Part : 9

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After entering in mall first they buyed a suit for him because his clothes were wet now.

After changing they started pacing in mall and checked many stalls. Shivaay choosed many dresses for her .

"Shivaay it's waste of money", said Anika angrily when she saw him buying so many dresses for her when she was continuously denying

"For your kind information I am working for you only ",said Shivaay and interwined their fingers together and went towards jewellery stall

"It's enough I am tired",said Anika while sitting on bench being tired

"Ok wait for sometime let's have something. Wanna eat ice-cream?", asked Shivaay and pointed towards icecream stall

Anika nodded but before Anika could speak he spoke

"Chocolate flavour hana", he said

"Hmmm", smiled Anika and nodded


After a minute Shivaay came with her ice-cream and they both had it together

After finishing Shivaay got up confusing her

"Anika wait for a minute I am coming don't go anywhere ok", said Shivaay in hurry and left

"Hmm ok", said Anika and smiled seeing him desperate for something

Shivaay entered in jwellery shop and choosed an expensive ring for her

"It's very beautiful just like her", he thought when he holded that ring in his hand

After buying that ring he called Khanna

"Hello Khanna call media in office I am coming with Anika..


Yes everyone should be there including that receptionist too", said Shivaay and smirked evily

He came inside cafe and saw her being lost somewhere . He noticed that she is staring in one direction. When he looked towards that direction he saw one couple with baby of hardly one year . They were playing with their baby in mall which killed him from inside

Shivaay came and sat beside her. He kissed her cheeks making her come out of dreamland

"W.... what", she asked being confused that why he kissed her suddenly

"What were you thinking Han....", He asked raising his eyebrows

"About my husband Shivaay",said Anika

Shivaay smiled. He holded Anika's hand

"Stop day dreaming Mrs Asso your husband is and will always be with you", said Shivaay and smirked thinking about her reaction but Anika reacted in an opposite way. He thought she will blush

"Are you going to ditch Me? What will I d ", cried Anika dramatically

"No need to be scared Asso I will never ditch you. I didn't holded this hand to leave it ( mene yeh hath chodne ke lea nai pakda)", said Shivaay lovingly

"I know that. I was joking Shivaay", said Anika . She thought he took her joke serious

"I thought to tease you with your smirk. I did this only to make moment lite", told Anika to make him believe that she trust him. She knows well that he will never ditch her

"Hmm ok", he Said in sweet voice and stared her. He knew she was not serious but still he thought to tell that he can't ditch her .

"Shivaay tell me what happened in jail", said Anika while rubbing her hand on his shoulders when Shivaay leaned towards her

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