Part - 10

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Shivika sat in car. Once getting themselves comfortable Anika asked him with fake anger

"What was that anger for", asked Anika

"For you Anika. I really can't tolerate any violence against you", said Shivaay and holded her both hands together in his one hand

"Hmm but still Shivaay.... ", Said Anika but Shivaay cutted her saying

"Anika stop this matter please", he pleaded through his eyes. He just don't want to talk about these thinks now

"Hmm ", huffed Anika angrily and looked out

Shivaay smiled and stopped his car near gol gappa stall

"Let's eat", said Shivaay trying to be excited for her but she denied

"I am not interested", said Anika angrily and looked outside

"Really", asked Shivaay and raised his eyebrows because it's first time she denied eating golgappa's

"Ohh yes. Eat yourself", said Anika and looked at him for a second then after replying she continued looking outside

"Ok", siad Shivaay and came out of car. Shock could be understatement for her as she thought he will force her to come but here he left to eat alone. Anika became more angry now and took her mobile phone out to call Omru to pick her up. But before she could dial she saw him coming

And in few seconds came back and picked her up

"What to do . I can't eat my wife's favourite thing without her", he said and kissed her cheeks. Anika who was wriggling in his arms stopped wriggling and blushed

"Let's make your mood fine", he whispered near her ears

Anika smiled and hugged him

"Sorry for showing my anger on baseless thing", said Anika sadly regretting her anger

Shivaay put her down

"Anika I don't care about anything ok. Till you are with me nothing matter to me", said Shivaay caressing her cheeks

"Love you a lot. By the way which company you were talking about", asked Anika

"Shivika industry.. Anika but that's not opened yet because 5 years ago I wanted you to open and start this company after our marriage. I thought to give this to you as pag fera gift but everything was destroyed", said Shivaay looking down

Anika holded his chin and made him face her

"Nothing is destroyed Shivaay you are with me na and we can start this that too together", said Anika and interwined their fingers

Shivaay holded their hands

"But Anika there is much struggle in this company because I have to start this from starting", said Shivaay

"Correction it's we Shivaay. We will face every struggle together which will come on the way. Also struggles will make our company more stronger. And introducing new company is very difficult I know but together we can do anything na", said Anika

"Hmm ok but you will be chairman then ", said Shivaay

"Why? I mean no need to do this Shivaay I want to be with you. We will be on same position. I am not experienced like you Shivaay. You will be the chairman", said Anika

"No you"

"No you"



"Ok then we will be chairman is it fine", asked Shivaay greeting his teeths

Anika smiled and nodded

Facing struggles together ✓Where stories live. Discover now