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TaeHyung POV

I pressed my foot on the brake tossing the car in park quickly getting out of the front seat, everyone seemed to work in sync with one another without any words being said, no words could really be said even if there were words they'd be drowned out by Yoongi's shrieks of pain. We all felt mad about this. Though I couldn't tell who was more pissed Ki-Dae or Jin they both looked equally annoyed with this.

"Careful be easy with him" Namjoon muttered to us as we all grabbed onto Yoongi to transport him inside, quicker than lightning Ki-Dae was already at the door holding the large left side of the door open she screamed for someone and Yeonjun came down running wide eyes as the scene displayed before him.

"Get the other door we need to give them as much room as possible" Ki-Dae said to him he followed her instructions and soon me, Namjoon, Jimin and Jin laid Yoongi down on the medical table. Hoseok was helping Jungkook inside.

The 4 younger boys were following Ki-Dae when she entered the room asking her numerous questions about what happened.

"Boys, I'll tell you everything you wanna know but that will have to wait," she told them which caused them all to become quite a sheepish look overtook them.

Ki-Dae Pov

After Jimin shooed the boys away we all stood silently watching jin work on Yoongi, Jimin was handing him supplies as he called for them. He was working with numerous tools, cotton swabs here, alcohol there, rolls of bandages littered the ground.

My hand was in a tight fist against my lips I bit down on my knuckles trying to stop my urge of wanting to just engulf Yoongi with my arms and never let him go, the harsh reality of it was that I didn't know anything medically wise, at least nowhere as much as Jin did. Next to me stood Namjoon who watched with deep intent in his eyes.

I bit my lip looking at him he glanced at me.

"Is your nose alright? I'm sorry I hit you" I muttered to him.

"You staying with us was well worth you decking me in the face. My face is fine though thank you" He teased I laughed a bit it seems like we were trying to lighten the mood for both of us.

"Yoongi is strong he'll.... he'll be okay he just needs time to heal... lots of time" Jin muttered out the last part a side of him looked hopeless but he didn't want to show that side.

One by one as the hours passed all the members slowly left the room until it was just me and Yoongi he was asleep, he had been for the past few hours. I was in a chair next to his bed waiting for his awakening. It must have been 2 am when Jin reentered the room with a coffee cup in his hand, hair a mess, and a yawn in his mouth. He looked like he hasn't gained an ounce of sleep. He cleaned Yoongi's wound and was preparing to change the bandages. I grabbed a roll and handed them to him, he gave me a small smile in exchange.

He sat down in another chair next to Yoongi after switching the bandages. He laid his head on Yoongi's leg inhaling a deep breath his back hitched. I heard the smallest of sobs leave Seokjins throat. My chest tightened at that knowing full well that this was a horrible situation.

I rubbed his back concern in my eyes.

"Seokjin tell me what's really happening with him," I said lightly. He sat up with puffy eyes.

"The bullet went through his lungs, it's fatal, his lungs are gonna collapse... I don't know how to fix this. I don't even know if this is fixable, even if I had proper equipment" He confessed with a shaky breath. I bit my lip seeing just how serious this is. I sat next to him.

"Don't think this is your fault, if anything it's mine it was my moronic ex who caused all this" I retorted.

"Don't say that even if it was you that shot him he wouldn't have it any other way he loved you, he always has, I'm his hyung I'm not supposed to let him get hurt, he wasn't even supposed to get hurt" He sighed the stress from the situation at hand could be sensed a mile away.

"You couldn't possibly have known that that was gonna happen, you can't blame yourself," I said to him seeing the tears begin to fall from his eyes, mine stung as they started to get glossy as well.

"Ki-Dae I need to tell you something..... tomorrow I usually go get my shipment from the distributor for my medical supplies and Yoongi asked me to get you that plan B pill... if... if he doesn't make it what did you want to do? I'm all for everyone making their own decisions but this is different" he murmured the last part. To be honest that hadn't occurred to me the whole time I looked at my lover who was asleep with his hair fanning over his forehead.

"What would Yoongi do?"

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