Chapter 5 - Pool Party/Date Night

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It was the day after the ball. Everyone was exhausted. It was noon, and Marinette was eating lunch with her classmates and childhood friends, as well as her mother and father. "So, what do you all have planned for the day?" King Tom asks. "I was thinking we could all hang out at the pool, considering I'm staying here and not going back to Paris." Crap. Marinette forgot she didn't tell anyone she was staying.

She glanced at her classmates' faces. Everyone looked shocked and sad, including Chloe and Sabrina. But, she focused her attention on Alya, Nino, and Adrien.

"Can we talk outside, the four of us?" Nino asked. The three of them nodded. They all stood up and walked out into the corridor. "Why didn't you tell me you were staying?" Alya asked, starting to cry. "I'm becoming queen, I have to stay. I don't want to stay, but I have to." Marinette admitted.

"I don't know about you two..." Adrien said. Everyone turned toward him. "But, I'm staying." He smiled. Marinette gasped. "W-What?" She asked. "I love you, and I need to be with you." He said, holding her hand. "I can't ask you to give up your life in Paris, just to stay with me." Marinette frowned. (Adrienette shippers, you'll love the next part.) "My life is you, Princess. I don't want to be in Paris if you're not going to be there. If this is where you're gonna be, then this is where I'm gonna be too." Marinette smiled and kissed him.

"Me too!" Alya said. Marinette turned to her. "I know I'd have the other girls, but you're my bestie. Plus, I'll be saving a fortune. Moving here is way less expensive then catching a plane her every other day." Alya laughed, hugging her best friend. Alya and Marinette started to cry. "And, I'll move here too. Plus, there's no way I'm staying at that school without the three of you. Chloe scares me when she wears her 5 inch high heels." Nino laughs, joining in the girls' hug. Adrien joins in to.

They all backed away. "Well, let's go tell everyone that Adrien Agreste, Alya Cesaire, and Nino Lahiffe will not be returning to Paris." Marinette said. She grabbed Alya's and Adrien's hand. Alya grabbed Nino's. They walked back into the dining hall.

"Everyone, we have an announcement." Alya said. They looked at each other. "We're staying in China!" The four said at the same time, smiling. No one else was, except Queen Sabine and King Tom.

"But, Adrikins! You're a model! What will your father say about this?" Chloe complains. "I don't care about what my father says. He can't control me, especially when he's in a different country." Adrien said. "Anyway, let's all get ready so we can go to the pool!" Marinette said. The girls followed Marinette into her bedroom. Erik guided the boys to a spare bedroom.

30 minutes later...

Marinette wears a red and black vertical striped bikini, with criss cross straps. She wore her midnight hair in two french braids, done by Alya. Alya wears a high-waisted orange bikini with white straps. She has her hair in two space buns. Chloe wears a yellow bikini. The straps laid on the tops of the shoulder. It has black lines around the top. Her hair was in her signature high ponytail. Myléne wore a green one piece. It has multi - colored flowers on it. Sabrina wore a blue one piece with lighter blue designs. Alix wore a hot pink bikini with bright colors on it. Juleka wore a purple and black swimsuit. Rose wore a pale pink onepeice.

Adrien wore green and black shorts. Nino wore green shorts. Kim wore red. Ivan wore black. Nathaniel wore blue. Max wore orange and green. Erik wore dark blue and Axel wore purple.

The girls walked outside. The boys were already there. "Hey, Boys!" Alya exclaimed. The boys looked at the girls and walked toward them. Adrien and Nino picked up their girlfriends. They ran over to the pool and threw them in. Everyond started laughing. Alya and Marinette came up from the water and looked at each other and nodded. They grabbed water balloons that were floating on a raft in the pool. They threw them at their boyfriends. The class ran away so they wouldn't be hit.

The boys were laughing, as well as everyone else. Suddenly, Alix and Kim pushed Adrien and Nino into the pool. The rest of the class jumped into the pool. Everyone splashed each other and they had a good time before the 4 favorite students stayed in China.

That night, the boys decided they would take the girls on a double date, Marinette needed one last free night before trying on coronation dresses and practicing for the big event. The boys had texted the girls to be ready at 8:00. And, at 8:00, the boys showed up outside of Marinette's bedroom, which Alya and Marinette were getting ready in. They wore black suits. One with a red tie, and One with an orange tie. They held colored bouquets in their hands.

Nino knocked on the door and Alya answered. "Hello, Boys." She opened the door all the way, Marinette stood next to Alya. They looked gorgeous. Marinette wore a red short dress that flaired at the bottom. It was strapless and had gold lace trim around the top and bottom. She wore red heels as well. Her hair was in a bun with a hold headband. She wore a necklace which her aunt and uncle had given her, she also wore dangling gold earrings and a red and gold clutch purse.

Alya wore a sleeveless floor length orange dress. It had white around the waist and her hair was curled. She wore orange heels and had a white purse.

"You look beautiful." Nino and Adrien said at the same time. The girls smiled and blushed. The boys handed them flowers. Alya kissed Nino. Before Marinette could kiss Adrien, he kissed her. They thought they were alone, but Axel was hidden behind another wall. He didn't want to ruin their moment, so he walked back to his room, thinking of a plan to get Marinette for himself.

"So, what do you boys have planned for us?" Marinette asked. "Well, it's a surprise, Princess." Adrien took Marinette's hand, Nino took Alya's hand. They walked through the hallway, down some stairs, and to the front of the castle. There was a horse drawn carriage in the front. The girls gasped. "Surprise!" Nino said. They walked over to the white carriage and carefully stepped in.

The carriage moved along trail. "This is amazing." Marinette whispered to Adrien. He smiled. "Well, we're not done yet." The carriage stopped. The boys helped the girls out. They walked hand in hand along a short trail, and then walked up to the forest. The girls looked at each other. "We can't get through there in heels." Alya said. The boys picked up their girlfriends bridal style and carried them. They walked past a few trees and got to a lit up part. The boys set the girls down and and they walked.

"" Marinette said. It was a flowing waterfall. There were hanging lights all over. There were butterflies flying all around. "This is beautiful." Alya said. "We knew you'd like it." Nino said. "Now, let's watch the stars." Nino guided the girls and Adrien through a stone path. There was a steepish hill. The boys picked up the girls and carried them up.

On top of the hill was more hanging lights, as well as more flowers and some chairs. They sat down and looked at the star. There was a shooting star. Alya and Marinette made a wish. Marinette's was for life to be happy forever. Alya's wish for there to be a good mall with amazing sales in China.

Minutes later, the girls fell asleep on the boys' shoulders. The boys looked at each other and kissed their girlfriends' heads.

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