In Which Izuku Confesses

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Aizawa and Izuku met for a few more days in a row. Izuku had to confess, he liked the man.

He liked how he had a choice.

He liked how comfortable silence was between them.

He liked how Aizawa liked his animals.

He liked how Aizawa never looked like he was holding something back.

He liked how Aizawa wasn't the same as other adults, who scream, yell, and lie.

Izuku especially liked the lying part. 

So when Aizawa said he was going to have to come a few minutes later than usual the next day, Izuku trusted him. And Aizawa did what he said, he came to their usual lunch time a few minutes earlier, looking even more ragged than before. Izuku almost thought that was impossible.

Not any more.

"Hey, Problem Child?" Aizawa asked during their (late) lunch time.

Izuku looked at him questioningly and Aizawa sighed. "Why didn't you go to the Pussycats? Why did you run? UA is right over there you know, you must of thought there was some sort of building nearby."

Shrugging, Izuku swallowed his last bit of food. "Why should I?" Izuku asked back and Aizawa lifted one of his eyebrows. He continued, "Adults either lie or yell. Sometimes both. Besides you."

Aizawa hummed. "Why do you think that?"

That was another thing he liked about Aizawa - Aizawa let him explain and think. 

"Adults don't usually let you think for yourself," he said, before grabbing his fruit (this time it was an orange), peeling it, and starting to eat it.

"Oh? And I don't?"

"No, you let me do what I want. I get to choose what I eat, choose where I sleep, and choose what I want to say or do. You also give me free lunch, " Izuku replied. He bit down on one of the orange slices. Juice bursted into his mouth and he swallowed it quickly before putting another slice in his mouth.

Aizawa was quiet for a moment. "So, it's about the freedom you have?" he finally asked. Aizawa turned towards Izuku and Izuku flopped his hand, "Partly."

"Then what's the other part?"

"You can't trust adults."

"But, I'm an adult."

"You're different. I've said that already."

"And how am I different?"

"Several things. That last question was one thing. You don't hold back what you want to say. You don't yell or scream and you give me freedom. Best of all, you don't lie."



"And how do you know that I'm not lying right now?"

"Because you don't look like the kind who would lie. Besides, if you wanted to lie, wouldn't you have done so already?" Izuku questioned back and Aizawa hummed once more.

The two sat in comfortable silence, but this time, it was a knowing silence.


Aizawa knew that there was some sort of reason Midoriya didn't want to go back to society.

He didn't think it was because of the adults. But then again, he should've thought of it first. 

His parents abandoned him. 

The police dropped his case.

The heroes never found him.

The only reason they knew he was alive was because a villain attack.

That was pretty pathetic and he didn't blame the kid for not wanting to go back. After he gathered his trash and waving him goodbye, he once again told the problem child that he would be late (it wasn't his fault that lunchtime was changed, blame UA's schedule).

And so, as he walked back, Aizawa didn't know what to do. The problem child was firm about his decision and Aizawa didn't know how to make him trust more. As he dumped the trash in a nearby bin, he walked towards the teacher's lounge. He'd have a coffee and drink on it.


Aizawa was in his sleeping bag, when he sat up. He was in classroom, listening to their discussions when he thought his idea.

Of course.

The answer was right in front of him. Literally. 

The Problem Child didn't trust adults. He did trust other kids. Like Kota. Midoriya had no problem talking to him. But there was another problem. Didn't Midoriya run away from Todoroki?

Was it because of his attitude? Aizawa looked at the emotionless teenager before looking around the room more. He looked at the teenagers in the room before silently sighing. Even if he had a plan - 

How was he going to do it without betraying Problem Child?


Izuku was swinging around the trees, getting a feel of the branches. If he ever had to escape, he'd have a headstart. Izuku hoped he didn't have to move.

He rather liked Aizawa, thank you very much.

So when he came swinging around the next day and saw Aizawa coming, he dropped down right in from of him.

"What the - Problem Child, stop scaring me."

Izuku also liked his reactions. Even if you could describe him as a blunt hobo, Izuku liked how he wasn't yelling or as cheery as some people.

It made him gag just thinking about it.

"So, would you like to explain why you were in the trees?"

Izuku looked at Aizawa, "In case I have to escape another bear again."

"Please don't anger another bear again."

"I won't," Izuku smiled. It was amazing, this freedom he had while having another person with him. Aizawa didn't even talk about why he was even in the trees, just about the bear.

"You're very happy today," Aizawa noted and Izuku smiled even wider. And for the first time in twelve years - 

He hugged an adult. 

Sure, he's hugged Kota several times, but that was mainly to comfort Kota, not the other way around. It felt good to wrap his arms around Aizawa and to just relax. 

He could feel Aizawa stiffen but then he put his arms around Izuku and squeezed. Izuku was now the comforted, not the comfortee.

Maybe this was a bit weird, sure, for his standards. Maybe this was a bit fast, but Aizawa was safe. Aizawa was freedom. Aizawa was - 


Izuku could feel Aizawa hug him tighter and he smiled. He had a father figure after twelve years of solitude besides Asuka and Mamoru. And for once in his sixteen-year life - 

Izuku was glad that his parents abandoned him.


That was a bit short but yeah. How was it?

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