~Sabriel #1 - Roommates~

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It was December. Freezing cold December. Gabriel was trying to get to sleep but it was so, so, SO cold. Way too cold to sleep.

'Stupid thin walls on stupid cheap apartment!'

Annoyed and shivering, he clambered out of bed, still wrapped in his duvet, and made his way to Sam's room.

Sam was his best friend who he shared the apartment with and totally didn't have a massive crush on.

He knocked on Sam's door and heard a quiet "Come in," in response. When he opened the door he saw Sam curled up in a small ball and wrapped in his duvet.

"What is it Gabe?" Sam asked, sounding exhausted.

"I can't sleep," Gabriel replied, "I'm too cold and I was wondering if you had any spare blankets."

"Sorry, no," Sam said with a yawn.

Gabriel sighed, "Kay."

However, as he turned to leave, Sam spoke up, "I know another way we could stay warm."

Gabriel looked back at him and swore Sam was blushing but it was too dark to tell for sure, "What? 'Cause I'm taking suggestions."

"Come here," Sam said. Gabriel walked over so he was beside Sam's bed. Then, with no warning whatsoever, Sam pulled him down next to him and nuzzled into the back of his hair, "How about this?"

Gabriel wasn't sure if his voice was working. In the end he managed to squeak out, "This works."

He knew he probably looked like a tomato right now. Sam, the same Sam he'd been crushing on for months, was CUDDLING HIM! Once his brain had started functioning properly again, a wide smile spread across his face and he buried his head in Sam's chest, wrapping his arms around him.

It was the best sleep he had ever had. And things only got better the next morning when he woke up in Sam's arms. And then Sam leaned down and kissed him.

"I really like you Gabe, wanna go on a date with me?"

"Course I do, Sammich. I really like you too."

That was the first night of many they spent in each other's arms.


AN - that was crap. I feel like I'm better at writing Destiel but nobody's read this to tell me anyways!

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