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Thank you for being patient with me ARMY!

3rd POV

Yoongi's hands shook uncontrollably. He didn't know how to make the shakes stop so he just laughed.

A drug induced laugh. The blood continued to flow down his nose, making its way down his lips which he licked taking in the metallic taste of his own blood. Laying the tray down he layed back on his bed looking at the ceiling seeing colors and designs that weren't there in reality. Ki-Dae and Hoseok were taking the stairs up and knocked on his door after hearing no response the girl turned the knob. Her eyes widened not because of the contents on the tray but because of the fact that Yoongi had taken them.

She was just outright shocked.

Without a thought Ki-Dae rushed to Yoongi's side.

"Hey! Hey! Yoongi can you hear me" she said looking at his dilated pupils. Even though his dark eyes she could still see his pupils dilated. In return all Yoongi did was grin really wide.

"Hoseok go get Namjoon and Jin" she said to him and he did as she said. Looking at the try she sae the thin white lines. It obviously looked like cocaine but she couldn't be 100% sure. Licking her pinky she dipped the smallest amount possible onto her wet finger and stuck it in her mouth. Instantly she took her finger back out and her face scruntched in disgust.

Ki-Dae POV

"What the hell have you gotten yourself into?" I asked more to myself than anything else. An addiction is not something he needs right now. All the boys came stumbling into the big room that Yoongi had.

"Jin its cocaine but I think he's taken to much he's not even responding to me. Or anything really" I said to Jin who nodded taking his hand and placing his fingers on Yoongi's pulse point. Counting them silently the boys could only sit by and watch. Taehyung came and rested a hand on my shoulder squeezing it with a sorrowful smile on his face.

"His pulse is a bit faster than average but all we can do is let it get out of his system and go from there" Jin explained to the others.

His eyes glanced to the tray and he shook his head lightly disappointed in Yoongi's actions.

Grabbing the tray I blew on it making all the thin white lines go into the air. Tossing the tray into his garbage can before leaving the room. I needed to take a breather before I lost it on him for such reckless and careless actions.

Making myself a quick cup of coffee I sipped on it quietly. I shouldn't care...

But I do.

It's only 10 pm Mark and Changkyun just left maybe 10 minutes ago, but now I feel so drained I could sleep for an eternity. Going up to my bedroom I noticed that the only people in Yoongi's room was Taehyung and Jin now. They were probably gonna try and take care of him. Slipping off my jacket I burried myself in the blankets putting a random murder documentary on the TV.

I suppose I liked that about Taehyung, even if he did like me he remembered that Yoongi is one of his closest friends and is actively helping Jin to take care of him. Jungkook didn't do anything like that, he was selfish and borderline cruel. Though he was young when all that happened.... Maybe he's grown up a bit.

Letting out a groan of frustration I grabbed my hair that had grown out to maybe my shoulders now.

Hearing a knock on my door I yelled a quick 'come in'. It was Namjoon.

"Hey are you okay I can hear you tossing and turning from the other room" he chuckled out.

"Yeah I'm fine just- nevermind it doesn't matter" I cut myself off.  Blinking hard I let out a sigh.

"Is it prehaps guy troubles?" Namjoon asked softly.

"Wow Namjoon how'd you know?" I asked back sarcastically. He sat on the ground back against the door.

"Feelings are conflicting, they're misleading. And a lot of the times our logical side always fight with our emotions." He emphasized he words to me. Even with the fact that he was younger than me damn was he wise and so damn intelligent.

"I'll be the first to admit all 3 of the guys are very attractive. Though Jin will always have a... Special place in my heart..." He murmured. My eyes popped wide open.

I never knew Namjoon was like that with Jin.

His face flushed the brightest pink I had ever laid my eyes on.

"Not that me and Jin hyung are anything" he said backtracking.

"Oh my god you're unofficially together" I exclaimed. In return he just starred.

"Enough talking about me back to your dilemma. Just be easy on yourself a heartbreak is the hardest wound to heal from" he said before dusting himself off and bidding me a quick goodnight and escaped out of my room.

He was nervous to talk about Jin. Cute.

Rubbing my eyes I laid back in my huge bed getting comfortable under the cool blankets.

I heard my door open slightly and it was enough to make me snap my head over to the door.

"Taehyung what are you doing?" I asked tired.

"I couldn't sleep in Yoongi-hyung's room he was hogging the bed." He complained.

"What makes you think I'm gonna let you sleep in my bed?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Well I didn't think you were gonna let me but if I have to keep close watch on Yoongi hyung and sleep on the floor... I might as well do it in your room where it smells like vanilla" he expressed. Contemplating it quickly I nodded.

I suppose sleeping on my floor wouldn't do any harm.

"Here" I muttered throwing multiple pet beds at him.

"Sleep on those it's better than the cold floor. And at least it will put those beds to use" I chuckled. I watched in amusement as he made some sort of fort out of the pet beds.

Before I knew it he was fast asleep on the beds. Smiling a bit I placed one of my blankets on him.

"Never will I ever regret taking that fall for you"

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