[7] The Ball (Part 2)

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"I'm off to kill the heir."

Tall, clad in a jester-like outfit. Scrawny between his curves, yet bulky in height and the shoulders. Hair a vibrant crimson with bright purples underneath. Such a bold and brash sentence would never have been thought to come from someone wearing such an outfit.

The figure was stood by the doorway. Hand on the doorknob and ready, raring to open it and be on his way. Head turned, slanted to look behind him at the other silhouette slouched back in the chair in the creaky cabin.

The cabin, itself, was practically desolate. a few chairs, two bedframes with piled blankets as mattresses, unmade and creased as it was.

And yet on one of the only (sturdy) chairs was that silhouette. Tall too, but also scrawny in a way.

Long, silky black hair, dark as night but with highlights like moonlight. An arm resting his jaw upon it, and one leg folded over the other. Also in a jester-like outfit, but this time green. A contrast to the others' purples and pinks.


"For fun, of course!"

Hisoka. Of course he'd be so rash.
"That's a stupid idea, Hisoka."
"Oh, Illumi, are you scared?"
"Of course not. But you shouldn't be fighting a superior opponent.. it's no fun to be outmatched by an army."
"An army!" Hisoka turned his body completely, taking his hand from the doorknob, "You're comparing our strength to an army, why, Illumi, you know better than any fools in that kingdom that we're superior to whatever blunt sword they may swing."
"You're not wrong," Illumi sat up, shifting slightly, "But you're also an idiot."
"Now now, that hurts my feelings."
"Shut it." Illumi stood. "I'll come. But if it's no fun, you're paying for dinner."
"Dinner!" Hisoka scoffed. "This is a mission to kill the prince! We'll be lucky if we can get anywhere close to having dinner peacefully within the vicinity of that palace after this."
"True." Illumi pondered. "Then let's think this over, atleast? Let's not get ourselves into a situation where we have to face the entire army."
"Well what do you propose, then?" Hisoka tilted his leg and folded his arms.
"We lead them away from the palace."
"Are you not aware?" Illumi blankly looked at him. That same blank expression he wore at all times. "The prince has a private bodyguard now."
"Oh, what a bother."
"I know, so high and mighty of them." Illumi replied sarcastically. "It's only natural that they have a private bodyguard for the heir, Hisoka."
"I know, I know." Hisoka groaned. "So, leading them away is the best option?"
"It seems. But how to do that, I wonder?"

Hisoka turned back to the doorway, resuming his position of his hand on the doorknob, beginning to turn it again.
"Yes, I wonder.."

Kurapika emerged from the marble doorway of the bathroom. His patterned blue suit with yellow and gold embroidery glistened slightly in the morning sun from the huge, rounded window of Kurapika's bedroom.
Leorio, standing in the middle of the room, patiently waiting for Kurapika's emergence, turned to see him as he walked out.

Kurapika had styled his hair with his hair behind his ear, pushed back at the hairline to truly emphasise the single dangled ruby earring that hung from his left ear. Usually at events like this ball, Kurapika would have been forced to wear a traditional Kurta garment. One resembling a tunic with a long skirt or dress. However, earlier Kurapika had told Leorio of the last time he wore it for a ball:

"Oh, I totally tripped over the skirt."
"You WHAT!?" Leorio's eyes gaped, as he spoke in a hushed tone, "I-In front of everyone!?"
"Yeah." The blonde's cheeks flushed a slight red, "All because the neighbouring kingdom's princess asked me to dance."
"What happened after?"
"Well at the time I wasn't the type to laugh with people over being embarrassed," he admitted, "So I quickly stood up and apologised to her before the mob of guards could reach me to check if I had as much of a scratch."
"They ruin the fun, huh?"
"Definitely. Atleast you don't baby me or something," Kurapika turned and sighed, taking the suit from the hanger. "This time if I fall, try not to worry as much as the other guards would. You know I can handle myself, I take it?"
"Of course." Leorio laughed, his hands behind his back. "But if my charm catches your eye, then don't be afraid to ask for a dance."
Kurapika scoffed, and began to play along. "Oh, of course, Leorio."
"Hey now, it's Sir Leorio!" He jested, followed by a laugh.

Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now