Chapter 7 - The Bracelet and The Crime

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"Adrien!" Felix shouted as Adrien fainted. Axel blew a dart at Felix, but he dodged it. He ran out to the king. "Felix? What is it?" Tom asked. "Axel blew a dart at Adrien, and now he on the ground!" The king signaled for backup. Marinette looked Felix with a worried look on her face. As the king and queen ran with some guards to the room, Felix walked over to Marinette.

"He's okay. Don't worry." They all ran over to the room. "Axel, Stop!" Marinette yelled. "Are you looking for this?" He held up the Bracelet. Marinette gasped as he held it over the open window, which was a few floors up.

"Axel don't." She warned. "Date me." He said. "Are you crazy? You just hit my boyfriend with a dart?!" She shouted at him. "Princess, please back away." A guard warned. "I got this." She walked toward Axel. "Hand me over the bracelet." She held out her hand. He waved his hand in a circle, while holding the Bracelet out the window. "I can drop this at any moment...and you'll never find it again."

Marinette wanted to punch him. And that's what she did. He whined in pain. The Bracelet slipped out of his hand and she caught it. "Guards, get him." Marinette said, looking back. The guards the nodded and grabbed Axel. "You haven't see the last of me, Princess. You will be day." He was pulled out of the room.

Felix walked up to her. "Are you okay?" She nodded and held out her wrist. He clipped the bracelet for her. She looked back at Adrien. "Is he gonna be okay?" She asked. "He should be, but we should get him the to medical ward fast."


Adrien's eyes fluttered open after being in the room for 30 minutes. "What happened?" He asked. Marinette smiled. "Axel blew a dart a you and tried to steal my Bracelet." She smirked, holding up her wrist. "But, don't worry. I took care of him." He smiled. "I knew you would." He sits up and stands up. He wobbles a little, and Marinette takes his hand.

"Also...I forgot to tell you. My parents invited your father to dinner. He's taking a private jet now." Adrien nearly choked on air. "Wait what?!" His smile vanishing. "We have to get ready. Let's go." Adrien walked into his room to change, Marinette walked up hers to change. Adrien was petrified of what his cold father would say.


"Dinner's starting." Sabine shouted from the hall. Adrien's and Marinette's doors open. Adrien gasped when he saw his princess. She wore a large, strapless, red ballgown. Her hair in a bun. She wore gold heels and a red and gold tiara. "You look gorgeous." He said. She smiled. "You look handsome." He wore a dark red suit with a black tie. "Let's go." Sabine said. Marinette took Adrien's arm, and they walked together.

They walked down the stairs into the great hall, where they ate their meals. Adrien squeezed Marinette's hand as they entered the room. She rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand.

"Good Evening, your Highness." Gabriel said, bowing before Marinette. "Good Evening, Mr. Agreste." She curtseyed. "Hello, Father." Adrien said. "Hello." Gabriel turned and sat back at his seat.

Everyone sat in their chairs and began to eat. "Father, I'd like to discuss something with you." Adrien said nervously. "Yes?" Gabriel answered, looking up. "I'm staying in China." Gabriel's eyes widen."Your what?!?" He shouted, slamming his hand on the table, causing the royals to jump, Adrien was used to it.

"I'm staying in China with my girlfriend, and that is final. I don't care what you say." Adrien said, standing up for himself. "Don't raise your tone with me, young man!" Adrien rolled is eyes, Marinette places her hand on his. "If I may sir, your son is very loving. It is very kind of him to volunteer to stay in Paris with me. You have a amazing and kind-hearted son, Mr. Agreste." Marinette said.

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME ABOUT MY SON!" Gabriel stood up and slapped Marinette's face. The guards ran and grabbed Gabriel. Adrien shouted at his father, "What the heck is your problem!" He instantly looked at Marinette, making sure she was okay. Sabine and Tom did the same.

Gabriel was pulled to the dungeon. And, the next day, this was all over the news. Fashion Designer, Gabriel Agreste, sentenced to 2 years in prison after slapping the Princess of China. Adrien took the news well surprisingly. Now, he wouldn't have his father annoying him very second of the day.

Now, it was full speed ahead till the coronation...

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