~Destiel #8 - We all hate Lisa~

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AN - I'm sure most of us have read a story with this cliche before. Anyway, I was getting kind of tired of it. I feel like the characters should trust each other and believe each other when they say Lisa/Meg/etc kissed them, so I decided to change it up a bit.


Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak had the perfect relationship. The two boys were completely head-over-heels for each other and practically the whole school shipped them. Even the teachers.

There was one girl who definitely didn't though. Lisa Braeden had a huge crush on Dean and thought she, the popular cheerleader who most guys in the school found attractive, deserved him more than Castiel, the shy, awkward, socially anxious nerd who had very few friends.

But for some reason, Dean was dating him!

So Lisa devised a cunning plan. Hopefully it would show Dean what he was missing out on, but even if it didn't, it would at least get them to break up.

She grinned evilly as she worked out the details, ready to put it into action tomorrow.


Dean was getting his stuff ready at the end of the day when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned, smiling, expecting his boyfriend, Cas. Instead, Lisa was there. His smile faded, replaced by annoyance.

"What do you want, Lisa?" he asked with a sigh. He wanted her to go away so he could find Cas. No such luck.

"You," she replied. Then she slammed her lips onto his.

Dean was frozen in shock for a second before shoving her off him and frantically wiping his mouth.

He didn't notice a pair of bright blue eyes fill with tears at the other end of the corridor, the owner quickly turning to leave.


"What's that supposed to mean?" Lisa asked, obviously alarmed by his outburst.

"You are a evil, conniving, b*tch," Dean hissed, furious, "Don't ever talk to me again."

Lisa stormed off, and Dean turned back to his locker, fuming.

However, his anger quickly turned to panic when he remembered Cas was supposed to meet him here. What if Cas had seen the kiss and thought Dean was cheating on him?

Dean's eyes widened, praying Cas had been in the bathroom or something, because Dean wasn't sure he could live without the blue-eyed boy.


Cas had been on his way to Dean's locker when Meg stopped him. He ignored her attempts at flirting with him, just sighing and pushing past her. She didn't seem to understand what being gay meant.

He was delayed by about a minute though, and when he rounded the corner he saw Dean, his boyfriend, kissing Lisa.

Cas's whole world came crashing down at that moment. Now that may sound dramatic, but Castiel's family hated him for being gay, and even though most people in the school were accepting, some weren't.

He also suffered from anxiety and mild depression, and for the past couple of months Dean had been his anchor.

So when he said his whole world came crashing down, he meant it, because Dean pretty much was his whole world, and here he was, kissing Lisa Braeden.

Cas felt his eyes fill with tears and he turned to leave, but someone bumped into him and he dropped the books he was holding on the floor.

As he bent down to pick them up, he heard Dean yelling at Lisa, he heard Dean say he loved him, he heard how sincere Dean was when he said it.

His world paused mid-crash, and built itself back up. He picked up the rest of his books and walked over to Dean, wrapping his arms around his green-eyed boyfriend's waist.

Dean turned to hug him back and Cas quietly asked, "Did you mean it? When you said you loved me?"

"You heard that?" Dean asked, alarmed.

"I heard everything," Cas said, "Saw everything too. I was so upset at first, I thought you were cheating, but then I heard what you said and knew I was wrong."

"I would never cheat on you," Dean said, and then more quietly, "And yes, I did mean it."

Cas smiled, hugging Dean tighter, "I love you too. And I'll never stop loving you."


AN - So... what did you think of this different outcome to this cliche? Hopefully it was good.

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