Chapter 6 - Practicing

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Today was the day Marinette began to practice for her coronation in two days. It was noon and she was at a dress fitting. The seemstress wrapped a corset around her waist and pulled it tight. She gasped. " tight?" She asked, struggling to speak. "You're right, you are pretty tiny, you should be able to go without a corset." Queen Sabine said."Why are corsets still a thing? I thought they were not used as much anymore." Marinette asked, now being able to breath. "We have a tradition where you wear a corset for your coronation, it's been going on for hundreds of years. But, nobody needs to know you're not wearing one." The seemstress added some last minute changes on the dress. She had done some meauresing before hand. Now, it was time to try it on. Marinette slipped the dress over her body and came out to show her mother.

"It's beautiful!" The bodice was red and had gold designs all over the front. It had a sweetheart neckline and short sleeves that fell over the shoulder. The skirt was as big as it could be. It had gold piping around the bottom and gold deisgns all over it. "This is beautiful." Marinette said. She had to admit, it was beautiful, even though it was uncomfortable.

"Now, let's go practice the traditional Queen Dance. You will be dancing with Adrien." Marinette smiled at that. She got out the dress and back into her jean shorts and pink haltered top that had printed flowers along the bottom.

They walked into the fun zone, where the classmates hung out during the day. "Adrien, please come with us." Adridn walked over to them. Sabine guided the two out. "I hope you like dancing." They walked into a ballroom. There were 4 other couples in the room.

"Let's begin." Sabine said. Adrien and Marinette walked to the center of the room. A dance instructor walked up to them.

"Take your hand in his, place your hand on his shoulder and your hand on her waist." Explained the instructor. Adrien and Marinette did as they were told.

"Now, one two three, together, one two three, together..."

Hours later

Adrien and Marinette sat on the couch, drinking ice cold lemonade. "That was...exhausting." Marinette sighed. "Yes, Yes it was." Adrien agreed. Then, Ming walked up to them. "Princess, you have guests." Adrien and Marinette stood up and followed Ming.

The walked through hallways and into the throne room. It was her Aunt and Felix. "Aunt Bridgette! Uncle Felix!" She ran toward them and hugged them so tight. They hugged her. "I've missed you guys so much...even though it's only been a few days." Marinette said. "We've missed you too." Felix said.

Marinette looked back at Adrien, who was talking to her parents. "Want to meet Adrien?" Marinette asked, smiling. Felix didn't care to, but Bridgette did. She turned around. "Adrien, come here." She said to him. Adrien smiled and walked toward her, taking her hand in his.

"Adrien, this is my Aunt Bridgette, who you met before, and my Uncle Felix." Bridgette smiled, Felix did not. "It's so good to see again!" Bridgette said. "It's good to see you to." He turned to Felix. "It's good to finally meet you, Mr. Dupain." Adrien said, nervously. The two shook hands. "How long have you been dating?" Felix asked. Marinette sighed, Bridgette nudged Felix.

"No, No, it's fine." Adrien smiled. "We became official a few weeks ago." Adrien explained. "And from what I hear, you two kissed on New Year's." Felix said. "Yes." Adrien said nervously rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.

"He also decided to stay here in China with me, as well as Alya and Nino." Marinette explained. Bridgette smiled, Felix was confused. Adrien did really care about his niece, maybe he should give the boy a chance. "That was very kind of you, Adrien." Felix added.

"Thank you." Marinette looked down at her bare wrist. "I must have forgotten my bracelet in the ballroom." She said looking back. "Actually, Princess, you weren't wearing it in the ballroom. You must have forgotten to put it on this morning." Marinette's eyes widen. "I put it on this morning! I must have lost it somewhere!" She said to Adrien, almost in tears. "It's okay, we can look for it. And if we don't find it, I can always buy you a new one." Félix's eyes widen at that. He bought her a bracelet? He must really care.

"I have to find it! You gave it to me on Valentine's Day!" She panicked. He put his hands on her shoulders. "We'll find it. Don't worry." In the corner of his eye, Adrien spotted Axel sneaking into his room. Felix seemed as if he had seen to too.

"I'll be right back, Princess." Adrien walked toward his room, Felix followed. "You saw it too?" Adrien asked, Felix nodded. They walked down the hallway while Marinette and Bridgette talked.

They stood outside the room. Adrien peeked inside to see Axel doing something. He and Felix looked at each other and went in.

"Axel! What the heck are you doing in my room?" Adrien asked. Axel held something up to his mouth. A dart flew out and hit Adrien right in the shoulder. Suddenly, everything went black...

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