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After hours of talking, Changkyun came up telling us that Jin said it was time for dinner. Me and Jimin looked at each other giving one another a nervous smile. We walked back inside, Jimin said he'd run and get Feng since he was nice enough to grab him up. Yoongi and the girl sat across from me while Taehyung came out of nowhere and took a seat next to me. Jungkook quietly sat in the seat that Jimin would have sat in. Giving me a small wave and a quiet 'hi'. I didn't bother acknowledging his presence, I wanted nothing to due with Jungkook. He's a man that looks quiet and cute and shy on the outside but in reality, Jungkook wasn't any of those things- well maybe cute... 

Even with how cute he looked avoiding eye contact with me and blushing cause he felt my stare, all I could think about in the back of my mind is that he's laid his hands on me. In ways that those same people did before Ace took me. It made my blood boil. Taking a deep breath I chose to move my mind to other things. Making a scene and acting out isn't how I'm gonna get their attention off me and slip away back to Japan. Changkyun came back in with Namjoon right next to him. They sat down and soon after Jimin came back in with Feng. 

"Feng come here boy," I said excitedly getting up from my chair he jumped from Jimin's hands and ran to me. He jumped into my arms and I hugged his tiny body. Yoongi's eyes were on e and Feng.

"Jungkook move you took my seat," Jimin said. 

"But Hyung" he whined 

"Move go sit next to Taehyung," Jimin said and Jungkook with a grunt listened. I sat back down and in came chef Jin who set down the meal which was some stir-fried rice with a chicken of some sort. Everybody thanked Jin for the meal and soon we all began eating. It was an awkward silence.  

"So how was Japan?" Namjoon tried to spark up a conversation, everyone looked at me but not nearly as intently as Yoongi did. 

"It was ok, I got to see my family and some old friends" I smiled to myself as Feng snuggled into my neck. 

"Really? How was it seeing your family?" he asked curiously. 

"Well I stayed in my mother and father's house for a while and I got to see my sister but she wasn't as happy for my return. A few months after that I moved out-" I got cut off. 

"With Jang Hyunseung" Yoongi cut in coldly. His dark eyes stayed focused on me regardless of the girl next to him pulling on his elbow.  The other 6 looked at me almost like they wanted me to confirm it even though I know full and well they were keeping some sort of tabs on me. 

They know what's true and they know what's not. They just don't know the motives behind it. 

I slightly smiled at Yoongi. 

"OKAY I'M JUST GONNA ASK SINCE YOU TWO ARE ACTING WEIRD, ARE YOU MARRIED TO HYUNSEUNG?" Changkyun asked me, pointing towards my ring. I frowned my brows. 

"You were the spy who escaped out of the window at my house you would know" I retorted back to him. 

"and for your information Yoongi Yes, I did move in with Hyunseung and it was my choice to do so. No, I am not married to Hyunseung" I said and Jimin squeezed my hand. 

"I was engaged to Hyunseung, our parents are very high up in the company business well his and my parents co-own a company, so me and Hyunseung have known each other since we were kids." Yoongi's glared at me. 

"you threw away everything we had over some stupid rich kid"

"I'm not playing the blame game of our relationship with you" 

"Is that what it is or am I right?" Yoongi raised his voice.

"Suga stop Hyung sit down," Namjoon said trying to calm him down.

"I expected more from yo-" Yoongi began but got cut off by me. 

"Yeah, and I expected more from you too from what I have been told you've been nothing dead weight and slack for the other 6 to carry." I shot back in the same tone he used. He got up from his chair slamming his hands on the table. I saw the girl next to him flinch. 

"You weren't here that's none of your business." 

"And equally who I associate with and why I am is none of your business," I said getting up as well, glaring at him with my slender steel grey eyes. 

"I am not your friend, I'm not your girlfriend, and I sure as hell aren't your property. So stop worrying, caring or whatever the hell you think you're doing that has to due with me" I said I huffed out at him. 

"C'mon you guys let's just calm down" Jin intervened. 

"Noona please eat Jin made this meal specifically for you," Taehyung said to me pulling my shirt. Yoongi glared at him. Making my anger fester more. Though I chose the better option and sat down. After I did so did Yoongi and everyone else. It was silent as we ate. 

"Wellllll I'm glad we're being nice friendly modest citizens, " Hoseok asked breaking the silence making me laugh along with the others, well I'm at least glad to see he still has his personality. Feng was still fast asleep on my shoulder. 

Soon not to long after we wrapped up dinner, Hoseok and Namjoon washed the dishes. Me and Jimin went back outside towards the garden, it was peaceful there. The ocean sparkled as the moon hit the sea, the fish and ocean life are free to go where ever they like. 

"Damn you Hyunseung damn you to hell" I muttered under my breath. Feeling as if Hyunseung was at fault for all this but in reality, that was a lie I knew there was a possibility I would end up back here the moment I told Hyunseung that it was fine if we moved here. 

"Jimin get lost I need to talk to Ki-Dae" Yoongi's voice brought me out of my thought. 

Great my oh so favorite person.

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