Meet You There - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"I really hate this show," Bennett whined, awhile later.

   We had been hanging out, watching TV, talking, eating junk food. It really felt like we had a fresh start. It felt like we were friends, for real.

   "How could you hate it? It's so funny," I said, glancing at him.

   "It's dumb," he shrugged, then stuck his tongue out at me.

   I threw a chip at him, then laughed. "Hey, do you want to go to my uncle's studio tomorrow. It's in Belport."

   "Uh, really?" he asked back.

   "Yeah. It's a whole thing..." I said, looking back at the TV.

   "I don't understand, but I'd love to," he grinned, then added, "it's actually today. It's after midnight."

   "Whoa, we've been here for like three hours." I couldn't believe it.

   "It felt like three minutes," Bennett said quickly, then looked embarrassed for a second.

   "So, did you miss the whole party?" I asked, changing the subject.

   "Eh, it wasn't like I wanted to be there. I was just going to try to make sure there was no drunk kids puking in the apartment." He looked at me with a serious face, then ran a hand through his hair.

   "I'm glad you showed up. Even if I was in my pajamas," I smiled.

   "They were cute," he grinned, leaned in a bit closer.

   "Oh, yeah?"

   He nodded then turned his attention back to the TV. It was weird to me how comfortable I was with him. I wanted to see what could actually happen between us, without it being a secret. Now that we knew each other a bit better, maybe things would be different.

   "So, what time tomorrow?" he wanted to know, a few minutes later.

   "I'm not sure. I will text you. Caleb and I are going there, Fox will be there, as a surprise..."

   "Oh, it's really a whole thing," he laughed.


   "And you invited me."

   "Well, it's part of the plan," I told him.

   "Oh, I see." He pretended to look hurt, but ended up grinning at me again.

   I leaned in a bit closer even, our legs brushing each other's. He kept that cute smile on his face, then wrapped his hand around mine. We were both quiet for a few minutes, and that was okay. The TV was still on, but neither of us cared about that, now.

   "I'm sorry, that I was avoiding you this week. I swear it was not easy. And not what I wanted." He looked actually sorry. It didn't take much for me to believe him, though.

   "Were you actually going to just stop talking to me altogether?" I asked him, leaning in to put my head on his shoulder.

   "I don't know. I was trying to spare you all of my drama," he answered.

   "Little did you know, my shit is just as bad as yours," I said quietly.

   "I hope I never meet your ex," Bennett said, surprising me. "I would end up in jail for longer than a night."

   I looked up at him then, and our faces were so close. My heart was pounding hard. I had never had anyone who cared enough about me to say something like that. He looked uncertain, but I closed the space between us by kissing him, shutting my eyes at the same time. He put his hands to my face and kissed me back, hard, fast.

   We didn't hear the door open and close again, as we were making out, in our own world, right there on the couch, in the main room of the apartment.

   "Iris," Caleb said loudly, making me jump.

   "Oh god, are you a ninja?" I yelled, standing up right away. "How'd you come in without making a sound?"

   "I thought you'd be asleep. It's after 1A.M.," he said, then looked at Bennett, then back to me.

   I glanced at Bennett, who looked worried. "Oh, yeah, Bennett was just leaving."

   He stood up. "Right."

   "See you tomorrow," I said to him, then watched him cross the room and pass Caleb.

  "Goodnight," Bennett finished, looking at me before sneaking out of the apartment.

   Caleb knocked on my bedroom door ten minutes later, while I was putting my pajamas back on. I hurried to pull my top over my head before I answered.

   "Yeah?" I called, walking quickly to the door.

   "I thought you and him weren't talking?" he asked, giving me a knowing look.

   "We worked it out, I guess?" I answered, taking a shallow breath.

   "Okay. And you're now...?"

   "I don't know. We're friends, and -" I stopped, then changed what I was saying. "He's coming tomorrow, to the studio."

   Caleb looked confused. "I thought you meant Maribella."

   "Oh, uh, no. Is that okay?" I asked. I had originally thought of Maribella, too. But she was busy and I thought this would be a good chance for Bennett and I.

   Caleb looked skeptical. "Okay, well, Fox wants to meet for lunch, so can we go in the morning?"

   "Yeah, that's great," I smiled, big. "G'night."

   "Night, Iris."

   Driving to Belport in Caleb's truck, with Bennett beside me, was a bit strange. I kept catching him smiling at me, and grazing my hand or leg with his. I knew he was flirting. I knew he was happy that we are doing this. I put my hand on his knee, leaving it there for a few minutes. He leaned close and snuck a kiss on my cheek.

   I hadn't explained much of what was happening to him, and as we entered town, my stomach felt funny again. Belport was where my life was good, uncomplicated, happy. For thirteen years.

   "Caleb, can we drive past my old house?" I asked, out of no where.

   "Are you sure?" he asked, sounding a bit concerned.


   Caleb turned left at the next intersection and we were on our way. The neighbourhood felt the same, even though over four years had past since I'd been there. The house looked the same, too, but there were some kid's toys, a bike, a wagon in the front yard. Caleb slowed down and I just stared out the window, feeling overwhelmed.

   "You okay?" he asked from the front seat.

   Tears filled my eyes at the question. "Yeah. We can go."

   Bennett squeezed my hand, then leaned in to wipe a tear from my cheek. I couldn't look at him, but I was glad he was there.

   When we pulled into the studio parking lot a few minutes later, I didn't see Fox's car. Hoping for the best, we got out of the truck and started following Caleb towards the building. Bennett slipped his hand into mine, squeezing it again, making me feel like maybe we really would be okay.

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