~Destiel #2 - Idk what to call this one~

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Dean had recently figured out something about himself. He was bi and had a crush on one of his best friends, Castiel.

A few weeks later, during a game of truth of dare with his friends from the football team, he figured something else out. People would hate him for it.

It had been a friendly game until he was asked if he had a crush. He admitted he had a crush on a guy, thinking nobody would care.

He was wrong.

The next day, he was kicked off the team, his friends were ignoring him and whispers followed him down the corridor.

He arrived home that day about to cry and his dad had asked him what was wrong.

Dean told him everything expecting a hug or even just some sympathy.

Instead of a hug he got a slap on the face.

Instead of sympathy he got, "They were right to kick you off the team, faggot."

Dean ran to his room and threw himself onto his bed, choking on silent sobs. That night he made a promise to himself.

He would crush all his feelings for Castiel.

He would lock them in a box at the back of his mind and bury them in thoughts about girls. Never to be seen again.

He distanced himself from Cas, afraid if he spoke to him his smile or his laugh or his bright blue eyes would drag out the feelings again.

Dean spent the next four months of school alone. He didn't speak to anyone.

Nobody spoke to him.

And then there was the day he snapped.

He was visiting Bobby, an old friend of their dad's who he thought of as his uncle. Sam was at his friends house and Dean was sitting in the kitchen chatting to Bobby.

Then Bobby asked about school. He asked about his friends. He asked about Cas.

Dean froze. He couldn't speak. And then the wall he'd put up to hide his thoughts about how sad and lonely he was cracked and a tear trickled down his cheeks.

And then it exploded.

It was like a damn broke. Bobby sat there in shock as Dean cried, explaining everything.

Once Dean was finished talking he covered his face. And when Bobby moved he flinched. Hard.

But instead of the impact he was expecting, a pair of warm arms wrapped around him, Bobby's gruff voice telling him everything was going to be fine.

The next day, Dean drove up to school with music blasting from the radio. He walked in with a new spring in his step. Feeling better than he had in months.

He dropped into a seat next to Charlie, who had been his best friend before he isolated himself.

He explained where he'd been for the last few months and Charlie understood. She forgave him for "randomly ditching their little group of geeks" as she put it, and invited him to join them for lunch. He agreed.

But when he got to the table, Cas was there.

He forced himself to sit down and talk to his friends. They talked to him as if he'd never been gone. He was having such a good time he didn't notice the locked box of feelings resurfacing at the back of his mind.

Every day at lunch he would talk to his friends, to Cas, and one of the chains holding the box shut would come undone. One of the locks would open.

He never noticed.

Until one lunchtime he was telling a story and he looked over at Cas just as they all started laughing. Cas was smiling and laughing, blue eyes sparkling.

And Dean thought he looked adorable.

Bam. Panic ensues.

But Dean thought back to what Bobby had said and went, 'It's not so bad.'

Charlie noticed the change. She noticed the way he looked at Cas. So the next day she slipped a note into Dean's bag. One that said, 'he likes you too.'

So Dean asked Cas out.

And six years later, standing at the altar watching Cas walk down the aisle.

He knew it was the best decision he ever made.


AN - hello to the 0 people reading this. It's lovely to see you again. Have another teribly written one-shot

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