22 {new}

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One more thing I added karvachauth, PTSD scenes in previous parts. Which were in flashback but not slap as that time I thought it was not needed. Also I edited many mistakes in this story that's why I took time and 20,21 didn't contained many mistakes that's why published early

In night Shivaay got a call from Priyanka who told about her arrival

"Anika tomorrow Priyanka is coming here to meet us", he said sadly turning lights off

"So why are you sad?", She asked and placed her head on his chest

"Because I didn't talked with her. I am regretting that I forgot her... I mean we all at fault that we didn't took care of her", he said while caressing her hairs

"Yes we are even I admit that we didn't talked much with her and but Shivaay that time I ...I just wanted your bail . Also I was that much depressed that I forgot her. I used to talk with her sometimes but not much", she said in low voice being guilty

"Yea it's ok. I can understand. Now we will ask forgiveness and will live with her happily", he said and wrapped his arms around her


Next day Priyanka came in morning and hugged Shivaay tightly after noticing him

"Bhaiya I missed you a lot ", said Priyanka with teary eyes

"I Missed you too", said Shivaay and caressed her hair's

"What was the reason bhaiya? Why you behaved like that before 5 year's? I got to know there was a reason but what?" , Asked Priyanka after breaking hug

"N... nothing", he said and looked here and there

"Priyanka how are you", said Anika and hugged Priyanka

"I am fine but angry bhabhi", complained Priyanka and broke hug

"I am sorry Priyanka in these 5 years I lost my own self . After he came back I was unable to hold my happiness. But still there were many problems so didn't...I am sorry", said Anika being guilty

"Ok bhabhi I forgave you and bhaiya too. Don't look down like this", said Priyanka noticing their Lower gaze

"Also I met someone who took my care and also helped me . I love him bhaiya", said Priyanka eying Shivaay as she knew Anika will support her but Shivaay will not

"No not again Priyanka. Did you forgot Daksh? first tell me something about him", said Shivaay sternly

"Shivaay... Let her have something. She just came and you are fighting", said Anika and made him sit on sofa

"Bhabhi it's ok let him talk", said Priyanka and told him about Jay

"Bhaiya Jay is a worker in xyz company. He is very nice and supportive in nature. He always helped me . He supported me in those days when I badly needed someone", said Priyanka with a smile

"How much he earns?", Asked Shivaay in cold voice looking straight in her eyes

"5000 bhaiya per month", said Priyanka casually shocking Shivaay

"5000 are you serious Priyanka? How will you live with him? Do you think he will be able to complete your needs? Do you think he will be able to keep you happy?", Asked Shivaay angrily

"Bhaiya.... I don't need anything rather than love which he will give", said Priyanka but Shivaay interrupted her

"You can't marry him then. Just see Priyanka we are so rich and that person I from middle class family. You will not be able to adjust there", said Shivaay angrily

"Calm down", said Anika to Shivaay seeing Priyanka with tears

"Anika I can't didn't heard her? How can she think of marrying that middle class guy ", Asked Shivaay and huffed angrily

"Just like you. Even you had love marriage right then why can't I marry someone whom I love? Just because I am a girl", she asked with slight tears. She was getting angry as rather than supporting he is denying her

"No it's not like that ", said Shivaay which came as a mere whisper

"But you still can't marry middle class boy", said Shivaay calmly. He knew with how much difficulty he managed to stay calm

"Why can't he when you yourself married..", but Shivaay interrupted Priyanka angrily

"Don't you dare . Otherwise you know it can pull the worst side of mine out", shouted Shivaay angrily

Priyanka being embarrassed and guilty looked down

"You know very well how I married her. Even after that you are questioning me? What do you think it's easy to live with a person who don't have any savings? Regarding her so Priyanka keep in mind I married her forcefully and fell in love after that.. Just think of someone marrying...", Shouted Shivaay angrily but Anika interrupted him

"Shivaay.... Control your tongue just think what were you about to say", she whispered near his ears and placed juice on table which she was holding

"Sorry. But you can't marry him nor I will let you to meet him", ordered Shivaay and left from there

"I'm sorry Priyanka from his side. Please don't go out ", said Anika

"Then I will not eat anything too", she said and went from there angrily

Anika entered room and saw Shivaay throwing phone angrily

"Calm down otherwise you will burn this house", she said and chuckled

"Anika don't make fun of it . I am serious. How can she talk about you. And yes don't take her Side I don't want her to suffer again ", he said and took her phone

"Shivaay", she said but Shivaay didn't heard Anything and called Khanna

"Hello Khanna get me information regarding Jay whosoever he Is and his motive too. Why he stayed with Priyanka", said Shivaay and declined call

"Ho gya? Shivaay one thing I want to ask why are not you giving that person a chance", asked Anika and sat near him

"Because I am scared what if that person played with her feelings just like Daksh. I don't want her to suffer . She is very innocent. If one person will talk with her politely she will think that person Is good which I don't want Anika", he whispered and hugged her

"You both are very important for me",he said and left room after caressing her face lovingly

"Where are you going?", Asked Anika

"To check Priyanka. Hope she didn't tried to met that guy", said Shivaay and left from there

Before I thought that part is very short so I should write more. Yesterday I didn't wrote much and today too as here whether is very cold and my hands shiver 😂. Till 30 whether will be like this. They alerted us before 🤭so. Will update next part very soon

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