Dadzawa and the Cat

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Izuku looked around the apartment. It was rather big, to be honest. There was a kitchen that also served as a dining room, and a living room with couches, and three bedrooms as well!

Dadzawa gave Mamoru, Asuka, and himself a room so he had to choose. 

Peeping into his Dadzawa's room, the first thing that came into his mind was - 


Even he, a sixteen-year-old who had lived in the forest for twelve years, could see that it was plain. There was a desk with a computer and a chair, a black lamp, two bedside cabinets, one regular cabinet, and that was basically it. 

He stepped out and Mamoru and Asuka followed him. Izuku then opened the two doors that led to two bedrooms that were on the other side of the hallway. All he had to do was choose. 


The two were pretty much the same, both had a bed, a few cabinets, a table, a lamp. 

They were pretty much the same as Dadzawa's if Izuku was going to be honest with you. 

After a few minutes of debating in his head, he chose the one closer to the end of the hall. The one that was closer to Dadzawa's.

Going into the room, Izuku had to stop Mamoru from jumping on the bed. 

Izuku would prefer if Mamoru could clean up before going on the bed. He was rather looking forward to a proper bed, one that didn't have dirt and leaves. 

Asuka flew onto the lamp and chirped. Mamoru softly barked at him before going under the table. Izuku smiled. 

He stiffened. He could feel something watching him. Izuku turned and froze. 

There was a gray thing with bluish-gray eyes staring at him. And so, Izuku stared back.

That was how Dadzawa found him several minutes later.


Aizawa knew that the kid was going to be curious. After all, it was a drastic change from living in the woods to living in an apartment. He also knew that Izuku had two animals. That's why he had stopped by a pet store to get some stuff for dogs (and some extra things for Mamoru) and birds.

Aizawa then learned that coyotes were supposed to eat birds. And cats. And that Izuku had somehow tamed him into a dog. 

That was a good thing, considering he had a cat, names Haiiro. 

Yes, he did name his gray cat 'Gray'. 

Unlocking the door, he entered the apartment and saw Haiiro having a staring contest with Izuku, who seemed like he was about to close a door.

"Problem Child? Izuku?" he said and Izuku mumbled, "Shhh, I'm trying to figure out what to do." Izuku's lips were barely moving. 

Honestly, Aizawa wanted to laugh at the two's antics.

"That's Haiiro," he introduced and he looked at his cat. "That's Izuku. Get along."

As if released from a spell, the cat turned to Aizawa and then walked over to Izuku. Izuku leaned back as the cat got nearer and nearer, until finally, Haiiro was rubbing himself around Izuku's legs.

Izuku's eyes met Aizawa's and Aizawa could clearly see Izuku silently asking him for help. 

"Haiiro? Come here," he squatted down, putting the groceries on the floor. The cat stared at him for a second before going over. Aizawa could hear Izuku sigh in relief.

"Thanks, Dadzawa," Izuku smiled and Aizawa chuckled. "No problem, kid."

He lifted up the cat child and showed Haiiro to Izuku. "This is a cat. It won't harm you, only it will scratch you if it gets mad. But Haiiro is a lazy bastard so I don't think he'll do that."

Haiiro purred, as if in agreement.

Izuku giggled and managed to stroke Haiiro's head. Haiiro purred.

Mamoru and Asuka came out of the room to stare at the cat. Haiiro, wiggling out of Aizawa's hands, dropped to the floor and raced over. 

"Oh shoot!" 

Haiiro went to Mamoru and -

sat down in front of him. 

The two humans and three animals stared at each other in silence.

Haiiro then walked over to Asuka and swatted at him. Asuka chirped and flew out of Haiiro's reach. It was a good thing that Haiiro was not a large cat and that Asuka was a large bird. 

Aizawa really didn't want his cat to eat Izuku's bird.

SIghing, he turned to Izuku. "Let's get your room set up, shall we?"

Izuku beamed at him.


"Umm, are you sure that I can - "

"It's not like I'm poor. Get the entire store if you want."


"No, how are we going to fit it in the car?"

The two strolled through the mall with Asuka on Izuku's head. Aizawa didn't trust Haiiro with Asuka alone, even if Mamoru was there.

The two first entered a store and Izuku looked through the many aisles of clothes. "I can choose anything?" he turned back to his dad in wonder. Aizawa nodded and Izuku's face split into a large grin. Izuku skipped through the aisles, pausing every now and then to take a shirt or a pair of pants. 

Most of them were labelled, like one shirt had the word 'Pants' on them.

Aizawa didn't think Izuku was tacky, but here he was, holding a bunch of tacky shirts and sweatshirts.

After a little bit, Izuku paused and turned to Aizawa. "What?" he asked and Izuku bit his lip.

"Are you sure that I can get all of this?"

Aizawa wanted to sigh. The poor kid. "Think of it as all the things you should've gotten in the past twelve years."

That seemed to ease the Problem Child, since he went back to skipping. 

The trio managed to get to the shoes store, where Izuku stopped and stared at a pair of shoes. Aizawa lifted an eyebrow.

"Those red shoes?" he jerked his head towards the two shoes and Izuku nodded eagerly. 

"They look like my tiny shoes!" 

Aizawa would be lying if the image of a tiny Problem Child didn't melt his heart a bit.

"We'll get them," he promised and Izuku's mouth opened and smiled. Asuka tweeted his approval. 

The kid was too bright to look at, damn it.

In the end, they bought a bunch of clothes, a few All Might things, notebooks, pencils, some hero things, a survival multitool (Izuku had insisted on this), and a scarf. 

A gray one that suspiciously looked like his own.


Hey, hey, hey! Sorry for not uploading in a while, I had some tech issues. But now I'm back, in case you haven't seen my profile so yeah. This was more of a filler chapter, but it's necessary. The fluff is necessary.

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