Chapter 1 ~ "Your a princess, Mari."

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(I am so mad at myself! I wrote this entire chapter and if didn't save!! 😡😡 So, this chapter may not be as good, but the next ones will be.)

Marinette's P.O.V

My alarm starts beeping. Beep. Beep. I sit up and yawn. I can't wait for after school today! I have a date with Adrien Agreste! On New Year's Eve, we kissed. Since it's now April, we thought we should start dating. This is our 5th date, and today I'm telling my dad, Félix.

Here's a little bit about my dad:
His name is Félix Dupain, (Age 42) he's not french, so his last name isn't very french. He has blonde hair, which is tied into a low ponytail. He has green eyes, and is married to my mother, Bridgette.

Here's a little bit about my mom: My mom's name is Bridgette Dupain, (Age 42) she's Chinese and Japanese. She has midnight hair, like mine, but she has brown eyes. So, I'm not where I get my bluebell eyes from.

Anyway, my dad is VERY protective of me, so I don't know how well he'll take it that I'm dating someone. My mom knows, she's my best friend. Now, on with my day...

I yawn, and crawl out of bed. I change into a short, pink romper and tie back my hair. I tie sneakers of my feet and make my way downstairs. When I get downstairs, my mom (who is a Model) is cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning, Mom." I say as I sit down at our kitchen island. She slides a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. "Good Morning, my little ladybug." My mom calls me her little ladybug, I'm not quite sure why though.

My dad (who is an accountant) comes out of his office. "Good Morning, Sweetheart." He kisses my head as I eat my breakfast. "Good Morning, Dad." My dad walks toward the couch. My mom gives me a look, she wants me to tell my dad about Adrien. I sigh and nod. I climb out of chair and walk over to my dad.

"Hey, Dad?" I ask him. He continues tieing his shoes. "What's up, Mari?"

"I have to tell you something, and you're not going to like it." My dad stops and looks up at me. "Well, what is it?" He asks. "You see, I'm been dating someone..." My dad's eyes widen. "Dating? Who?!" He stands up. "The...umm... famous fashion model, Adrien Agreste." My dad looked hurt. "You're too young to date."

"I'm 16." I say to him. My mom comes over to us and massages my dad's neck, that's what calms him before his has an outburst. "She is 16, Félix. And, I've met the boy. He's very kind and likes...our daughter a lot." I couldn't tell why my mom stuttered as she called me her daughter.

"You knew?!" My dad shouts. "Yes... But we shouldn't be mad. We should be happy,...we raised a wonderful girl." I still don't know why my mom keeps stuttering, but I don't have time to think. I look at my phone. Crap, school starts in 5 minutes.

"I gotta go! I'm going to be late!" I rush out of the door to school. I run across the street and meet up with my bestie, Alya, and her boyfriend, Nino.

Adrien's P.O.V

I get out of my green sports car, and walk over to my crush, her bestie, and my best friend. I look at Marinette, gosh she looks beautiful. I wrap my arm around her. "Ready for our date tonight?" I ask her. Tonight, I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend.

"Of course!" She exclaimed, smiling. Suddenly, the school bell rang. We all groan, and make our way to Miss. Bustier's English Class. We walk up the stairs, down the hall and into her classroom. I sit down next to Nino, Alya and Marinette behind us.

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