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Ki-Dae POV

After we wrapped up the interrogation with Lin-Mae the boys all looked at me questioningly. I sighed through my nose.

"I was honest about everything I said her brother tried to abduct me because I seem like a small little girl, I got pissed decided to be a good person and killed his family for human trafficking and drug trading, he asked me to not kill her and yeah thats about it. I  meant everything I said" I shrugged going to the living room where Changkyun was sitting on the couch munching on some snacks.

"Sooooo how'd the interrogation goooo?" He asked in a sing song voice. I shrugged again.

"Meh I found out where I thought I knew her from" I answered his question. Namjoon came and sat down next to me giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Namjoon-ah" what are we supposed to do with her?" Jimin asked scratching his head. Namjoon turned to me.

"Mate I don't know, don't look at me for answers god of destruction" I said to him, causing him to let out a small giggle.

"Well Noona you are the one who got stabbed with a chopstick" he said back.

"I didn't get stabbed I got poked very hard" I retorted. Ahhhh yes poked not stabbed. Niiiiiiiice. Hearing Namjoon call me Noona was strange. I guess I am Noona to all of them except Jin.


I'm an old bastard.

"Did she pose any benefits from actually being here?" I asked the boys with curiosity. They all looked at me with frowned brows.

"What do you mean?" Hobi asked.

"Like did she clean? Did she kill people? Did she contribute to the gang in any way is what I mean. Like when I was here I kept my place by training Jimin-ah and hobi" I explained to the boys. They all looked at Yoongi. Who looked at the wall, avoiding eye contact.

"No. She was just Yoongi- hyungs bitch that he picked up right before we went and got you." Jungkook said. Which Yoongi responded to by punching his arm. I raised my brow.

"So let me get this straight. You got yourself a bitch to just flaunt in my face that you have somebody else and to basically brag and I'm assuming you were trying to make me jealous" I asked Yoongi with stern eyes.

"Ki-dae its-" he began but was interrupted.

"Noona. Formalities Yoongi." I interrupted.

"I didn't call you Noona before" he argued.

"Thats cause before you called me Jagi, now you call me Noona" I pointed out. Sighing in defeat he nodded.

"Noona Ki-Dae I didn't mean for it to come off like that" he stated.

"So now we're lying to eachother again?" I asked. The boys widened their eyes and looked at Yoongi.

"What? No I'm not lying" he said as the other nodded yes he is.

"So you just happened to find a girl right when you guys were coming to abduct me? Oh and didn't you tell me that you guys were dating for a few months?" I asked him.

"Okay finnnne I lieeeeeed" he whined.

"Seriously? Even if Hyunseung didn't exist. Dating other girls and bragging about it isn't a way to get a girl back" I rolled my eyes at his behavior. Changkyun nodded his head while his mouth was stuffed with Cheetos.

Yoongi POV

Damn I'm caught in a lie.

(A/n everytime I hear someone say caught in a lie I just imagine Jimin singing it in Lie..... That song is so goooood I can't)

I looked at Ki-Dae at a loss of words. She caught me in a lie and now I don't know what to do. Jungkook briefly brushed past me.

"1 point for Jungkook 0 for Yoongi" he muttered giving me a slight smile. I think that talk was probably what was best for me and Jungkook. Now we're not at eachothers throats or having the mood around the house all tense.

Now we just seem to playfully have a competition over her.

Though I can't help but feel as if there's a third party in this competition. My thoughts continued to run as the feeling of another guy liking Ki-Dae. I looked at the boys eyeing them carefully. Hoseok? Jimin? Namjoon? I'm honestly not too sure but I just have a feeling about it.

"Now that we've clarified that Yoongi-ah is a liar and that Lin-Mae is a moron who thinks chopsticks that stab. Is anybody hungry?" Jin said as he rubbed his tummy. Looking at the time it was 7:38 I suppose it is time for dinner. Well no its not but since we had to skip lunch because of Lin-Mae and her dumb actions its time for dinner.

"Yeah I am. I'll help you Jin oppa since I'm partially responsible for cutting lunch early" she sheepishly said. As she got up and followed the elder to the kitchen. He and her started talking amongst themselves as they prepped the food. I looked at the other boys. And as soon as I made sure Ki-Dae and Jin where out of earshot I shot them all death glares.

"You damn narks, I can't believe you ratted me out to Ki-dae-"

"Noona Ki-dae. Yoongi-hyung, you heard the woman formalities" Namjoon pointed out.

"Regardless you guys snitched me out to her you little bastards" I seethed out to them.

"Sorry hyung but its every man for himself in this competition" Jungkook smiled.

"Speaking of competition I think I would like to join your guys' competition. After she got deported last year I realized I should've just told her I liked her. And I only didn't mention it since you guys were being aggressive about it, but since you guys are having a friendly competition then I would also like to take apart of it"

Me and Jungkook had shocked looks on our faces. To say suprised is an understatement. I suspected all of the boys but certainly not him.

"Fine but like we said every man for himself and don't get offended if I play dirty" Jungkook retorted annoyance clear on his face.

"I'm Kim Taehyung I don't need to play dirty to win a womans heart"

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