[4] Old Friends

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Today, Leorio and Kurapika had no social event to tend. And due to the fact that they had practically been busy all week with such events, the two wanted nothing more than to just rest. Of course, it was up to Kurapika, but he asked for Leorio's opinion on what to do today, and the two collectively decided that lounging around and relaxing within the confines of Kurapika's room was a good idea.

They were both fully dressed though, incase something was to arise.

The two spent their time talking, Kurapika showing Leorio his trinkets and jewellery and the symbolism of the Kurta family within each. Meanings of the patterns on the outfits in his wardrobe and so on, so forth.

In a way, it was.. fun.

Right now, Kurapika had enlisted Leorio to join him in a game of chess. It was something that had been out on Kurapika's small, window-side table since he met him on the day of the ceremony. Out of nowhere, however, something piqued Kurapika's interest.

"Hm?" Leorio lifted his gaze to look at Kurapika.
"I've been thinking about this for some time, and, I can't quite put my finger on the reason myself, but, why did you want to become a guard?"
"..Why did I want to become a guard?" Leorio pondered. He looked back down at the chess table, and moved his knight to oppose Kurapika's.
"Is this question one I must answer?"
"Not at all. You can answer if you're comfortable with me knowing."
It took him a second to decide, the second lasted so long that Kurapika nearly assumed he wouldn't be given an answer.

"It's to do with when I was young."
"A childhood ambition?" Kurapika also lifted his head, this time he looked at Leorio.
"Not necessarily."
Oh, now Kurapika was really curious.
Leorio took a deep breath and exhaled it in the form of a sigh, preparing himself for the anecdote ahead.

"I'll start from the beginning," Leorio began, "I used to have a friend. His name was Pietro. We knew eachother when we were young," Taking a second to decide whether Leorio wanted to make this long-winded or save himself the reminiscence, he continued; "One day when we were playing in the field by the town, Pietro accidentally stumbled upon some bandits fleeing the palace grounds. We were playing hide and seek, and I was waiting by the fence of the field, counting down."
Kurapika held back against moving his chess pieces for the time being, and rested his head on the back of his hands.
"When I was finished counting down, I went to find him. Took me a few minutes, but when I did eventually find him, he was by the edge of the palace wall, pretty badly injured. I saw the bandits fleeing, but there was no guards or soldiers to be seen."
"None. I put him on my back and carried him back to the town, some guards came across us on the way back since they saw Pietro was injured, but, when I told them about the bandits, they just laughed.. didn't even bother or care. Didn't even offer to help with Pietro, just told me to hurry back with him if I wanted him to see tomorrow."
To hear such a thing having been said by his own guard was disgusting. Kurapika couldn't help but have his brows furrow.
"When we got back, I handed Pietro over to his parents so they could see to him. Found out soon enough after that there had been a gemstone heist from the palace. Some bandits disguised as guards- the ones who had hurt Pietro for seeing them fleeing."
Now Kurapika remembered. He remembered this taking place. Well over ten years ago, but it was a pretty big fault in the guarding system they had at the time. A lot of captains lost their standing as a result of their lack of awareness.

"And Pietro?"
"I went for him the next day, so we could go play outside again. Let's just say there were wounds I wasn't aware of."
The blonde's eyes widened, but he quickly calmed himself, out of respect for Leorio.
"The reason I wanted to become a guard was so I could be the soldier Pietro needed in that moment. Not those ones that brushed us off. Not the ones that cost him his life, and could have saved him, but one that would kneel down to young me, and offer their assistance to save him."
He couldn't help but let a smile slip, as Leorio took no notice that it was still Kurapika's turn, moving his knight, to conquer the prince's.

Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now