The Fleeing of Izuku

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Happy Birthday Night-eye!


Just great. JUST GREAT.

He was now packing up his things once more and fleeing. Damn it, why were there people here? Wasn't this far into the woods?

Izuku finished his packing and jerked his head. "Come on, Mamoru, Asuka," he said and he started to climb one of the nearby trees. Mamoru waited under the tree while Asuka flew around Izuku. 

"Ready?" Izuku said and murmured. Asuka chirped in confirmation. "Let's go."

Izuku swung and jumped from tree to tree like a monkey. He had picked this up a while ago. It was faster this way.

And the faster he could move, the further away he could get away. The easier it would be to hide.

It didn't matter where Izuku was. The only thing that mattered was that he was the only human there.


Okay flip this, Izuku regretted his decision. The only thing that mattered was that he was the only human there and that there were no HOSTILE PREDATORS.

He was now running away from an angry black bear that Mamoru had somehow angered. Izuku didn't know what the hell was happening, but he'd rather take his chances with the adults than with the bears, thank you very much.

He looked down at Mamoru a little ahead of him and mentally sighed, 'At least Mamoru is fast and Asuka can fly'. Izuku shuddered at the thought of leaving Mamoru behind. 

They had almost reached the large boulder from before when an overgrown root had somehow found its way in front of Izuku's foot, effectively tripping him.

Izuku tried to scramble up and away but the bear was already right above him. He closed his eyes.

Just then, a black-wearing man with a gray scarf kicked him away. The scarf somehow wrapped around the bear, scaring it off. Izuku opened his eyes and stared at the hobo-like man.

"You okay?" he said and Izuku nodded in relief.



Nezu had given permission for Aizawa to look around the forest behind UA. Aizawa knew that Midoriya probably already left, but he checked for any signs. Clenching one fist when he ran, Aizawa cursed at the situation. He had to somehow gain the trust of someone who didn't like adults and lived on his own for twelve years? 

If only they had something of his. But it would be twelve years old and Aizawa knew that it would be hard for Hound Dog to even figure out which scent was which.

Looking around, he heard a growl and turned towards the sound. "What the," he murmured as the sound of loud running and crunching leaves came closer and closer. Running over, he saw the kid. 


Midoriya was underneath a rather annoyed-looking bear. Aizawa grit his teeth as he went as fast as he could towards the bear. He wouldn't get a child hurt. Not on his watch. 

He kicked it as hard as he could and wrapped his capture scarf around it. He must have scared it away because the bear went back from where it came from.

Looking back at Midoriya, Aizawa asked, "You okay?" 

He smiled slightly in relief when Midoriya nodded. The kid stood up and Aizawa noticed the small dog-like animal and bird around him. The bird landed on Midoriya's shoulder and the dog wrapped around Midoriya's legs. Were these animals Midoriya's friends?

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