Chapter 2 ~ China History

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Marinette's P.O.V

I look down at the wooden, square box. I look at the golden design on the top. It is an outline of a castle, with a river going around it. I open the box and see a necklace and a letter. I reach for the letter and open it.

My Daughter,

If you are reading this, it means that you're almost ready to be Queen of China. I am so sorry that I haven't been able to raise you. A war broke out when you were 4 years of age, I knew I had to protect you, so I gave you to your Aunt Bridgette and Uncle Félix. Bridgette is my sister. I hope you aren't mad at me and your father, and that you one day learn to love us the way you love your aunt and uncle.

Your mother, The Queen
PS: I want you to have the necklace as gift for your coronation.

I look down at the necklace. "Oh my gosh..." I whisper. I pick up he necklace. It's a golden chain, with a heart gem dangling in the middle. It's red and has the same golden outline that was on the box. A tear falls down my face as my Mo- I mean my aunt and uncle walk in the room. They look at the box.

"I'm guessing you found the box." My aunt said. I nod. "There's a note from my mom." My aunt and uncle sit on the other side of my bed. "Your mother is my best friend, I miss her so much. I know she's missed you so very much. She hated up to give you up, but it was a sake of your protection." My aunt hugged me. "I'm sorry, Hunny." I hugged her. I back away. "I have to start packing. I mean, I am moving to China." I wiped my tears my stood up. I walked over to my desk. I looked at a picture. It was Adrien and I kissing on New Year's Eve. I picked it up and held it to my heart.

"What's that?" My uncle said walking toward me. "Nothing!" I said, turing around. He walks in front of me and takes the picture. He looks at it and I can see his expression change. "You two are very cute together." He hands me back the picture and walks downstairs, my aunt follows. I pack the rest of the things up.

Bridgette's P.O.V
Friday Morning

Today is the day I'm giving up my baby girl. I know, she's not my daughter but I love her like she is.

It's 7:00. Marinette comes down the stairs wearing a red pair of overalls with a black and white striped undershirt. I really did teach her fashion. She slips on her red sneakers, and flips back her straightened midnight hair. She has a backpack and suitcase in her hands. "I've talked to Miss Bustier, she's going to try and hide your luggage as much as she can so students don't suspect a thing. But, your flying first class." I explain.

Marinette scoffs. "So much for being discrete." We laugh. Félix comes out of his office and smiles. "I'm gonna miss you, Sweetheart." He says as he hugs her. "I'm gonna miss you too.." she hugs him back. "Well, it's time for you to go to school." I say as I walk towards my husband and niece. I hug them both. "I'm going to miss you so so much, my little ladybug."

"I'm going to miss you to, Aunt Bridgette." We break the hug, and Marinette walks toward the door. "We'll come visit, and we'll bring Adrien." I add. Félix grumbles again, so I elbow him in his side. Marinette and I laugh. "Bye, Sweetheart." I say to her as she walks out of the door.

Once the door closes, I burry my face into Félix's arm. He comforts me. "Everything will be okay..." He whispers into my ear.

Adrien's P.O.V

I get out of my limo, my backpack on my back. I wave to my mom and dad and walk into the school. As I walk forward, I see Marinette walking toward the school as well, she has a lot bags. We're only staying a week, that's odd. Oh well, I'm sure it's not important.

In class...

I sit down, and set my bag on the ground. I spot Marinette walking down the hall, Miss Bustier sees her and walks outside into the hall. She starts talking to Marinette. What are they talking about?

Miss. Bustier's P.O.V

I spot Marinette in the hallway, and walk out to her, trying to not make a scene. "Hello, Good Morning, Marinette." I say to her. "Good Morning, Miss. Bustier." I look at her suitcase. "I'll take this for you..." I wink. "Your Majesty." I smile at her and we walk back into the classroom.

Alya's P.O.V

Marinette walks into the room with her backpack. She smiles at Adrien and blushes. She still hasn't gotten over her crush, but I'm glad she's finally dating him. Now, Nino and I and her and Adrien can go on double dates.

"Class, gather your things. We're about to leave for the Airport." Miss. Bustier tells the class. Everyone gathers their things and stands up. We all walk out of the classroom and into the hallway. We all walk down the steps and out to the bus.

Adrien and Nino sit in the first seat, Marinette and I sit behind them. Juleka and Rose sit behind us. Max and Kim sit behind them. The rest of the class fills up the bus, and Miss. Bustier and Mr. Damocles stands at the front of bus.

"Class, Please stay seated until the bus stops at the Airport." The teachers sit and the bus starts. I pull out my phone to show Marinette the history of China.

"What's that?" Marinette asks as I show her a reading about China. "It's the history of China. Apparently, 12 years ago, a war began. The Queen and King gave up their 4 year old daughter, Marinette to her Aunt and Uncle!" I say.

No one's P.O.V

Marinette thinks to herself, 'What if she figured it out? Nah, this city is the most oblivious when it comes to identities.'

"That's really cool! You and the princess are the same age AND have the same name!"

'Yep, very oblivious.' Marinette thought to herself.

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