Aizawa's Need for Coffee and Less Nezu

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Aizawa's eyes drooped. He had permitted Todoroki to put tatami mats in his dorm, did his paperwork, and was in desperate need of sleep. It wasn't his fault that his hero work took the entire night. It wasn't his fault that he also needed to teach during the day. It wasn't his fault he had to endure Present Mic and Midnight and stop whatever crazy thing they were going to do.

So in conclusion

Aizawa needed sleep. Now.

And his hopes were soon dashed away when Todoroki came running to him. Todoroki was one of his quieter students and if there was one thing he doesn't do, it's running for something other than training.

Todoroki stopped just in front of Aizawa and was taking deep breaths. "Ai - Aizawa-sensei!" he got out, "I saw someone!"

Aizawa frowned. There shouldn't be anyone near here, not even in the forest sector, but that's outside UA's walls.

"It was that kid, Guardian, I mean, Midoriya Izuku!" Aizawa's brain stopped and his eyebrows furrowed. "What did you say?" he asked, afraid he heard it wrong.

"Midoriya Izuku, the kid who went missing!"

Aizawa grabbed his shoulders, "Where'd you see him?"

"He was near the large boulder, but by now, I think he's long gone."

Aizawa nodded and felt a migraine come up. "Thank you Todoroki," he said and faintly heard Todoroki murmur a 'you're welcome' before he speedwalked his way towards the pincipal's office.


The door swung open right before he got to it and he, without hesitation, walked straight to the rat.

"Ah, Aizawa, what brings you here?" Nezu asked and poured some tea.

"You know Midoriya? Midoriya Izuku? He was spotted in the forest sector."

For once in his miserable life, Aizawa saw Nezu surprised. And then that surprised face turned back to its normal yet creepy grin.

"Is that so?" the principal thought out loud and got another cup to serve Aizawa. 

Aizawa's eye twitched at the nonchalant principal and almost yelled at the rat principal. However, he was able to calm down enough to say, "Why aren't you concerned? He went missing at the age of four! It's been twelve years! He's sixteen, for the love of coffee!"

He took a deep breathe before looking back at the principal, who seemed occupied at his desk.

"Aizawa, you should see this."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow before going over and around Nezu's desk to see one of his monitors turned onto a news channel. His eyes slightly widened.

At the bottom, there was a blue strip that had the words, in bold, The Truth to the Case of Missing Child? Underneath it was a yellow strip that had the words, Musutafu Police Department Has Leads to Missing Child Midoriya Izuku.

"Midoriya is a child that went missing over a decade ago. One of the greatest mysteries of Musutafu, he went missing on July 15, which was also the child's birthday. There were no leads, evidence, or even any motivation to kidnap, kill, or steal the child. Now, the Musutafu Police Department have a lead after twelve long years. The culprit of all of this? None other than his father, Midoriya Hisashi, age 45 years old." (Camera shows mugshot of Hisashi).

"According to the investigations of the Musutafu Police Department, Midoriya Hisashi had abandoned Midoriya Izuku in a forest half an hour away and threatened his wife that if she didn't agree, Hisashi would kill the child outright. Because of this, Hisashi was able to get away with his crime. The case was originally dropped because of the lack of evidence and the fact that Midoriya Izuku was quirkless. However, because of  the new, rumored sightings of Midoriya Izuku, the case has once again been brought to light. People, especially the quirkless, have been flooding the streets with complaints, with the same message, that the quirkless should not be ignored." (Camera shows rallies being arranged and people storming the streets with colorful posters and slogans.)

"This case has been solved but the question still remains. Where is Midoriya Izuku? If seen, please call the number XXX-XXX-XXXX or alert your local hero. Thank you."

Nezu turned off the monitor and Aizawa could feel his heart stop. Bakugou had told them that Midoriya had refused to come with them. Was this the reason? Was this the reason Midoriya had refused to come with them?

It was their fault. They should have finished this case earlier. They were supposed to find him. Only after twelve years have they gotten a clue. Not only that, but they had dropped the case.

They had dropped the case.

"Yes, I know. The horrors of our society are being slowly revealed. It's only a matter of time before the government is overthrown. That is why we must do everything to stop these horrors. To stop creating them. So if you think I don't care," Nezu looked Aizawa in the eye. For once, Aizawa did not see the scheming glint in his eyes. Instead, there was a dead look to them. "You are sorely mistaken," Nezu finished and Aizawa felt himself nod. He was going to find Midoriya Izuku and help him trust again.



"The kid's pretty good at hiding," Dabi noted and Shigaraki clenched his cup with his pinky in the air.

"Yeah," Shigaraki said and the TV flashed to life. 

"If you want him, all you have to do is find him," Sensei said and Shigaraki nodded. "I want him. He's a good player and can cover me. His XP should be incredibly high," he thought out loud and looked at Kurogiri.

"If the heroes don't want him," he said, "then the villains should get a shot." Shigaraki smiled a feral smile and Kurogiri smiled a bit. Shigaraki had his quest and Kurogiri would do everything to  make him succeed. To see Shigaraki happy.

Even if it was the last thing he did. 

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