8. Choices and timing

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If you knew how dark your future would be after taking those steps, would you choose another different path altogether or go straight until the end?

If there are really past lifes we have to understand that our ending wouldn't be happy in all of them. We came to experience all kind of situations.

It's fine when all is okay but...when it's our turn to suffer we are angry at whatever god or religion but the truth is...is the people who hurt us. Even in bad moments, our future will be one or another according to our choices. 

Our lifes are built by our choices after all. 

Sometimes that choices could seem trivial for us but they're a choice we took nonetheless. 

Sometimes, falling asleep in the morning could save us from an accident outside or make our bed the last place we stay alive. 

Meeting someone one day, it could be just a passing one or someone who would stay by our side for a long, long time. 



-How's the #2335 page coming along?

-Michael we finished the font code already. We just need a few details in the design. 

-Good, if you can finish before noon, I will invite you to dinner.

-You're the best team leader!

It was another normal day working in Michael Landson's life. He was doing his part in some projects and colaborations, helping some of his juniors and making sure that everything was fine in the department. 

-Do you really want to find a boyfriend for your girlfriend? Are you sure she wants to have one? No, Meghan I'm just saying that...

'So Liam's the type to get whipped in a relationship'.

Liam was one of the best programmers in his team. He's been working with him for about five years already. 

He was one of the most serious people at work so it was a surprise to see such a side in him. 

'Are you having an affair? No, you are the one having one! I just went to a club! You cheated on me first! I told you I didn't! Why don't you believe me? You are colder and colder to me...if you don't have another woman...then why?'

'I'm tired of all this...we should just break up. Why? I'm sorry. I know you told me the truth. We had some misunderstandings but...we are clear now. I can't be with you anymore'.

Well, in relationships only those who are in them can have an opinion. At least Liam seems happy. 


-So how are things with you, Liam?

That night, the team went to dinner together. It was a team of nine people, six men and three women. Two of them were married and there were only two which Liam was not sure about. The others had boyfriends/girlfriends already.

-I should be fine. I feel fine Miles. Tommy what about you? Do you have someone now?

-Me...not yet by I have someone I'm interested in already. Maybe soon I could call her my girl. 


-Then what about you team leader?

Silence. The party just shut down completely. Liam felt in that moment that he had shoot himself. 

It's Always Been You - Winterfest 2020Where stories live. Discover now