Chapter 8 - Coranation

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It was the morning of the Coranation. The castel workers were running around, making sure everything was perfect. But, Marinette wasn't doing very well. She was nervous, very nervous. She couldn't eat and her stomach ached. She called Adrien to come to her.

He knocked on the door. "C-Come in." She groaned. He opened the door and closed it behind him. He ran over to her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, rocking back and forth. "Are you okay?" He asked, sitting next to her. "W-What if I mess up?" She asks him. He hugs her. "You'll do great." He assured her. He kissed her head. Sabine opened the door. "Is everything okay in here?" She asked. Adrien nodded and stood up. "She's nervous." He whispered.

"It's normal to be nervous, but you must get ready now. Adrien, there's a suit in your room. Marinette, I'll help you get ready." He nodded and walked out, winking at Marinette. "He's very kind." Sabine said. Marinette nodded and smiled.

"Now, let's get ready." Marinette slipped on the red dress with the gold designs. She wore her bracelet that Adrien gave her and her necklace her mother gave her. She wore earrings that her aunt and uncle gave her. Her hair was curled and a tiara was balanced on her head. Sabine slipped white gloves over Marinette's hand and helped her get in her gold heels.

"You look beautiful." Sabine said, looking at her daughter in the mirror. Marinette smiled. "It's time." Sabine said. Marinette turned around and hugged her mom. "Let's go make you queen." The queen and princess walked out. Everyone else was already at the ceremony downstairs. They walked down the corridor and down the stairs.

Marinette walked behind the big red doors again. Sabine and Tom would walk down with her. Tom appeared. "You look beautiful, my daughter." He hugged her. The music started. They all took a deep breath and the doors opened. The walked out and onto the marble balcony.

"Now presenting, King Thomas Dupain, Queen Sabine Dupain, and their daughter, Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Announced the guard. Her aunt and uncle smiled at her name. Everyone stood. The king walked down the left stair case, Sabine walked down the right, and Marinette walked down the center. Adrien gasped as he looked at his girlfriend.

Tom, Sabine, and Marinette joined again at the center, and walked down the red carpet in a single file line. Tom first, then Sabine, then Marinette.

They walked. Tom and Sabine stood to the side, and Marinette stood in the middle. "You may be seated." Everyone sat. "We are here today to crown the new queen of China, Princess Marinette Dupain-Cheng." He then said. "The crown?" Sabine walked to the front and kneeled down a little. The man took the crown off her head and placed it on a pillow to the right of Marinette. Then, he took the tiara off of Marinette's head and placed it on the pillow to her left.

He then reached for the crown and carries it to her head. He placed it on and held out a book. She placed her hand on the book and repeated after him. "I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." The man continued. "Do solemly swear to do the best for China." She let out a nervous breath. "Do solemly swear to do the best for China."

"To put the people first, and myself second."

"To put the people first, and myself second." She smiled. The hard part was over. "Now, presenting Queen Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Everyone stood and started singing the China Anthem. The man placed the tiara on Sabine's head, and they all walked back down the center pathway and up the stairs. She winked at Adrien as she went by. Now, it was time for the dinner.

The guests were now in the dining hall. The doors opened the royals walked in. "Now presenting, Queen Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and her parents, Lady Sabine Dupain and King Thomas Dupain." They walked in. Marinette walked straight to her class and her aunt and uncle, who were talking together.

"You did so well! My bestie is the queen!" Alya hugged her so tight. "Alya, considering she is the queen, you should let her breathe." Nino smirked. "Congratulations, Dudette." Nino hugged Marinette. "Thanks, Nino." Then she practically knocked Adrien over. "You're gonna be king, right?" She whispered in his ear, making him blush. "Whatever my queen wishes." He kissed her. She kissed him. Felix looked away, and Bridgette elbowed him.

Then, she hugged her aunt and uncle, and said hello to the rest of her classmates, as well as all of the guests.

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