~Welcome to the New Year!~

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AN - HOORAY! We all survived 2020 but will we make it to the end of 2021? Well, it's 15 minutes into 2021 for me, idk what time it is for you. Hope you enjoy this one-shot!


It was New Year's Eve. 2020 was finally coming to an end.

And of course, it was tradition to kiss someone at midnight, and, as much as Cas tried to bury his feelings for his lifelong best friend, he wanted to kiss Dean.

Him, Dean, Sam and Gabriel were driving to Bobby's so they could light fireworks and celebrate in the field behind his house.

Despite being younger, Sam and Gabriel were already together, so they were obviously going to kiss. They were also hoping to Chuck their brothers would finally get together at midnight.

The four of them grabbed drinks and fireworks from the boot of the Impala and walked off towards the field.

Cas was having an internal debate about whether or not to just grab Dean and kiss him at midnight. He was jolted out of his thoughts when Dean said, "You okay, Cas?"

Dean realized that was a mistake the second he said it.

Cas smirked at him and started singing, "Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say. I never want to let you down or have you go, 'It's better off this way!'"

Dean groaned, closing his eyes.

"For all the dirty looks! The photographs your boyfriend took! Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?"


Cas continued singing as they made their way towards the back of Bobby's house. Thankfully, he stopped when they got there. As much as Dean loved the song, Cas did not have the greatest singing voice.

They set up the fireworks and waited for the countdown to begin.

Dean spent the few minutes they had until 2021 contemplating kissing Cas. Yeah, he had a massive crush on the guy but were his feelings one-sided? He certainly hoped not.

At ten seconds they started yelling.


Should I kiss Dean?


Do I kiss Cas or not?


I need to make a decision!


Think faster, Dean, think faster!


Has there been any indication at all that he likes me too?


Think back, has he shown any signs of liking me?


I'm running out of time!


Cutting it a little close here!


You know what? I'm just gonna do it!


I'm gonna take this chance.

Midnight hit, and Dean and Cas launched themselves at each other, lips crashing together.

They broke apart, panting slightly, and Dean said, "I don't think that was social distancing."

Cas laughed lightly, turning to watch the fireworks. Dean reached over and put an arm around Cas, pulling him close as they looked up at the colours exploding across the sky.

Then the moment was ruined by their brothers yelling, "FINALLY!" and Bobby laughing.


A few hours later, as they sat in Bobby's sitting room, Sabriel asleep on the other couch, Dean asked, "So, Cas, do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

"I thought you would never ask," Cas replied, pulling Dean into a kiss.

2021 was going to be a good year.


AN - Well hopefully you all enjoyed this.

Destiel one-shots (occasionally some sabriel)Where stories live. Discover now