The Prince and his Loyal Guard

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[Summary // It's the day of the escape, and yet, escape seems impossible.]

[Author's notes  // Sorry for not updating for such a long time - I went through a huge writers' block, drew a lot, and also had my final GCSEs to deal with. But I just finished them and I just finished school! So I've got a ton of time now to try write more.
I'm also posting more Leopika stories on my account - I published a coffee shop AU, and am posting and planning oneshots! I hope you all like them as well.]

"Sir Leorio." Kurapika nudged Leorio with his elbow as they walked along the palace corridor, "Can we go to the library?"

Leorio never understood Kurapika's tangents he went off on, one moment he could be so focused, and the next he could be off in a daze for who knows what reason. Though he had no right to refuse any request Kurapika made, it was still so odd, seeing him so determined one moment, and then asking to do something completely irrelevant the next.

It was the day of the escape - currently it was noon, and the outside plains and town were covered in a thick sheet of snow. It hadn't exactly let up either, every so often more snowflakes would fall from the clouds, like fairy dust being sprinkled from above. If you'd look outside with the purity of one unknowing of their plan, perhaps you'd see the cool sun peeking between the fluffy white clouds, and think that today was a beautiful day. But to those who knew, it was in no way beautiful. As a matter of fact, this was a problem.

Snow meant slower traversing. Slower walking. Horse and carts had to have the roads cleared for them to get past - even then, the ice formed on the paths posed a huge risk to the horses and to those who rode in the carts, as if a horse were to slip, it'd bring the cart down with it. So the original idea of using a horse and cart? Completely out of the question now. But today had been planned for weeks. Months. There was no way that they were going to let the day just go like that, not after all their planning and organising to make it perfect. To make it effortless.

Mito, Gon, Killua, Alluka, Melody - they all were at risk by this plan. Guilty of treason to the monarchy for even being aware of the plan's existence.

Leorio hated the thought of them getting in trouble for this plan. He'd thought it over, again and again and again - surely there was no way to completely cover the tracks of their accomplices, allowing Mito and the kids to live in the town happily, and allowing Melody to continue her palace work. The chances of them never being caught out were nearly impossible.

That morning, Leorio had gone to one of the balconies in the palace that overlooked the town, and simply watched as he saw the stable workers at the entrance to the town working tirelessly to clear the ice-glazed path, slipping and sliding back and forth and steadying themselves with their shovels by plunging it between the crackling frost.

It was obvious by now, that their original plan of horse and cart to get out of town was not going to work - not in these conditions.

"Leorio," Kurapika leant back on one of the tables in the large library, keeping his hands firmly pressed against the top to support his weight, "Can I propose an idea to you, for the escape, I mean."

"An idea?" Leorio raised an eyebrow, in all honesty the fact that plans could change was a horrific proposition to him. "Kurapika, not to be harsh, but you do realise how late it is to chance plans now? The plan is supposed to go forward today."

At first glance, Kurapika's face seemed to frown at the tone, but it was true - it was meant to happen today. There was no going back on it, change of plans were detrimental right now and there was no chance of success if they couldn't find a way to communicate that to the others in time.
"Don't get me wrong, I know. I'm very much aware of the severity of the situation- but look outside! Do you really think we have any other choice right now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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Prince Kurapika and Sir Leorio [Leopika Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now