The Definition of Love

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Todoroki didn't know what to expect when his friend told him that it was love.

It wasn't like he had any good references. After all, his father did arrange a quirk marriage with his mother. Besides, he probably couldn't even remember whether his father treated her nicely at all.

That was a problem.

However, he looked up love on his phone and according to the online dictionary, love was 'to feel a deep romantic and sexual attachment to someone'. 

That didn't help at all. What was romance like? And it wasn't like he wanted to force himself on Midoriya. So now the problem was, what was romance?

The first definition that popped up was referring to a group of languages that descended from Latin. He doubted that was the romance he was looking for so Todoroki continued to scroll down to see the next group of definitions.

The definition was as abstract as love's definition. Romance was 'a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love'.

So now what?

Todoroki didn't have a single clue on where to start.

Uraraka POV

Uraraka didn't really know what to expect when Todoroki confessed his love for that Midoriya kid. Well, he didn't really confess confess, but still. You could see the love building up in him.

She also knew that he was gay. Because let's be real here, Todoroki was never attracted to women. 

So when she accidentally stumbled across his unlocked phone, Uraraka didn't expect him to actually search up what love and romance were.

Oh boy.

Iida POV

He, Iida Tenya, was shocked to discover that his friend was gay. Not that he had any problems with it, but it was rather brave of Todoroki to tell them this. After all, the LGBTQ+ community was still somewhat discriminated in Japan, despite the hundreds of years of protests. But, it was still one of the leading countries in Asia for LGBTQ+ people. 

That was good. 

He hoped that Todoroki's sexuality wouldn't inhibit his career as a hero. Well, there shouldn't be a problem, but there might be a few who would attack someone due to their sexuality. 

But no matter what, Iida would support his friend. Through thick and thin, life and death. 

Well, maybe not expulsion.

Todoroki POV

Todoroki, after taking a break and eating an apple, was getting a bit frustrated. What was love? What was romance? Why did people look for it?

He tried to find some sort of romance novel that explained it, but when he told Uraraka, she turned down his idea. 

"Romance novels tend to overexaggerate," she explained. "It'd be hard to find any sort of romance like the romance in the books. After all, if it were real life, people wouldn't really want to read it, ya know? It's how authors get money."

Well, there goes his idea down the drain. He then tried to ask his friend, Iida, but he was also given a vague answer.

"Love is something you feel. Such as love for your family," Iida said. 

If love was literally only that, Todoroki would not be pleased. 

"However," Iida continued and Todoroki perked up, "love can also be described as us. We're friends so we must like each other in order to be friends. Romantic love can be compared to this kind of love as a bit more  intense, you could say."

Todoroki couldn't say Iida was wrong. After all, there was a reason why he even became friends with the two. They were nice, not judgy, and according to Mina, were the nice ' smol beans' of the class.

He still, to this day, could not figure out why she called them that.

Beans were not related to them at all. And apparently, the meaning was an adorable individual. 

How in the world was he an adorable individual?

Anyways, he was getting a bit desperate for answers. And so he decided. Tomorrow was Saturday, so he would be visiting his mother. 

Todoroki would ask his mother for answers. After all, she always told him to come to her with any questions he might have. 

He just hoped it wouldn't be a mistake.

Kirishima POV

Despite Mina and Kaminari trying to hook the two up, Kirishima could proudly say that he and Bakubro were best friends. 

Bakubro was pretty manly, even though he was hard to handle. But once you got used to him, Bakubro was a bit soft.

There, he said it. Bakubro was a bit soft.

Well, he didn't say it, more like thought it. You could tell that Bakubro cared about them, especially that Midoriya guy, but many people found that unbelievable.

Just because a guy is rough doesn't mean he has no feelings. In fact, it's the opposite. 

Kirishima hummed as he ate some protein bars. God, Bakubro was so manly!


Sorry it's a bit short. I wanted to dedicate a chapter to this.

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