

His face turned hard and cold. Taking strides towards me. Namjoon spoke up to intervien but was stopped by Hoseok and Jin.

"Lets go for a walk shall we?" He asked more like commanded with a sinister smile on his face. His hand was extended out for me to take. Looking at his hand I slapped it away.

"Sure whatever just keep your damn hands away from me" I muttered.  He smiled even more before going towards his room.

"You should probably grab a coat its quite chilly out" he said in a sing song voice as he disappered into his room.

"Noona are you gonna be okay Yoongi-hyung doesn't look okay mentally. He kinda looks like um.... How do i say it.... Uh" Jimin said scratching the back of his head.

"He looks like how he did when you left, a sloppy cocaine addict who let his obsessive side show" Jungkook muttered out with a sigh. He was sad. They all did.

Nobody wanted to see Yoongi like this. Not even me.

"Guys cheer up I'll be fine remember I was once much more dangerous than any of you. I can handle Yoongi-ah" I teased them with a smirk on my lips.

Within moments Yoongi was back this time with a black sweater that clung to his body nicely. His black hair looked perfectly ruffled.

He handed me a light Grey hoodie with a sweet smile.

"Here I figured you wouldn't listen to me, you never did" he said. I took the hoodie and put it on. I could tell that it was new and that he hadn't worn it. It didn't smell like him.

"Lead the way" I said with a sigh. The rest of the boys gave me a sympathetic half smile.


We were out walking along a abandoned road. The clouds were gathered above us and were a dark Grey color but the vibrant dark green on the trees surrounding us made it a beautiful sight to see.

"Here I wanna show you something" Yoongi said to me quickly. As he headed into a dofferent direction than the road. We were going into the woods. We walked for what felt like forever until we came across an empty patch of land. There was grass and lavender flowers.

Though they didn't smell of lavender.

Sitting down on a fluffy patch of grass he patted the spot next to him. Sitting down I placed myself a few inches away from him. He took notice of it but quickly dismissed it. He reached inside his pocket and pulled a tiny vial out. Taking the lid off he poured it into his mouth.

Why does he have to be so bipolar sometimes.

I closed my eyes letting the chilly breeze sweep over me. Though that was soon cut short.

With nothing more than a grunt Yoongi tackled me to the ground. Oh god no. Not again. This time I thrashed around.

"GET OFF OF ME" I yelled at him. He didn't say anything back he placed his lips on mine but it felt so forced that i didn't like it. At all.

Taking two fingers he jabbed them into my ribs making me open my mouth and yell in pain this gave him the opportunity to explore the inside of my mouth.

Or thats what I thought he was gonna do.

Instead he had just put his mouth to mine and opened his letting whatever liquid was inside his mouth go to mine. It tasted gross and strong on my tounge. Though I didn't swallow. He took note of this and cursed.

He wrapped his pale hands around my neck and squeezed as I scrated and thrashed around. He was choking me. My throat felt tight, I was panicking. My vision started to get blurry and black spots were appearing. Then he let go.

With a gasp from me the substance went down my throat causing me to go into a coughing fit. He got off of me and I rolled over coughing uncontrollably. It burned my thoat, my eyes, everything burned. He patted my back lightly.

I was coughing so badly my stomach and lungs were in pain.

When it finally subsided I looked at Yoongi with my bloodshot eyes.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked angry.

"I just want you to love me again... Please"

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