[3] Secrets

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Also inspired by @/Cactopedias' Leopika royalty au on tiktok!

The holidays. It was the end of August, so autumn was approaching quickly. It was so unusual, seeing as it had been nearly a week now since Leorio had become Kurapika's private guard.

It didn't really feel like a week. It had been a pleasure in a way - Leorio had found it fun, and felt as if by the day, he and Kurapika would grow ever closer. It made Leorio rather happy to know that he could offer the prince company that he enjoyed.

Usually during his guard holidays, Leorio would stay at Aunt Mito's, where Gon and Killua lived.

Of course, now, since he was Kurapika's private guard, he knew he probably couldn't get that time off. Despite that, when he saw Mito getting groceries at the market one day in passing, he mentioned the fact that this time around he probably wouldn't be able to come.

Low and behold, what did she do? She wrote a letter to the royal guard barracks requesting time off for Leorio. Of course, it didn't exactly go down well at first. Though the captains and generals are below him, they sure know how to put their foot down and throw Leorio around a bit, since they knew he wasn't exactly the type to immediately stand up for himself if confronted, only if it were to not benefit him as much.

And to add insult to injury, Kurapika decided to take it upon himself to search for Leorio while he wasn't by his side. Stumbled right into the Royal Guard meeting room while they were scolding Leorio for even considering dropping his guard around the prince.

Leorio had known since his ceremony just how much Kurapika could change the atmosphere of a room in an instant, but within moments the guards were stood to attention. They hadn't expected him to come to such a meeting he wasn't even informed of - the prince usually never interfered with guard matters, considering that was Leorio's job. He remembered it clearly:

"What's all this? I could hear the shouting from down the hallway."
"My Liege, why are you out of your quarters!?"
"I was just going for a walk. Am I not permitted to do that, general?" Kurapika tauntingly tilted his head, his arms behind his back and hands intertwined.
"That is not the case, your majesty, it's just that-"
"That, what? That Sir Leorio should be with me if I am to leave my room?"
"Well, yes, that's the case, sir."
"Well, yes, and that's exactly why I came to look for him. But as I can see, he is busy. So, do you mind if I wait for you to be finished? Or is that too much of a burden on your shoulders, sir?"
The general just felt absolute dread as he swallowed and prepared what he was about to say to Leorio. All while Leorio stood idly, his face slightly sunken, that of which had been perceived by Kurapika.
"Of course, that is no problem, my Liege." The general's eyes slightly shaking, he turned back to Leorio as the rest of the guards present watched, anticipating. "W-Well, Sir Leorio, we have no choice but to deny the request-"
"Request for what?" Kurapika chirped in.
"Oh, do not worry sir, it's nothing to be worried abo-"
"Oh but I'm curious."
"It's just-" he sighed, "A request for a days' holiday at the end of the week."
"And what's the problem with it?"
"I-I'm sorry, your majesty?"
"It's only one day. Surely I can be guarded by others for the day? Not just that but I'm sure I can handle myself for a single day. I'm no baby after all."
"I would never imply as such, sir! Do not fret. It's just that, well, Sir Leorio swore to protect you at all times, and to be at your side at all times. Is it not wrong to have him miss a shift?"

"And what of his family, general? Are they to never see him again? Is that what you're saying?"

Leorio remembered it vividly. It was kind of Kurapika to allow such a time for Leorio to catch up with those he considered family after such an eventful week, and the moments after that meeting with the glare of the general as Kurapika's back turned when he and Leorio left were forever imprinted in his mind with pride, yet also an essence of fear for his next encounter. From first-hand experience he knew the prince could be upfront and be serious, but seeing him be like that to a room full of high-ranking royal guards was something he didn't necessarily expect, but not something he was necessarily surprised at. Nonetheless, Kurapika simply told Leorio to make the most of the time he had gotten for him.

Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now