Part : 4

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Anika ran towards study room and holded back of sofa tightly.

Shivaay followed her and saw her crying. He ran towards her and hugged her

"Stop crying Anika", said Shivaay while hugging her. He gently stroked his hand on her hairs to console her . He kissed her hairs when Anika said

"Hmm Shivaay you should go and sleep . I want to make one presentation for tomorrow", said Anika while looking here and there. Shivaay understood that she is lying but didn't reacted

"Hmm but you will cry", said Shivaay because he was not having another excuse to stay with her rather than this but it seemed to be a flop excuse

"I willl not . Pinky promise", said Anika while showing her pinky finger

"Hmm ok", said Shivaay

"Now you ho and sleep you must be tired and don't forget to eat heart medicines", said Anika and kissed his cheeks.

Shivaay placed his hand on the place where she kissed. He started blushing "mad girl", he thought

"Ok I will", said Shivaay and left from there

After sometime Khanna came there

"Anika did you took your depression pills", asked Khanna who saw Anika engrossed in laptop

"Ohh bhaiya I forgot thank you for reminding me", said Anika

"I don't know when you will grow up", said Khanna and gave her medicines

"Bhaiya how can I... I have many responsibilities also I forgot today because I am tensed about Shivaay . He had became emotionless *Anika started crying while placing her hands on her face* bhaiya he was never like this . I...I can't see him like this . He had became numb. I ...want to see old Shiva...ay back bh...aiya", said Anika in chocking voice while crying

"Anika stop crying. You know about your health right", he asked while holding her shoulders to which Anika nodded

"You should tell sir about your depression", said Khanna being protective for Anika while Anika shooked her head

"No Khanna bhaiya . How can I tell him. He himself is very weak and is in pain. I can't give him more pain by telling him about my health", said Anika while tears were not stopping but she had promised him that she won't cry so she holded her tears and wiped them

"But Anika truth can't be hidden from him for a long time . It will come out", said Khanna stating the fact that he is still Shivaay who can guess change in her behaviour

"But I will never let this truth to come out",said Anika loudly

"Anika but what will you answer Shivaay sir if he again asked about your office days. You can't escape everytime Anika", said Khanna

"Bhaiya I will tell a lie but I can't say truth to him", said Anika

"But Anika he will break more if truth comes out ", said Khanna trying to make her realise that hiding things will damage everything but Anika was not understanding

"But Khanna bhaiya I will not let him know anything", said Anika screamed but not so loudly. Some tears drops fell from her eyes again

" I.. I am not a good husband Anika. I am not worthy to know the truth . How can I leave you being suffered alone here. T....this is because of me.... You are eve....n hesitant t.. to tell me the tr...truth. Y.. you were lying me.... You are having d....depression.", said Shivaay being hurt behaving as a mad man doing actions from his his fingers due to which nearby flower vase fell down and broke

"Sh..... Shivaay", whispered Anika being horrified noticing him inside room . She guessed that he heard their conversation.

She became scared seeing his bloodshot red eyes and ran towards him.

"Don't come near me. Do... don't", said Shivaay angrily while moving backwards

But Anika didn't listened to him and hugged him tightly

"It's not like that Shivaay I didn't wanted to give you more pain ", said Anika crying while hugging him

"No you are saying lie", said Shivaay trying to break hug but Anika holded him more tightly

"Shivaay please don't say this. I am really sorry for hiding truth from you but please don't do this ", said Anika while crying

"I am your life partner Anika and I also have right to know about truth ", said Shivaay

"But Shivaay even you didn't told one truth. Which broke this house . Why you killed bade Papa? What was the reason?", Said Anika

"Because I didn't wanted you to hate ..", said Shivaay but stopped in middle realising what he was going to say

"It doesn't matter", said Shivaay and jerked Anika

With sudden jerk Anika's hold loosened taking this as an opportunity Shivaay ran from there angrily

He came in room and closed the door. He started breaking everything which came in his hands...

"Shivaay", said Anika banging door

"Please open door Shivaay", shouted Anika while crying

She was listening breaking sounds from inside. Shivaay was angry upon her and himself too that he wasn't able to reduce her pain . He was giving her more pain and angry upon Anika because she didn't told him about truth and was hiding that from him

He was also crying badly. Anika was constantly banging on door . Due to which her hands started bleeding because her bangles broke in her hands but she didn't gave any attention to them because now her priority is Shivaay who is angry from her

Shivaay leaned towards door and continued crying. Anika was also crying leaning towards door asking him to open door again and again. She was asking sorry but he wasn't listening. He was blaming himself . He can't face her

After sometime Shivaay noticed that she is not saying anything. He opened door. Unconscious Anika fell upon him which scared him. Shivaay holded her tightly in his arms and called her

"A... Anika", whispered Shivaay being scared but Anika didn't reacted. So he picked her up in her and laid her on bed

Precap - truth comes out that Shivaay shooted Tej and maybe Anika's suffering also. Shivaay's care❤️💖

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