Aizawa and Bakugou's Agreement!

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At the end of class, Bakugou stayed behind until he and Aizawa were alone in the room.

"So? What about Izu-chan?" Bakugou demanded and Aizawa sighed.

"I'm not letting you see him," Aizawa started. Bakugou clenched his hands into fists and asked, "Why the fuck not?"

Aizawa sighed again and continued, "He might feel pressured to come back if he sees you. So, you can see Izu - "

"Oh? And you fucking think you're in charge of him?" Bakugou's voice went dangerously soft before he exploded. 

"I'VE KNOWN HIM FOR MY ENTIRE SHITTY LIFE! OUR MOTHERS WERE FUCKING BEST FRIENDS AND SO WERE WE! AND WHEN HE FINALLY FUCKING COMES BACK, I CAN'T FUCKING SEE HIM!?! WHY NOT?!? I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM FOR TWELVE SHITTY YEARS! WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I SEE HIM?!?" Bakugou's voice cracked towards the end as tears built up in the corners of his eyes. He refused to wipe it, to show his weakness.

Aizawa explained, "As soon as he can come here, you'll be the first to see him. Deal?"

"Before anyone else?"


"Before my shitty class?"


"Before the fucking teachers?"

Aizawa paused before answering, "Besides Recovery Girl, Nezu, and I, yes."

Bakugou glared at Aizawa as if he was inspecting him for any lies. Aizawa was faintly reminded of Izuku.

After a few moments of silence, Bakugou sighed and placed his hand on his forehead. "As long as he's fucking alright, I'll be fucking alright. But you do anything wrong," Bakugou brought his hand down from his face, "and I will fucking kill you."

Aizawa nodded with seriousness. Bakugou gave him one more look before storming out of the classroom. Aizawa sighed once more as he sat down on his desk. 


Izuku was sitting on a branch, swinging his legs back and forth. Asuka sat beside him and Mamoru was curled up below him.

"I kinda wish Dadzawa would come more often," Izuku hummed and Asuka chirped. Mamoru just lifted his head before setting it back down on the ground. 

He heard footsteps and Izuku went a bit higher up the tree. Asuka flew up onto his shoulder while Mamoru ran into the bushes to hide.

The footsteps came closer, and closer, until Aizawa came out into the open. Izuku's eyes widened before he jumped down onto Aizawa.

"DADZAWA!" Izuku yelled as Aizawa hurriedly caught him. Mamoru also came and walked around Aizawa's legs as Asuka settled himself on Aizawa's shoulder. It seemed Izuku's animal friends also accepted Aizawa into the family. 

Izuku was rather glad that he got the approval of Mamoru and Asuka.

Izuku looked around Aizawa's shoulder, the one without Asuka. "Did Grandmama Chiyo come?" he asked curiously and Aizawa shook his head gently. 

"No, she didn't."

Izuku backed his head away from Aizawa to give him some space and questioned, "Why are you here? Can you read minds? Do you have super hearing? I thought you could only erase quirks! I was talking about you just now!"

Aizawa raised an eybrow. "Oh?"

Izuku nodded. "Yep! So, why are you here?"

The man put his cough, cough -  child - cough, cough down on the grass. Izuku put his feet underneath himself so he could stand. 

"I have an important question," Aizawa began.

"What is it?"

"What if I said," Aizawa looked Izuku in the eye, "if you could live with me?"


"What?" Izuku said and Aizawa chided him. Of course Izuku would be confused. He repeated himself. "If you could live with me, would you?"

Izuku bit his lip before looking at Asuka and Mamoru. 

"Yes," Aizawa said, "they can come too."

Izuku's smile grew before it wavered. "What about the adults?" Izuku fidgeted with his fingers and Aizawa put his hand on Izuku's shoulder. 

"I'll be with you the entire time, okay?" Izuku bit his lip once more before looking at Aizawa and smiling.

"Okay. I trust you."

And those words made Aizawa's day.


Izuku went back to his stick tent with Aizawa, Mamoru, and Asuka following him. Crawling in, he took out his bag that contained notebooks, fruit, pencils, and his (unused) allowance. He then brought out a small, plastic toy.

A beaten up one, sure, that had some paint chipping off, but still a toy.

It was an All-Might toy.

As he carefully put the toy into his bag, he put the bag on his back. "Ready!" he declared as Aizawa nodded and held out his hand. 

"Are you alright, kid?" Aizawa asked and Izuku nodded.

"Are you sure?" Izuku nodded again.

"It's just that," Izuku began. Aizawa waved his hand, prompting him to continue. "It's just that, it's been twelve years. So, it's sort of strange?" His last sentence was more of a question than a statement. Aizawa shook his head and hugged him.

"Of course it would be, Problem Child," he softly said and Izuku hugged him back, nodding in his chest.

"Now come on," Aizawa let go and Izuku grabbed onto his hand. "Let's go out."

As the two (four if you counted Mamoru and Asuka, who were either flying or walking beside the two) walked out of the forest, the trees became more spread apart. The bushes weren't as thick and the leaves on the ground seemed to lessen.

Finally, Izuku, Aizawa, Mamoru, and Asuka made it out of the woods.  

"Why are we stopping?" Izuku looked at Aizawa, who sighed.

"Are you sure you want to live with me? Problem Child?" 

Izuku's eyes furrowed. "Of course! You're Dadzawa!"

The corners of Aizawa's lips bent up and he seemed to let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"Okay. Let's go."


The two humans and two animals went through the back door of UA. The not-so-public one. The one that was barely used.

The hallways were bright and Izuku had to squint his eyes for a bit until he could completely open his eyes. 

"Why are we stopping again?" Izuku asked when they reached a brown door.

The door suddenly swung open, making Izuku jump.

"That's why," Aizawa answered as they stepped into some sort of office. Izuku looked around at what he thought was an office.

It turned out he was right.

"Hello! Am I a rat, a dog, or a bear? I'm the principal of UA!" a white rat thing(?) popped out of nowhere and made Izuku jump.

"You must be Midoriya Izuku!" the thing came up to Izuku and Izuku blurted out, "I'm not a Midoriya, I'm just Izuku."

"Ah, my mistake. Tea?" the thing sat on a couch and poured out some tea. Aizawa sat across from him and Izuku followed. Asuka flew onto Izuku's head and Mamoru sat like a dog. 

"This is Nezu, he's my boss," Aizawa introduced and Izuku nodded.

The thing - Nezu - nodded at Aizawa's words.

"So, I heard that you want to live with Aizawa."

Izuku nodded and Nezu continued, "How would you feel about coming to school here?"

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