[8] The Ball (Part 3)

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To let you all know, next chapter will be inspired by a song! I hope to make this chapter as good as possible and I hope you guys enjoy it. This chapter is also 6758 words long, so buckle up for some mega angst. I wish you all the best of luck.

Large, solid hardwood doors now stood between the two and the ballroom - the great hall, always, somehow, the royal guard and royal butlers would be able to fit that gaping room to fit any event necessary. Parties were extravagant, ceremonies were of the highest quality, and each moment is carefully planned down to the finest details.

As they approached, arms interlinked, two armoured guards with halberds stood aside to hold each door open with one arm. Each door was easily around 20 metres tall - the hallway, in actuality, was huge in itself, not just the doorway. But if you thought the hallway was just where the massive scale of the interior ended, you'd be wrong, as you stepped through the doors of the great hall to find a room more beautiful than any other in the palace, and the largest inside space within the entire grounds.

The sheer strength those two guards must hold in just a singular arm must be immense, as the 20 metre high and 1 foot thick doors slid open with ease by the push of their outstretched arms.

And inside the hall, a great ballroom was now prepared. In the middle, a large, dipping, circular area of flooring, coloured with all sorts of pinks, yellows, reds, in order to become the floor where the dances would take place. Seeing as many families from the neighbouring kingdoms would be coming, you could well assume the rulers would be all too willing to flaunt their marriage and relationships through the ballroom dance most couples participated in.

It's traditional for the dance to take place around 4/6th way into the actual event, and it features couples of all kingdoms. It's said that if you ask someone you love to dance there, then you two will be bound for life and, for some, it's considered an unofficial proposal or engagement, and for others it's simply a symbol of loyalty or their bond.

Remembering that ballroom floor, Leorio could recall a memory from a matter of days ago.

"The Kurta ballroom dance is traditional." Kurapika began, "If I'm being honest, I'm a bit rusty, so I was going to ask you if I could practice with you."
"Even the prince has to do it..?"
"Not necessarily." Kurapika began to go into thought, explaining: "Any royal at the ball can dance if they wish, but they need a partner, meaning they either have to ask a royal, or be asked by a royal."
"Wait, so it's like.. a way for the royals from the kingdoms to ask another out, I'm guessing?"
"Traditionally it's more like a proposal, but that's usually only when they already know eachother. Usually it's either young teen royals being forced to dance with a neighbouring kingdom's royal around their age in order to possibly form a bond that could somehow miraculously blossom into a relationship, making the kingdoms unite... And for other, older royals, it's just a way to flaunt their high-standing spouses."
"I think I get it." Leorio nodded, "And this dance?"
"Oh!" Kurapika's eyes widened as he realised he had gotten lost in his explanation, "My apologies, here, put your hand here-"
Kurapika placed Leorio's hand on his waist, in an instant, being so close to the prince made his face begin to warm, but he kept his cool.
"Now, follow me lead, and try not to step on my toes."
"Alright..." Leorio shuffled awkwardly around the room at first, but as Kurapika began to help him get more comfortable with it, and soon, the two were waltzing gracefully together, as they softly chuckled at their own ridiculousness, yet, neither minded, and on their faces a soft pink would glow in their cheeks as they laughed together while waltzing, and while Kurapika let out small, mid-laugh, 'Stop stepping on my toes!''s.

This was a tradition only held at the Kurta events, so such a dance had not taken place in 10 years. Though that is necessarily considered 'recent' in royal family timeline, for rulers, it could be a long time. Many rulers can step down from their roles within that time, therefore meaning that if they were to dance at the Kurta ball, it would be purely out of love or bond, and not out of gloating to the onlookers.

Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now