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Ki-Dae POV

I rolled my eyes at Jungkook's remark.

"Kook don't be a creep" I simply stated shaking my head to which he chuckled at. Taehyung seemed to have seen what Jungkook did as he smiled at me with an eyebrow up in a curious manner.

"Jungkook is just being his usual weird self" I said and Tae nodded in understanding.

There were about 20 stairs to get down the basement. The basement reeked of metal. If that makes any sense.

At the very back of the room was Lin-Mae there were shakles on her wrist and she was slouched down. Her head hung low.

"Is she conscious?" I asked the boys as we got closer to her body. As soon as I said that her head shot up looking at me. Guess she is....

Well that's creepy. Her eyes seemed to have bags under them and her body looked pretty roughed up.

"Why did you attack me?" I asked her. She smiled a bittersweet smile at me.
"Because smoke.... Or do you prefer Ki-Dae?" She asked giving me the same hard stare I was giving her.


We all shot our eyes towards Taehyung who had just slapped her across the face. Shock was evident on all of our faces. Including hers.

"We're not here to fucking play your stupid bullshit game" he spat at her anger clearly radiating off of him.

"Tell. Us. Why. You. Attacked. Her" Taehyung seethed out at her making her look at his face by grabbing her by her hair. He released his grip on her hair and stepped away.

"We will ask you again. Why did you attack her?" Jimin spoke up, a sinister darkness swirling in his eyes. A moment of silence passed between us all without her answering the question again.


"If we have to ask a third time its gonna get seriously ugly" Namjoon said as he pulled his hand back from hitting her. Jin was simply sitting back and analyzing the situation. Jin never was the violent type.

Jungkook tapped on Yoongi's shoulder and said something to him that I couldn't hear and Yoongi nodded as they both went into a dark corner picking something up. It was a car battery quite a big one too. What the hell. They had jumper cables as well.

I grimaced as I now saw they were going to electrocute her. For her sake I hope she'd answer.

"For a final time. What were your motives behind attacking her?" J-hope asked her. She glaced at what Yoongi and Jungkook were holding and winced. Though she didn't budge.

They hooked up the battery and attached the jumper cables to her shakles. Giving her a grin as their minds slowly turned to the maddness that was deep inside them. She watched as they did what they needed to, though still she didn't budge.

"We told you it was gonna get ugly" Jungkook said before he flipped a switch on. Sparks were flying from the shakles. Lin-Mae was screaming in agony. And we could all only sit by and watch. Jimin ran a hand through his hair and gave me a toothy smile. Watching her get tortured felt so normal yet felt so wrong.

After about 2 minutes Jungkook flipped the switch off.

"Are you ready to tell us why?" Taehyung asked her as she breathed out heavily.

"Never" she muttered so quietly I could barely hear it.


Yoongi hit her across the face.

"Flip it on again Jungkook" Yoongi said with a glare in his eyes. Jungkook did as told and flipped it on again. Once more her screams filled the room and bounced off of all the metal in the room. It seemed to never end. Jungkook went to a cabinet and grabbed 2 water bottles tossing one to Yoongi who nodded at him. Despite the sparks that flared off the shackles they then poured the water onto the metal making smoke come from them. Her screams only intensified in volume and eventually Namjoon shut the switch off.

"Are you ready to talk?" Jimin asked her and she nodded breathing heavily with tears streaming down her face. After she complied with talking Jin came and poured some water into her mouth. She swallowed hard and looked at me.

"I attacked you because you killed my family" she said looking at me with tears down her cheeks. The others looked at me confused except for Namjoon. I felt my mind go stone cold.

"What family are you from?" I asked her with a glare in my eye.

"I'm from the Jo-shin family" she angrily said. Mmh I do recall them.

"The Jo-shin family? I remeber your family, I even remeber the night I killed them. Your family is dead because they were importing women and drugs from America and the UK. Your family was apart of drug smuggling and human trafficking. If your family hadn't tried to have foolishly taken me then they would still be alive." I said to her revealing her family for its true nature.

She weeped and yelled at me.

"No my family would never do that." She screamed in denial.

"They would and they did. I don't regret killing your family they were nothing but scum to the world. I was simply at the store and your brother if I had to guess thought because of my height and weight being substantially smaller than his was tried to forcefully abduct me. Though he couldn't have possibly known I was smoke, I kept my identity hidden and the only ones that know I look liks this are Bangtan and you" I smiled at her. In return she thrashed around and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"The night I killed your family, your brother was the last one I murdered. He asked me right before I put a bullet through his disgusting head to not hurt his little sister and that she had no part in it. I'm assuming that you're the little sister he was talking about." I said to her recalling the events of that night.

"Though it seems that I should've put a bullet through you to"

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