Class 1a and Izuku (He Didn't Plan This)

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Iida was a, as his classmates put it, 'stickler' for rules. He didn't usually mind though, considering that he liked following the rules.

Of course, there was that one time with Stain and he had to be saved by Todoroki who happened to pass by, but he learned his lesson.

Be aware of the rules and bend them but not too much. After all, he didn't want to get in trouble, or worse, expelled for his behavior.

That's why when Mina suggested to explore the woods behind the dorms, Iida immediately said, "Mina, we shouldn't do this!"

She countered back, "Why not?"

"It's against the rules!"

"Not during the daytime. Besides, Aizawa-sensei always goes at about noon-ish. Don't you want to know what he does there?" Mina teased.

Iida frowned and replied, "We should not butt our noses into Aizawa-sensei's business!"

"But still!" she whined. 

"What about before dinner? We could always do some extra training? It's not like we'll just fool around there. The woods is a perfect spot since we can't always expect to rescue someone in a city. Besides, it's like a picnic!" Uraraka asked and Iida sighed.

"We'll only stay there for a few minutes."

Mina squealed in excitement as she, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Hagakure, and a few others made plans to go. (They may or may not have dragged other people in as well.)


If you asked Todoroki who he was, he'd tell you he'd be the strongest.

The best.

The fastest.

The number one Pro Hero.

The one who didn't need his father's quirk to win.

That all changed during the attack at Hosu, or more specifically...

Stain, the Hero Killer. 

Todoroki was with his father, since he was the best hero at the time and was going to pass an alleyway to get away from his father when he heard a scream. Running, he made it just in time to shoot out some fire.

That's when he realized it.

He had broke his promise.

Todoroki then resolved to use his ice until Stain made one little comment.

"Not going to use your full power to save a friend? Caught up in your daddy issues? Looks like you aren't a hero either. You're just the same mold as your father."

He broke his promise again and he shot out more flames.

"Jeez, going to endanger your friend, eh?" the hero killer asked and he went to stab Todoroki when a bird just started attacking Stain. Over and over and over again.

Todoroki had grit his teeth. The bird was doing better.

The bird was doing better.

Not for long.

They had eventually caused enough noise to draw his father over to arrest the Hero Killer. A nomu had tried to grab an officer, but Todoroki was able to scare it off a bit. His father had grinned maniacally until Todoroki said, "I haven't given up on my rebellion. I just simply forgot about you."

That's why when he saw another bird of the same species, he wouldn't let it beat him again.

Now... (Todoroki POV)

"I still don't understand why I have to be here," Todoroki said. The group he was in consisted of eight other people, Mina, Hagakure, Sero, Uraraka, Kaminari, Kirishima, Koda, and Iida.

"Because someone has to help me keep those six in line!" Iida explained and Todoroki pointed to Koda. "What about Koda?"

"I don't have to worry about Koda. Besides, he's used to these woods since our final exam. He said that some new animals have come and he wanted to befriend them."

Todoroki sighed and continued walking near the back of the group. Suddenly, he heard a rustle. The others must have heard it too, because Sero asked, "Um, guys, what's that noise?"

More rustling appeared in another tree, then another. Suddenly, several loud yips and barks occurred and they turned their flashlights towards the source, a small yet ferocious coyote. Its teeth were bared and ears were back, as if he was defending his ground.

"Now, now, please calm down, we don't come with any harm!" Koda said and the coyote barked at him once more. Koda trembled and Hagakure asked, "What's he saying?"

"We're too far into his territory and he'll come after us if we don't move!"

Another bark shot through the air and Uraraka yelled, "Come on!" The others were eager to follow and Todoroki glanced around before following the others. He knew what he saw before the bark.

A flash of white and black feathers with a curved yellow beak.

The same kind of bird at Hosu.

The same kind of bird with that kid.

The same kind of bird that seemed to have his answers but enjoyed watching him fail to get them.


Todoroki still didn't know what possessed the others to go again but right after waking up, he discovered that the group was already dressed up, fed, and ready to go through the woods quickly.

"Why do you guys look like that?"

Kaminari turned around, "We're going to find out what made those rustles! Besides, everything is much nicer in the daytime!"

Todoroki sighed and Uraraka decided to drag him along.

Why do females always like to drag him to those woods?


The woods were much nicer in the daytime, Todoroki had to admit that. He saw familiar landmarks and saw the same fallen log as before, where that bird had grabbed Hatsume's machine.

They walked a bit further before Todoroki realized that they were headed towards the large boulder. 

AKA, the boulder where he last saw Midoriya. Looking around, he heard the slightest shift of the branches. Todoroki was accustomed to listening for anything outside his door. It was a bad habit of sorts, but it helped him survive his father.

He looked up. And there, he saw him again.

Green, soft hair. Emerald, wide eyes with freckles dotting below them.

Midoriya Izuku.

He locked eyes with Midoriya, who froze, and immediately hopped away.

"Ah, wait!" he yelled and his classmates looked at him and then where he was looking at to see a small glimpse of Midoriya Izuku.

And the falcon flying with him.

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