Detective Naomasa's Discoveries (and the arresting of Midoriya Hisashi)

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Naomasa sat down in front of a table with someone across from it. A man in his mid-forties. With white, unruly hair, brown eyes, and freckles on his cheeks.

Midoriya Hisashi.

Otherwise known as, Midoriya Izuku's father.

"Alright, detective, what's this about?" Hisashi said, leaning back into his chair.

Naomasa let out a breath, running his hand through his hair, he said, "We might have found a lead to your son's disappearance."

"That thing is not my son," Hisashi growled, leaning forward. Then he shook his head and relaxed. "Sorry for my outburst."

Naomasa just raised his eyebrow. What he said was true. But how?

"We just need you to answer some questions."

"Alright, if that gets you out of my hair."

"Is Izuku your son?"



"Do you consider him your son?"



This is why it was so hard. Why did he stop considering him his son? Why?

"Why not?"

"Because that brat's quirkless."

Naomasa's eyes widened. True.

"Do you know where he is?"



"Where did you last see him?"

"In the house."


Naomasa quirked up his eyebrow. "You know I can tell if you are lying." Hisashi growled and yelled, "I saw him in the damn forest! Okay?!"


"What location?"

"XX Sakura Road."


"What happened?"

"He got off by himself and ran into the forest."

"By himself into the forest?"



"You sure?"

"Inko and I were there with him in the forest."


"Did he get lost?"



"Did you look for him?"



"Did your wife agree to leaving him there?"



Naomasa leaned forward. This could be it. Before, the man was dodging all of his questions and they couldn't get a solid read. But now? THEY COULD FIND HIM.

"Why did she?"

"Because she had no other choice."



Hisashi scoffed. "If she had disagreed, the brat would have died by my hands."


The reason shook him. He stared at the man in front of him, guilty of child abandonment. Naomasa summoned his voice. "Midoriya Hisashi, you are under arrest for child abandonment, threatening, and attempted murder."

Hisashi looked up and sighed. He ran his hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter anymore. My wife can't make another child and she's been so useless. Always crying, sad, and sometimes angry. Just take me in. Not like I have anything else to do." Hisashi stood up as other officers handcuffed him and led him away.

"Should we report this to the public?" an officer said. Naomasa waved him away. "The world deserves to know," Naomasa said. The officer nodded and swiftly left. Naomasa looked down and realized he had unconsciously stood up. He sat down and looked at Midoriya Izuku's file. He was going to find this kid. Naomasa promised.


Mostly dialogue. But that's what Detective Naomasa's best at.

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