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In evening Shivaay came with Priyanka who was crying

"Shivaay Priyanka", shouted Anika and hugged her

"Bhabhi bhaiya..", she stammered but Shivaay interrupted her

"Just shut up. You are going to marry my friend now. Don't you dare to question it. You don't love Jay it's  just attraction", said Shivaay angrily and left from there

"Bhabhi please make him understand", chocked Priyanka

"Ok ", said Anika and came inside room to she Shivaay throwing phone

"Shivaay what's happening. From the time you got to know about Jay you are behaving weird. Can't you give him one chance", she asked politely and made him sit on bed

"He is not good for her. He just want her... No I will not let anything happen to her ", he said in low voice

He stood up to go but Anika made him sit again

"I am sorry Shivaay don't know why those words slipped from my mouth I....I didn't... Mean it", she said and hugged him tightly. Shivaay smiled and rubbed her back slowly

"I know that Anika it's ok. That time I was hurt but then understood that you just said what you thought. Regarding her alliance so don't worry Ranveer is a nice guy he will keep her happy", said Shivaay

(Don't know why in this universe Gul took another guy for Priyanka rather than Ranveer. You can take that buisnessman too as a positive character)

"Ok I understood but how will you convenience her ", said Anika

"Don't know but I will try to make her understand. She don't love him Anika . I saw her eyes . I think she will forget him easily. Let's see ", he said and stood up

"Where are you going?", Asked Anika

"In Priyanka's room to make her understand that . Also I will tell her that she can divorce Ranveer after 6 months", said Shivaay shocking Anika

"Shivaay you still take marriage as a joke right. That's why you are thinking of divorce for Priyanka", said Anika with a pinch of anger and closed the door before he could move

"So do you think I should let her suffer with that person whom she don't like for whole life? I am giving them 6 months. And in those six months if they fell in love then it's fine otherwise I don't want even Ranveer to spoil his life for me",said Shivaay stating the fact that they will suffer more if they stayed in marriage

"Yes you are right", said Anika and hugged him

"But Shivaay do think you are doing right . What if that person is good?", Asked Anika

"Shh I know what is right and what Is wrong. When you said I should give a chance to Jay I inquired about him and got to know that he was just her friend and consider her same it's just Priyanka who is calling him as her love because she .... Craved for it. That time she was that much alone ", said Shivaay in low voice when Anika interrupted him

"That when he cared for her she thought he is good and love her. I..am at fault Shivaay when she needed support I.   I ignored her", said Anika being guilty

"Stop... Don't blame yourself Anika. Weren't you depressed? If she lost me even you did. Also she had an option to live with you that time but she didn't it's her fault not yours", said Shivaay and caressed her hair's

"Also that Jay will soon get his punishment he was faking his love towards Priyanka so we will not tell her. Let her fell in love with Ranveer as I am sure she will as he is very nice person anyone call fall for him expect you", he said

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