Part :3

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Anika came in her room or to say that their room and saw Shivaay sitting lost somewhere.

Anika came towards him and sat near him. Shivaay felt some moment which broke his trance. He turned his face and saw Anika side hugging him. She had kept her head in his shoulders

"What?", he asked noticing her weird behaviour again because seeing her he can guess that her mood is off

"Nothing", said Anika but from inside she was breaking because whenever she used to hug him like this in past he used to smile and hug her back but now he didn't. She felt sharp pain in her heart seeing his this type of behavior

"Why you waited for a murderer. 5 years....(he took a long breath) 5 year's are too much Anika ", asked Shivaay sadly

He really wanted to know the reason that why she trusted him when his own family didn't. Why she waited for him when there was no hope of his comeback. Why she beared hatred why??......

Seeing him being numb without any emotion broke her heart but she gained courage and said

"I.. I am your wife Shivaay and I trust you ", said Anika looking in his eyes. Tears started forming in her eyes remembering past

"But when my family didn't trusted me then why you did?? ", Asked Shivaay in low voice..That voice  directly came from his heart.  He wanted to know the answer

"Because I love you Shivaay and I don't care what world say . I know you better that you can't kill anyone and by chance if you did then there must be a strong Reason for that. I won't ask that but Shivaay I am sure that no truth can break my trust upon you. My love towards you is not that much weak ", said Anika with a smile and thought that he will hug her but he didn't which broke her heart more but she composed herself to listen him

"Hmm but still why you beared those hateful words from people", said Shivaay with concerned voice but he badly failed to show through his face and eyes.

Anika was expecting his confession from his side like he used to say before after "I love you" . She thought he will atleast confess his love towards her but no he didn't. Maybe he was more broken than her

**Flashback start **

Anika came in their room being tired

"Come sit", said Shivaay setting her their bed

"Hmm after making Dosa for everyone I am very tired ", said Anika and laid on bed because it was hectic day for her and now she is really tired and needs rest

"Hmm I know but those Dosa's were very tasty. I want one more", said Shivaay and received an angry glare from her. He knew that she will react like this. He Just wanted to tease her

Shivaay came and sat near her

"Sit", asked Shivaay

"Why?? ", Asked Anika

"Just sit Anika", said Shivaay

"Ok", said Anika and sat

Shivaay sat behind her and started massaging her shoulders while Anika was startled and holded his hands to stop him

"Shi..Shivaay leave it . You don't ne...", Anika was interrupted by Shivaay

"But I need to . You are tired and it's my duty to massage you as you are my wife. Also you will also do same if you will be in my place. Don't you??", Asked Shivaay raising his eyebrows

Anika hummed so he removed her hands after kissing them

"I love you Shivaay", said Anika with a genuine smile

"Hmm I know and I love you too Anika", said Shivaay still massaging her shoulders

Flashback end

Anika was remembering their moment and stared crying without noticing his presence because from past 5 years she was alone. She used to remember him everyday and used to cry for him. That time she just wanted to see him a mere reflection would be enough too but seperation was unbearable for her.

"W..what happened Anika?", asked Shivaay being worried seeing her tears

Now she noticed that he was there ... With her.... His eyes didn't showed any emotion but his voice did that work.. his voice showed concern

"Nothing", said Anika

"Anika please tell me what happened? Anything can change but this thing can't change that I can't see tears in your eyes", said Shivaay and wiped her tears

"But what can I do Shivaay. I also can't see this numb Shivaay. My Tadibaaz baggadbilla is lost somewhere", said Anika being hurt while rubbing her hand over his chest near his heart

"Anika please don't cry ", said Shivaay wiping her fresh tears. His eyes were also having tears seeing her crying

"Hmm ok now sleep because tomorrow we have to go to office", said Anika and stood straight

"We??", Asked Shivaay being confused as he don't want to go there now..

"Hmm I joined your office after your exit Shivaay. But my work is complete now only some is left so for few months we will work together and then you will handle your so called business and I will try somewhere else or here with you",said Anika with a smile showing him that she is happy that her workload will decrease

"But Anika it would be difficult for you to handle buisness alone and also you didn't knew anything about buisness before", said Shivaay because he know that she was less educated and about buisness then it need great  hardwork for success

"But now I know na ", Said Anika

"But how was your journey?", asked Shivaay and noticed her changing expressions

Her face fell down. Her eyes became watery but she didn't wanted to fall weak so she left from there

"I am coming", said Anika and left

"Something is fishy and I need to find that", thought Shivaay to himself because now he was sure that she is hiding something.


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