Royalty HCs!

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Preface - I'm working on the new chapter and it's coming super, super soon, I swear! I've just been super busy with school and hobbies that I've barely found the time to write the new chapters for the twentieth year arc, but it's nearly here! So for now, here's some headcanons from the royalty au that haven't really been added in!

-One of the first things that Kurapika ordered Leorio to do under his rule was to 'Give him a tour of the garden' as he'd never really been allowed in it without a guard accompanying him (because they have gardeners and they didn't want it to be messed up) but he didn't want to be watched over by some random guard.

-Leorio has awoken to Kurapika trying to sneak past his quarters multiple times in order to go read somewhere.

-Leorio has a habit of mouth-popping and he does it so much unconsciously that Kurapika is used to it, and kinda finds the little rhythms he does with it soothing. He actually ended up catching on and doing it himself sometimes as well.

-One time Kurapika entered Leorio's quarters while he was in pyjamas and was actually very, very stunned by how undecorated the clothes were.

-Kurapika has arachnophobia (just generally in this au, it's not something to do with the phantom troupe).

-Leorio's favourite bug is ladybirds.

-Kurapika sometimes reads Leorio to sleep.

-Leorio sometimes hums or sings kurapika to sleep.

-Alluka comes into town now and then to visit. Killua lives with Gon and Aunt Mito.

-Leorio used to live with Gon and Aunt Mito, too. Not much is know about his actual parents, just that he's lived there since he was very young. I presume it's that his parents sent him to live with her when he was a baby.

-Leorio can play guitar.

-Leorio brushes Kurapika's hair for him and will, whenever given the chance, offer to style it for him when he has to have it done nicely for events.

-One time Leorio challenged Kurapika to a one on one without weapons, thinking he'd win. Kurapika decked him in seconds because he studied martial arts when he was young, but Leorio never thought to consider that he'd been taught self-defence, since all he thought he knew in terms of combat was the fencing lessons he'd had with Netero.

-Leorio is really good with kids, but it's probably due to growing up seeing Gon, Killua and Alluka a lot.

-Gon, Killua and Alluka never play hide and seek when Leorio is nearby because they're aware it's the game he and Pietro played.

-The reason Kurapika has so much hatred towards being called a 'jewel' or being put on a pedestal is because his mum used the nickname 'jewel' for him.

-Kurapika is long-sighted! He tends to manage to sit up straight while reading so he can stretch out his arms to distance the book so he can see it. It's not too bad, so he's never brought it to anyone's attention, but it's there.

-After his eyes turn scarlet they become HORRIBLY strained. I mean stinging type of pain. So he usually has to forcefully shut them in order to try and muffle the pain as much as possible. Leorio wasn't aware of this until he started staying in Kurapika's room with him, so when he gets like that Leorio usually just holds him until it eases or until Kurapika can drift asleep until it passes.

-Kurapika's eyes are also just in general super sensitive. Lights of decent intensity can make them sting for hours. Leorio found this out and since them he's always made sure to close the blinds in Kurapika's room before he wakes up.

-Leorio loves dogs and isn't a big fan of cats because a cat once bit him as a child.

-Kurapika had never seen cats prior to meeting Leorio, so when he snuck out of the palace he saw a cat for the first time. He'd seen them in books but he demanded that Leorio show him a cat sometime since he only saw the one he did at a distance. (Also - he's seen dogs already due to guard and service dogs from events where royals had them).

-Kurapika's favourite animals are frogs, because they're one of few animals he was able to see up close when he was young by a pond in one of the palace gardens.

-Kurapika's first impression of Leorio was that he was taller than expected.

-Leorio has a habit of playing with Kurapika's hair.

-Kurapika once called Leorio 'Sideburns' and he's never done it since.

-Sometimes Kurapika will mumble under his breath in Kuruta language because he knows Leorio can't understand. He promises if the time comes though that he'll teach him it.

-Kurapika isn't the best at cooking since what few recipes he knows are from when he would cook or bake with his parents. They're usually Kurta recipes. Leorio on the other hand can cook pretty well but it also tends to be family recipes, or basic ones he's learnt himself over the years.

-Kurapika was never allowed to eat fruit or food containing seeds or pips due to the guards and butlers being afraid he could eat or choke on them.

-There's been multiple times where Kurapika falls asleep with his face pressed against Leorio's hair. It's surprisingly soft and he just likes how it feels.

-Kurapika has sewn and outfit for Leorio.

-Leorio brought Kurapika a set of pyjamas from the town since he thought he'd feel a lot more comfier in them compared to the ones he normally wears since they're still super decorated and embroidered. He had to bring him more sets of pyjamas because he refuses to go back to the royal ones.

-Leorio smells of sugar cookie dough.

-Kurapika smells of lavender, and that very specific fresh fabric smell - specifically velvet.

-Leorio's favourite animal is dogs, partly for the reason that they chase cats.

-Leorio thinks of Gon like a younger brother, since he basically grew up in the same household.

-Melody has worked with the royal family since Kurapika was very young. She often played songs on her flute to get him to sleep when he was young.

-Killua is only a jester cause Gon was before him, and Gon convinced him to become one as well.

-Kurapika hates the red colour scheme in the palace and on his event outfits, because he knows it's meant to resemble his eyes and he despises the fact that they can be put down simply to something valuable like a ruby on a suit or jewellery.

-Leorio's favourite colour used to be blue, but since he's seen Kurapika's eyes, the colour has changed to scarlet - specifically the scarlet in Kurapika's eyes. However, whenever Kurapika asks him what his favourite colour is, he continues to say blue because he's embarrassed to tell him his actual favourite colour is the colour of his eyes.

Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now