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"Shivaay and Anika", came a voice and they turned to see Mehir Awasthi standing there

Seeing him Shivaay's heart boiled with anger. Just because of him he was forced to hate his whole family

"I will not leave you", shouted Shivaay and moved towards him angrily but Anika came in between

"Shant Shivaay. Please calm down", said Anika with tears and hugged him

"I accept my defeat you were right. I tried every possible way to seperate you both but you both fought with destiny and told that true love is strongest. Don't worry time stopped that moment when you were imagining life so you are back on that time when you left from my function", he said and vanished in air

Shivaay tried to catch him but he went

"Let's go home Shivaay. See your car is here", said Anika and sat inside his car

"It will not start. Let's go by walk only", said Shivaay and started walking without leaving Anika's hand. He dragged her with him which was scaring Anika as he was looking worried

"Shivaay don't worry I am fine", she said and caressed his face

After half an hour They came home

"Bhaiya bhabhi. That God you both came.  We were tensed", shouted Rudra and went towards Shivaay to hug him but Shivaay pushed Rudra and went

Anika looked down being tensed as Shivaay is still not out if redux world

"Why he pushed me bhabhi?", asked Rudra sadly

Anika holded his face.

"Because Rudy we are drenched. I will also come after changing we don't want you guys to catch cold. One more thing he broke the deal so he will not come but we will talk", said Anika and left from there

After coming inside thier room she saw Shivaay sitting there

Anika locked door and sat near him

"Shivaay that was our imagination please forget that like a bad dream and change your clothes", said Anika and holded his shoulders

"I need time Anika. That looked so real and my hate towards Omr... Leave that I just need sometime alone or with you but not family .I understood that even I want baby", said Shivaay when he remembered their last conversation in real universe when he said that he don't want baby

"It's ok Shivaay you can spend sometime alone but I really want to hug them. When I saw them I felt like ages. Keep one thing in mind Shivaay even I didn't like them in that universe but here Omru are the ones who love me more than you

Do you think these Omru will leave you when they will get to know that you married me forcefully just like they did in redux. Shivaay that universe was opposite in reality Om is an artist and Rudra is bodybuilder not buisnessman", said Anika and left for changing clothes as she really wanted to meet Omru. They don't even know what they did so there is no use of scolding them or hating them

After 5 minutes Anika came out and gave him his night dress

"Shivaay atleast change your clothes otherwise you will catch cold", she said

"Bhabhi come out see what we made", shouted Rudra from kitchen

Anika smiled and caressed Shivaay's hands

"I am going to meet my artist and body builder. Just think if you married me in this way here then they would be hating you till now hope you remember our marriage as well", said Anika and left from there as she knew only these type of things can make him realise that these Omru are opposite

"Bhabhi take this tea first and we are making aloo Puri for you", said Om

Anika went near them and hugged them

"I missed you", whispered Anika in heavy voice she took a deep breath to control herself and rubbed their back

"Bhabhi what happened to you? this duffer was not serious and you know that right. You both just went for few hours", said Om and laughed but Anika chuckled at his statement

"Few hours", she chuckled

"Anyways wow this smell. Now I am very hungry", said Anika and sat on kitchen shelf

"Bhabhi. He must be talking with his second wife hana Khanna ji", laughed Rudra with Om

"true", agreed Om. Anika looked down as she realised that khanna is no longer her brother now

"Have this bhabhi", said Rudra

"Wow it's soo yummy. I love you both a lot .Tomorrow I will make dosa for you", said Anika happily but hearing her their smile faded

"N...nai bhabhi.... what's the need when... we can make. Tomorrow obros... will make that if you want to eat", stammered Om

Just then Anika realised that here she don't know how to cook and that's the reason they are scared

"Sorry", said Anika and stood up but Rudra stopped her

"Don't be hurt bhabhi. We don't want you to see you sad that why Om said this. We can make it together", said Rudra in his childish voice

Anika smiled and hugged him again which confused Om

"Bhabhi did something happened there? Regarding us? ", Asked Om

"Nai toh", shouted Anika immediately

"Why are you behaving like Cid Om", said Rudra and pushed Om

"Bhabhi see this time I saved this chit", said Rudra showing that chit where Anika wrote his buraiyan ( flaws)

Anika laughed remembering that day when whole day she was sad and that baggadbilla suprised her by marrying her again

"Where is Gauri and Bhavya? Dadi everyone?", asked Anika being confused

"Bhabhi I think you didn't noticed time", said Omru and showed her time

"2 :00 am... Ohh God Omru go and sleep even we will. We can talk tomorrow. Why you were awake?", asked Anika being shocked as it was truth she didn't noticed time

"Bhabhi you both didn't came till now and we were tensed. We searched you everywhere but there was no clue. Police can't accept report before 24 hours so we thought maybe Shivaay took you somewhere", said Om

"Yes bhabhi. And yes good night tell us tomorrow where were you. Huff good night even choti ma came back every elder bhabhi", said Rudra

"Sachi ", said Anika and jumped in happiness as she can meet everyone now who actually died there

"Yes they all were asking about you. Even dad too he was tensed but we asked them to sleep", said Rudra

"Yes I just hope he will not create any scene otherwise I will never forgive Mr Oberoi. I forgave mom because of you otherwise I would never", said Om and placed plates on sink

Anika again compared this world as she know if something like this happened there then definately Om would have blamed Tej.

"I think he was true Om because he didn't talked about buisness", said Rudra

"You know that very well that I don't trust him . He lost his respect which he was about to win by throwing Shivaay and bhabhi out. Bhabhi go and sleep. I can never forgive him", said Om and left from there

"Om is right too bhabhi. Anyways let's go to sleep", said Rudra and yawned

"Dramebaaz", said Anika and both went to sleep

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