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Hyunseung POV

I know Ki-Dae didn't know this but I had to serve mandatory time in the Korean army since I'm not a citizen of Japan anymore. If I wasn't half Korean I wouldn't have to but I suppose it's life. I sighed out as I was sitting in front of the recruiting station. Was I really about to do this? Yeah, of course,  it's not like I had a choice. A year and a half away from Ki-Dae and my parents. This was gonna be rough but I and my dad already talked about this. I was to sign the papers for the building and enlist in the army. Then once I came back my father would retire and I would become the next CEO.

I got out of the car seeing another man who looked freshly 20 or so looking down at his feet. He had black hair fanning his face with a pale complexion. I entered the building and he was right behind me.

"Hi sir what can I do for you?" A woman asked smiling.
"I can to get enlistment paperwork," I said numbly. Truth be told no I didn't wanna leave Ki-Dae and go to the army, in fact, it was the last thing I wanted to do. I just bought her a house, we moved somewhere new, our life is about to get better. And most importantly she's about to probably have some dark things happen in her mind with her ex being in the same country and even just coming back here in general. But on the contrary, I know she can handle herself when I leave. 

The receptionist got the packet for me and I took a seat filling it all out, it was tedious. Overhearing what the man behind me asked. 

"I'd like to get information on the different branches I can join and how long enlistment would be for all those." He muttered to which she nodded and got for him she highlighted some things and circled others and he listened quietly. Once she was done she thanked him and left. After a few minutes I heard his car leave. 

After about 20 minutes I filled out all the paperwork and gave it back to the girl. She looked it over deeply. 

"Okay Jang Hyunseung make sure to be here next Monday at 8:30am on the dot." I nodded my head leaving, after getting out I took a deep breath. The flowers and trees looked pretty, it was turning into spring soon so everything looked like it was ready to bloom.  I put my hand in my pocket pulling my car keys out but not feeling my wallet. I patted my whole body down trying to feel for my wallet. 

"Shit" I muttered to myself running back into the building seeing if my wallet fell out of my pocket. Unfortunately, I didn't memorize our address and it was written onto the real estate company's' card in my wallet. And it had my card, the company's card. Wow in the matter of minute's I've just managed to lose millions of dollars. I sighed knowing I'd have to order a new company credit card and my bank for that matter. I called Ki-Dae. 

"Hey love are you okay?" I heard her loving voice ask through the phone. I smiled hearing her.

"Yes, I'm okay I just forgot our address to the house so can you please send it to me?" I asked. 

"Okay will do see you in a bit love you,"  she said happily. 

"Love you too," I said before our call ended. I got inside the car and started it up. A minute later the text came through with the address and I started my drive to her. I wasn't sure how I was gonna tell her but I knew I had to but I figured I should get it done tonight before any more time passes. Telling her on the last few days would be a wreck she'd probably literally kill me. 

I pulled up into the driveway feeling as if every second passing I was running out of time to break the news to her. I was gonna be gone when emotionally she needed me the most. Thinking about how she would react made me forget that I even lost my wallet, well that or I didn't care. 

I knocked on the door since I decided I shouldn't spook her. She peeked her head out. Before opening it with a big grin on her face that made my heart hurt. 

"Hyun why didn't you just come in? you dork" She gigged at me which I sheepishly chuckled at. We walked to the living room and plopped onto our white sectional L couch. 

"Another murder documentary? How on gods earth do you manage to find so many of these?" I laughed putting an arm around her shoulder. She snuggled closer to me sniffing me lightly, Its something she always did that I think she thought I didn't notice but I did. I always did. She smelled like vanilla her hair and everything smelled of vanilla. It's her favorite scent. My eyes were on her as she watched the TV intently. She has a criminal mind. 

I always wondered how she managed to love me, based on what she said she's been built to do this since she was 15 or so. She is dangerous and deadly, more than likely a psycho. She has blood colder than ice and nobody even suspects it. Her eyes are everywhere at once, she is stealthy and fit, intelligent and physically capable at the same time. A one-man army. She was the smoke that even made headlines in Japan for a while there were rumors about her being in Japan. Who knew she was a common housewife now, of course by choice. 

She was smoke. 

The commander of death. 

Being ripped from my thoughts the doorbell rang, Ki-Dae hopped up to get it, I followed her to the door and she opened it to reveal the same man at the recruitment station. She seemed at a loss of breath, frozen like a statue. Her grey steel intelligent eyes seemed to have turned a dead grey with no emotion. Her jaw clenched back. Did she know this man? I spoke up realizing the quietness of the situation. 

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked confidently stepping in front of her. 

"You must have forgotten this at the station Hyunseung," He said calmly looking at Ki-Dae. 

"I'm sorry but how do you know my name?" I asked. He gave a smile. 

"Your ID was in the wallet, my name is Changkyun"

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