15. His family and tea

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It is posible to find your other half?

That's only human marketing. People are perfect already when they are born, they are fine by themselves but now even the most powerful emotion is used like a product.

Now, all which was important in the past years and even centuries has became a product to sell, without importance. 

Where can you find values? Love? Family? Trust? 

There are still some which are true but in most cases, they are but simple empty shells.


Two days passsed in the blink of an eye. They were going to be gone for a week. Michael came to pick her up so they could go together to the airport. And the flight was good.

-Where are we going to stay these few days?

-At my house.

-Do you have a house here?

-It's my father's. But he is away now so we can stay alone. 

-Then how are we going to get there?

-I called my uncle. My aunt prepared the food for today. 

-Are from here?

-Just half. My father is from here and my mother is from London. I lived here until they divorced after I finished primary school. Later I went with my mother and only came back on holidays. 

Chonk chonk

-Hey Mike, your aunt is waiting with the food. I bet you can't find a better cook anywhere!

Soraya saw a large and wide middle aged man with reddish brown hair and beard. He had a green family car. They walked towards him with their baggage. 

-Uncle Jerry, this is Soraya Quinn, my girlfriend.

-Another one? Ouch. I mean, welcome to Edinburgh. 

'How many girlfriends has he brought home for his uncle to say that?' Soraya forced a little smile.

-Thank you. Nice to meet you. 

Michael and his uncle seemed to be very close. They looked more like father and son. They exchanged a few jokes, asked about each other's life and so on. The first stop would be their house, to have a meal together. 

They stopped in front of a terraced house with a little garden outside. 

-We're here. 

Ring ring

Uncle Jerry ringed the doorbell and quick steps could be heard. And the door opened.

-Mike you're here just in time! 

A chubby middle aged woman with brown and a few white hairs opened the door and jumped towards Michael,  trapping him in a big hug.

-My fawn, you should come back more often. Or better yet, just come live with us.

-Aunt Mary, I'm happy to see you too. But I've come with someone. 

Aunt Mary moved away and then she saw Soraya.

-Oh my dear. I'm this little midget's aunt, but you can call me aunt Mary. 

'Little midget? Michael is almost double her size.'

-Nice to meet you, I'm Soraya Quinn. 

In their dinning room there was a table prepared for five. 

-The food is on the table. 

-Where is Jake?

-Jake, that rascal must be is his room. Jerry bring him here.

-Okay Mary. 

-Let's sit. Don't wait while standing.

The three of them sat down at the table and made some small talk. Five minutes later, uncle Jerry came back down with another younger man, quite similar to Michael. 

-This is Jake, Mike's cousin. This is Soraya, your cousin's girlfriend.

-I see. Nice to meet you. 


Jake and Michael sat in front of each other, Soraya was at Michael's right side, uncle Jerry was at the extreme and aunt Mary at his left side.

-Jake, aren't you glad to see your cousin after so long?

-Mum, it has not...ouch

'What was that for?'

'I told you to not tell them remember?'

Jake and Michael seemed to understand each other even without words. 


-Yes, it's been TOO long, right Mike?

-Yes, it has, Jake.

The meal was delicious. Aunt Mary was truly a very good cook. The family was very close. Soraya feel glad to have come. After the meal, all of them were having tea together.

-Mum, aren't  you going to read Soraya's tea leaves?

'Do you wanna die?'

'Can you kill my mother too?'

A dangerous glances' exchange  happened between the two cousins while nobody else discovered it. 

-That's right. I almost forgot. Thanks, Jake. Soraya dear, drink your tea and come with me. It's a tradition in this house to do the reading to visitors. And I'm quite good at it.

-What is she talking about, Michael?-Soraya asked Michael while whispering.

-It's nothing but simple superstition. Don't worry, just go with her. 

After finishing their tea, aunt Mary took Soraya and her cup with her to the kitchen. They sat at the table, face to face.

-Give me your cup, dear.

Soraya did it. She didn't know what she was going to do. Aunt Mary expression changed from her sunny like nature to a more serious one. Then she smiled again. She smiled brightly to her. 

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