~Destiel #17 - When the Day Met the Night~

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AN - HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE! Whether you're a part of the LGBTQIAP+ community or not, have a wonderful June!

So, this is a slightly different one-shot than usual... it's a songfic! It's based around the song When the Day Met the Night by Panic! At The Disco.

I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I didn't think I'd do the song justice so thank you to mikeyway_on_a_slide for encouraging me!



When the moon fell in love with the sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night

Fluffy white clouds danced across a golden sky as a light breeze blew through the trees, making them rustle quietly. But no matter how quiet it was, Dean still jumped. He was walking through the botanic gardens in an attempt to clear his head but it wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped. He sighed sadly as he turned a corner, before stopping dead at the sight of someone who was definitely the most beautiful person Dean had ever set eyes on. 

When the sun found the moon
She was drinking tea in a garden
Under the green umbrella trees
In the middle of summer

A man with jet black hair was sitting at a small white table set up in the shade of the trees. He had a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits in front of him, and he was concentrated on the book held carefully in his hands.

When the moon found the sun
He looked like he was barely hanging on
But her eyes saved his life
In the middle of summer 

Now, Dean hadn’t been doing too well lately, he was stressed and overwhelmed and his depression was hitting hard, but, as cliche and sappy as it sounds, when the man raised his head, all of Dean’s worries seemed to melt away and disappear into his ocean blue eyes. 

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer, summer, summer, summer
All was golden when the day met the night

“Are you alright?” the beautiful, blue-eyed stranger asked, seeming to notice Dean’s odd behaviour. 

“Yeah, completely fine,” Dean replied, trying not to die because the most gorgeous person in the whole universe was speaking to him. “I’m Dean.” 

“I’m Castiel, or Cas for short,” the man - Cas - said. 

So he said, "Would it be all right
If we just sat and talked for a little while
If in exchange for your time
I give you this smile?"

So she said, "That's okay
As long as you can make a promise
Not to break my little heart
Or leave me all alone in the summer."

Dean grinned and sat down opposite Cas at the table. He noticed the biscuits were custard creams (AN - Aka one of the best kinds of biscuit in existence) and eyed them hungrily. Cas giggled, a magical sound that made Dean want to squeal, and pushed the plate towards him. 

They stayed there for most of the day, chatting and eating biscuits and drinking tea, and Dean relaxed, not once thinking about anything other than Cas and their conversation. 

Well he was just hanging around
Then he fell in love
And he didn't know how
But he couldn't get out
Just hanging around
Then he fell in love

Dean could tell feelings for Castiel were developing, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop them, so in the end he let them run wild, not caring that Cas probably noticed the glances to his lips or the stares that lasted slightly too long. 

Eventually he worked up the courage to tell Cas, and despite all his worrying about his feelings being unrequited, the gentle kiss he received said otherwise. 

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer, summer, summer, summer
When the moon fell in love with the sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night

Every day they’d meet at that little white table under the trees while the sky was golden and stay until it was black and speckled with stars, and neither of them had ever been happier. 

Summer, summer, summer, summer
In the middle of summer,summer,summer, summer
the middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
the middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
In the middle of...


AN - So hopefully I did the song justice and it lived up to the expectations of my friend.

As a special thing for Pride Month, I'm going to try to update lots in the next few weeks (This isn't a promise and I'm sorry if I don't but I'm gonna try my best) because I'm off school and have the time to write. Now I just need the ideas. If you have a prompt or request tell me because I need them.


Destiel one-shots (occasionally some sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now