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Ki-Dae POV

I had one light bruise on my knee and another on my forearm.

My own words had kinda shocked me. I don't know where I just outright said that to Yoongi but it wasn't like I could take it back now.

Jin let me leave his little medical room of sorts and I just trotted over quickly and quietly to my room. I opened my room and shut it lightly releasing a sigh I turned to my bed only to flinch at the figure sitting there.

"Jesus Yoongi you scared me" I breathed out. He looked at me with question and curiosity deep in his eyes.  He patted the seat next to him. Obliging I effortlessly nodded my head and sat next to him criss crossing my legs. He ran his beautiful white hand through his raven colored hair. 

"Now.... as much as I appreciate you... ermm... I like that you feel the same way about me as I do about you, but I guess what I don't understand is why? you didn't exactly show much interest before that. It was kinda random." he expressed holding my hand. His pretty little fingers played with mine. 

"I just had a dream that kinda moved me a bit, I guess is the best way I can put it" I awkwardly noted. He stopped playing with my hands and looked at me. 

"Tell me about it" he shrugged out.

"Well so you know how Tae slept in my room last night? Well I had a dream that you got mad at that and you asked me to go on a walk with you but then you drugged me and yeah I felt guilty because you never did any of that...It was just a dream" I said to him. 

He blinked and shifted his brown eyes to the ground.

"Ah I see, so where did the confession come from?" he prodded  on. My brows slightly frowned at that. As I was confused as to that as well. 

"Well I guess out of nowhere, it just came out" I breathed taking a moment to realize it myself. He grinned a bit at me. 

"Sometimes that's the best kind of love, the kind where you don't know where it comes from" He said closing his eyes and breathing in through his nose. He looked heavenly. 

"Come here I want to hold you until forever comes around" He spoke to me as he had switched positions and was now laying down on the bed . I listened to him and cuddled up to him he wrapped his arm around me, breathing out a sigh of content. 

"I don't think forever is ever really gonna come around" I pointed out looking up at him he flashed the roof with his eyes still shut from what i could see a grin. 

"That's the point kitten I want us to stay like this for a very very long time, I want you to be with me happily....I know It was dumb that I did all that cocaine but I promise not to make you see me like that ever again." 

"Yoongi I want you to promise me to never do it again even if I don't see you"  I responded. In response to what i said he held up his pinky signaling a pinky promise. 

*************** 3rd POV

On the other side of the corridor sitting in the gym with his trusted two friend sat Taehyung. He was busy thinking and letting his own thoughts take him whole. He continued to think back on the scene that he had saw earlier his Noona pulling his Hyung by his jacket towards her and then confessing to him. It broke him inside a bit. 

No not a bit. '

A lot. 

Though crying wouldn't do much though he wished it could cause if that was the case he would just spend the following days to come until he had to meet with Monsta X a crying fest in his room. He pondered it. He might do it anyways. Shrugging his shoulders he raised his brow and tilted his head to the side examining the idea. 

Jimin on the other hand did not understand the boys, not Taehyung who was quiet and was keeping to himself nor Jungkook who was keeping his emotions and thoughts busy by working out as he punched the punching bag for the at least 100th time.  He decided to take his chances with Taehyung and went over to go interrupt his deep thinking. 

"Taehyungie tell me what's on your mind about Noona? I can tell something is" Jimin urged the younger. Tae was not one to avoid the question he would be honest about his feelings and be very straight forward about it.

"Hyung you're her best friend you wouldn't understand what it's like to be in love with her like I am" Tae explained which was true unlike the other 3 horny boys he had not envisioned being with Ki-Dae like that. If he tried to he always shook his head thinking of her as a sometimes motherly, sisterly, or sometimes that cool cousin you have sort of figure. He really couldn't imagine it. 

"Well I can at least listen tell me what you heard or saw" Jimin sat with him. 

"I was by the doorway and I heard him saying that 'She may love me but not like how she loves him and that Jungkook was nothing but a lovesick puppy"... somewhere in the conversation she confessed to him that she loved him" Taehyung explained. 

Jungkook stopped hitting the poor bag and turned to his 2 other elders. 

"He said that 'She may love you but not like how she loves him'?" Jungkook asked curiosity  sparkling through his eyes. Tae did nothing but nodded hating to hear the sentence again for the 3rd time today. 

"What did Noona say to that?" He asked. 

"Nothing" Taehyung explained ruffling his black hair. Jungkook smirked. 

"She didn't deny that she loves you, you've still got a chance"

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