Chapter 3 - Arrival

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When they arrived at the airport, the class was very shocked when Marinette went to first class. "How come Mari-Trash is sitting up in first class, when I'm not!?" Chloe said as she hugged Adrien. Adrien pushed her away, and smiled at Marinette.

The plane ride was around 8 hours. Marinette was given free food and a bunch of other things for free. Everyone kept calling hrr 'Your Highness' which she was not used to. When they landed, Marinette got off first. People helped her with her bag, minutes later, All of her friends were behind her. "That's so cool you were first class, Girl!" Said Alya. "Yeah..." Marinette felt a tap of her shoulder. She turned around to a tall woman, with black curled hair. She was wearing a red dress.

"Your Maj- I mean, Miss. Marinette, please follow us to the limo. It will drive you to the palace." Marinette nodded and followed the woman, her class had wide eyes as Marinette got into a huge black limo. "Can I bring some friends with me?" Marinette asked the woman. She nodded. "Great!" Marinette said. She faced toward her friends. "Alya, Nino, Adrien, wanna come?" She asked. They smiled. "Heck yeah!" They said at the same time. They all ran into the limo. Adrien sat on the left of Marinette. Alya sat next to Marinette on the other side, Nino sitting next to her.

"How did you get this limo, Mari?" Asks Nino. "Um...can you guys keep a secret?" Marinette asked them. They nodded. "Miss? Can I tell them?" Marinette asked the woman. "Only if they can keep it a secret, and you can call me Mingmei, or Ming. Whichever."

"Okay, Thank you, Ming." Marinette looked at her friends just as the limo started toward the castle. "See, I'm...the princess of China." She said to them. Their eyes widened. " parents that lived in Paris, aren't really my parents. They're my aunt and uncle, my aunt is my mom's sister." She explained. Alya hugged Marinette. "I have a best friend that is a Princess!!" She then backed away, Alya looked into her best friend's eyes and saw fear. "How long have you known? I'm sure this a big change for you."

"Maybe two days ago.." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. "Wow." Adrien said. Marinette looked at him. He placed his hands on hers, that were resting on her knees. "I know this is going to be hard, but we are here for you." He said to her. He leaned close to her. "I'm here for you." He whispered. He backed away and smiled, holding her hand.

When they arrived at the castle, Marinette squeezed Adrien's hand in fear. "Everything will be okay." He assured her. They got out of the car, the bus with her class hadn't arrived yet. Mingmei and the limo driver guided Marinette and her friends into the castle. "Hello your highnesses, may I introduce your daughter." Mingmei said, showing the Queen and King their daughter. Marinette let go of Adrien's hand and walked toward her parents. They got up and ran to her. They hugged her so tight.

"Oh! My Darling! How've you've grown." Queen Sabine said, looking at her daughter. Her dad hugged her so tight. "I've missed you so much." He said. She couldn't say it back, and they knew that. She just found out a few days ago. "Mom, Dad." She said. Her parents looked at her. "Meet my friends." Marinette signaled her friends to come forward. They bowed. "No need for that, we're not that fancy here." Sabine said. Even though their Royalty, they never liked people bowing.

"This is my best friend Alya." Marinette said, pointing her hand toward the brown and orange haired girl. Alya shook the Queen and Kings hand. "This is her boyfriend, Nino." She said, pointing toward Nino. Nino shook their hands. "And this" She stuttered. She didn't know what he was. Was he just her friend, or were they boyfriend and girlfriend.

"I'm Adrien, the Princess' Boyfriend." Adrien said shaking the Queen and King's hand. Their eyes widened. "Our daughter has a boyfriend?" Sabine asked. Marinette nodded. Adrien grabbed Marinette's hand. Tom quietly groaned at the thought of his daughter dating someone. She was his daughter.

(Bold in Chinese)
"He's very cute, Marinette. Isn't he that famous model?" Sabine asked her daughter in Chinese. "He is very cute, and yes, he is the famous model, Adrien Agreste." Marinette replied to her mother. "Thank you for the compliment your Highness." Adrien said. Marinette blushed as he smiled and slightly laughed. Tom, Alya, and Nino were confused. "You would think after living here for 25 years, your father would learn Chinese." Sabine, Marinette, and Adrien laughed.

"Now, Marinette, I know it's been 12 years, but you might remember some old friends." Sabine says and looks toward a hallway. Everyone else does and they see 4 teenagers. 2 boys and 2 girls.

"OH MY GOD!" Marinette runs toward her old friends. "Marinette!" A tall boy runs toward her. "Axel!" Marinette ran toward her friends. They all hugged her, but Axel lifted her up. She laughed. "Hey! Put me down!" He put her down. She looked at her besties. "Jiao! Heike!" She hugged her old childhood friends. Then, she looked at the last friend. "Erik!" She hugged him. "It's good to see you again, Princess." Adrien got mad at that nickname, only he called her that.

"Okay, now I'd like you to meet my besties." Marinette guided the four friends over to her three friends. "Everyone, this is Alya, my bestie!" Alya said hi. "Next, her boyfriend, Nino." Erik and Nino both had headphones, you could tell they would become good friends. "And finally, my boyfriend, Adrien." Axel frowned. Adrien smiled and took his girlfriend's hand.

"Okay, Everyone! There is a ball going on this evening! That is when the rest of your class will find out who you are, Marinette." Queen Sabine said. "Let's go get ready!" Marinette said. She pulled Jiao, Heike, and Alya. They were guided to their room.

"You boys follow me." King Tom said. Adrien, Nino, Axel, and Erik followed.

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